
Artemis is a powerful command line digital forensic and incident response (DFIR) tool that collects forensic data from Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints. Its primary focus is: speed, ease of use, and low resource usage.
Notable features so far:

  • Setup collections using basic TOML files
  • Parsing support for large amount of forensic artifacts (25+)
  • Output to JSON or JSONL file(s)
  • Can output results to local system or upload to cloud services.
  • Embedded JavaScript runtime via Deno
  • Can be used as a library via artemis-core
  • MIT license

The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive guide on how to use artemis and artemis-core.

Has this been tested on real incidents?


artemis is a new forensic tool written from scratch and it has not been tested in any production environment. It does however have an extensive test suite and has been carefully developed to make sure the data it produces is accurate.

If you are looking for a free and open-source forensic tool to lead an investigation, two (2) great options are:

During the development of artemis both of these tools were used to provide verification that the output of artemis is correct.
If you looking are for free and open-source forensic tool to add to your forensic toolkit or to casually review forensic data or compare the results of other forensic tools then artemis is a great option.

Over time as artemis matures, bugs are found and fixed, and feeback is given this statement will be updated when artemis ready to lead real world investigations.

artemis vs artemis-core

artemis is an executable that can be executed on Windows, macOS, or Linux systems.
artemis-core is a library that can be imported to an application to parse forensic data. artemis imports the artemis-core library to perform all of its forensic parsing.


You can find the source code on GitHub. If you find a bug feel free to open an issue. If you would like to contribute, please read the CONTRIBUTING guide prior to starting.


artemis, artemis-api, artemis-scripts, and this book are released under the MIT License


Currently only Windows, macOS, and Linux binaries from GitHub Releases are provided. For now these binaries are unsigned. Any other binaries from 3rd party services (, Homebrew, Chocolatey, etc) are unofficial. Support for additional distribution services may be considered in the future.

Supported Systems

Currently artemis has been tested on the following types of systems:

  • Windows 8.1 and higher. Arch: 64-bit
  • macOS Catalina and higher. Arch: 64-bit and ARM
  • Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch Linux. Arch: 64-bit and ARM

If you would like support for another OS or architecture please open an issue.

GitHub Releases

Once downloaded for you platform from GitHub, extract the binary from the archive and you should be able to start collecting forensic data!

Build from Source

You may also build artemis from source. In order build artemis you will need to install the Rust programming langague.
Instructions to install Rust can be found on the Rust Homepage.

Once Rust is installed you can download the source code for artemis using git:

git clone

Navigate to your downloaded repo and run:

cargo build

By default cargo builds a debug version of the binary. If you want to build the release version (recommended) of the binary run:

cargo build --release

The release version will be much faster and smaller than the debug version. The compiled binary will be located at:

  • <path to artemis repo>\target\debug\artemis for the debug version
  • <path to artemis repo>\target\release\artemis for the release version

CLI Options

artemis is designed to have a very simple CLI menu. Almost all of the code is in the artemis-core library. In fact the only things the artemis binary does is:

  • Provide the TOML collection file/data to the artemis-core library.
  • Provide CLI args

Running Artemis

Once you have installed artemis you can access its help menu with the command below:

artemis -h
Usage: artemis [OPTIONS]

  -t, --toml <TOML>              Full path to TOML collector
  -d, --decode <DECODE>          Base64 encoded TOML file
  -j, --javascript <JAVASCRIPT>  Full path to JavaScript file
  -h, --help                     Print help
  -V, --version                  Print version

As mentioned, the artemis binary is really just a small wrapper that provides a TOML collection definition to artemis-core. There are two (2) ways to provided TOML collections:

  • Provide the full path the TOML file on disk
  • base64 encode a TOML file and provide that as an argument

The artemis source code provides several pre-made TOML collection files that can used as examples.

For example on macOS we downloaded the processes.toml file from the artemis repo to the same directory as the macOS artemis binary and ran using sudo

sudo ./artemis -t processes.toml
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!

On Windows we downloaded the processes.toml file from the artemis repo to the same directory as the Windows artemis binary and ran using Administrator privileges

artemis.exe -t processes.toml
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!

Both processes.toml files tell artemis to output the results to a directory called tmp/process_collection in the current directory and output using jsonl format

└── process_collection
    └── d7f89e7b-fcd8-42e8-8769-6fe7eaf58bee.jsonl

To run the same collection except as a base64 encoded string on macOS we can do the following:

sudo ./artemis -d 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
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!

On Windows it would be (using Administrator privileges again):

artemis.exe -d 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
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!


You can also execute JavaScript code using artemis.

function getWinProcesses(md5, sha1, sha256, pe_info) {
  const hashes = {
  const data = Deno.core.ops.get_processes(
  const results = JSON.parse(data);
  return results;

// main.ts
function main() {
  const md5 = false;
  const sha1 = false;
  const sha256 = false;
  const pe_info = false;
  const proc_list = getWinProcesses(md5, sha1, sha256, pe_info);
  return proc_list;

Executing the above code

sudo ./artemis -j ../../artemis-core/tests/test_data/deno_scripts/vanilla.js
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[runtime]: "/usr/libexec/nesessionmanager"
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!

See section on Scripting to learn more!

Why does artemis need elevated privileges?

The goal for artemis is to parse endpoint forensic artifacts. Many of these artifacts can only be accessed with elevated privileges. If you try running artemis as a standard user, depending on what you want to collect you will encounter permission errors.

The artemis-core library does not and will never directly* modify anything on disk. It only writes results to a file if specified in the TOML collection.

* Modifying data

The main goal of most endpoint based live forensic tools is to collect data and not change anything on the endpoint. By not directly modifying files on disk we can accomplish most of this goal.

However, simply running a program on a computer can cause indirect changes to the OS that are outside of our control. Some of these indirect changes can include:

  • Allocating and deallocting memory
  • Logs generated by the OS when an application is executed
  • Analytics generated by the OS when an application is executed
  • Access timestamps are changed when opening a file for reading

Despite these indirect changes we should still be comfortable that the endpoint data collected by the artemis-core library was not directly modified by artemis-core and if we run a different program that program should get the same results as artemis-core (disregarding any changes made by the OS)

Collection Overview

In order to collect forensic data artemis needs a TOML collection that defines what data should be collected. This TOML collection can either be a file or a base64 encoded TOML file.

The core parts of a TOML collection are:

  • The target OS (Windows, macOS, or Linux)
  • The output configuration such as output and format type
  • A list of artifacts to collect


An example TOML collection is provided below:

system = "windows"

name = "amcache_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"
url = ""
api_key = ""
filter_name = ""
filter_script = ""
logging = "warn"

artifact_name = "amcache"
filter = true
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'C'
  • system Defines what OS this collection targets. This example targets windows systems. This collection will only run with the Windows version of artemis
  • [output] Defines the output configuration
    • name The output name. This can be any string value
    • directory The directory where the output should be written. This example outputs to a directory called tmp in the current working directory
    • format The output format can be either json or jsonl
    • compress Whether to compress the output with gzip compression. Once the collection is complete the output directory will be compressed with zip compression.
    • endpoint_id An ID assigned to the endpoint. This can be any string value
    • collection_id A number assigned to the collection. This can be any postive number
    • output The output type. Supports: local, gcp, aws, or azure
    • url The URL associated with either gcp, aws, or azure. This is required only if using remote upload output
    • api_key The API key associated with either gcp, aws, or azure. This is required only if using remote upload output
    • filter_name The name of the provided filter_script. This is optional but if you are using a filter_script you should provide a name. Otherwise the default name UnknownFilterName is used
    • filter_script An advanced optional output option, will pass the results of each [[artifacts]] entry into a script. See scripting section for detailed overview of this option.
    • logging Set the logging level for artemis. This is optional by default artemis will log errors and warnings. Valid options are: warn, error, debug, or info
  • [[artifacts]] A list of artifacts to collect
    • artifact_name Name of aritfact
    • filter Whether to filter the artifact data through the filter_script. This is optional by default nothing is filtered
    • [aritfacts.amcache] Artifact configuration parameters
      • alt_drive Use an alternative drive when collecting data. This parameter is optional

The example above collects one (1) artifact (Amcache) on a Windows system and outputs the results the local system at the path ./tmp/amcache_collection

If we wanted to collect more than one (1) artifact we could use a collection like the one below:

system = "windows"

name = "execution_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "amcache"

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"

The TOML collection above collects both amcache and shortcuts data on a Windows system and outputs the results to the local system at the path ./tmp/execution_collection.
Notable changes:
name our collection is now named execution_collection

artifact_name = "amcache"

Since the alt_drive parameter is optional for amcache we do not need to specifiy it

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"
  • [[artifacts]] The second entry in our list of artifacts to collect
    • artifact_name Name of aritfact
    • [aritfacts.shortcuts] Artifact configuration parameters
      • path Use the provided path to collect shortcuts data. This parameter is required

Since [[artifacts]] is a list we can even provide the same artifact multiple times:

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "D:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "E:\\Users\\rust\\Downloads"

However, providing the same artifact mutliple times can be repetitive. See the chapter on scripting to see how we can automate and enhance artifact collection using artemis and a tiny amount of JavaScript!

Finally you can review the full list of all supported artifacts and their configuration under the artifact chapter

Artemis Output Formats

artemis supports two (2) types of output formats: jsonl and json. Both types will output the results using a random uuid for the filename such as 68330d32-c35e-4d43-8655-1cb5e9d90b83.json

When you run artemis three (3) types of files will be generated:

  • <uuuid>.{json or jsonl} a unique filename dependent on the format selected. These files contain the artifact data output. Depending on the collection multiple <uuuid>.{json or jsonl} files will be created
  • <uuid>.log a log file containing any errors or warnings generated by artemis during the collection. Only one (1) per collection will exist
  • status.log a log file that maps the <uuuid>.{json or jsonl} to an artifact name. <uuuid>.{json or jsonl} also contains the artifact name. The status.log provides a quick way to see what files contain a specific artifact. Only one (1) per collection will exist

The json output from the amcache TOML collection from the previous page would look like the following:

  "metadata": {
    "endpoint_id": "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82",
    "id": 1,
    "uuid": "41bc55e4-bc7b-4798-8808-4351092595a5",
    "artifact_name": "amcache",
    "complete_time": 1680466070,
    "start_time": 1680466065,
    "hostname": "DESKTOP-UQQDFT8",
    "os_version": "11 (22000)",
    "platform": "Windows",
    "kernel_version": "22000",
    "load_performance": {
      "avg_one_min": 0.0,
      "avg_five_min": 0.0,
      "avg_fifteen_min": 0.0
  "data": [
      "first_execution": 1641252583,
      "path": "c:\\program files (x86)\\windows kits\\10\\debuggers\\x86\\1394\\1394kdbg.sys",
      "name": "1394kdbg.sys",
      "original_name": "1394dbg.sys",
      "version": "10.0.19041.685 (winbuild.160101.0800)",
      "binary_type": "pe32_i386",
      "product_version": "10.0.19041.685",
      "product_name": "microsoft® windows® operating system",
      "language": "",
      "file_id": "",
      "link_date": "10/28/2087 21:21:59",
      "path_hash": "1394kdbg.sys|2912931c5988cc06",
      "program_id": "00a68cd0bda5b35cd2f03e8556cad622f00000904",
      "size": "38352",
      "publisher": "microsoft corporation",
      "usn": "4010442296",
      "sha1": "",
      "reg_path": "{11517B7C-E79D-4e20-961B-75A811715ADD}\\Root\\InventoryApplicationFile\\1394kdbg.sys|2912931c5988cc06"

All artifacts parsed by artemis will be formatted similar to the output above.

  • metadata object that contains metadata about the system. All artifacts will contain a metadata object
    • endpoint_id The ID associated with the endpoint. This is from the TOML input
    • id The ID associated with the collection. This is from the TOML input
    • uuid Unique ID associated with the output
    • artifact_name The name of the artifact collected. This is from the TOML input
    • complete_time The time artemis completed parsing the data
    • start_time The time artemis started parsing the data
    • hostname The hostname of the endpoint
    • os_version Thes OS version of the endpoint
    • platform The platform of the endpoint. Ex: Windows or macOS
    • kernel_version The kernel version of the endpoint
    • load_performance The endpoint performance for one, five, and fifteen minutes. On Windows these values are always zero
      • avg_one_min Average load performance for one minute
      • avg_five_mine Average load performance for five minutes
      • avg_fifteen_min Average load performance for fifteen minutes
  • data object that contains the artifact specific data. See the artifact chapter for output structure for each artifact. If you execute JavaScript you can control what the data value is. For example you can return a string instead of an object. artemis uses serde to serialize the final output

This data would be saved in a <uuid>.json file

The jsonl output from the amcache TOML collection from the previous page would look like the following:

{"metadata":{"endpoint_id":"6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82","id":1,"artifact_name":"amcache","complete_time":1680467122,"start_time":1680467120,"hostname":"DESKTOP-UQQDFT8","os_version":"11 (22000)","platform":"Windows","kernel_version":"22000","load_performance":{"avg_one_min":0.0,"avg_five_min":0.0,"avg_fifteen_min":0.0},"uuid":"64702816-0f24-4e6e-a72a-118cb51c55b4"},"data":{"first_execution":1641252583,"path":"c:\\program files (x86)\\windows kits\\10\\debuggers\\x86\\1394\\1394kdbg.sys","name":"1394kdbg.sys","original_name":"1394dbg.sys","version":"10.0.19041.685 (winbuild.160101.0800)","binary_type":"pe32_i386","product_version":"10.0.19041.685","product_name":"microsoft® windows® operating system","language":"","file_id":"","link_date":"10/28/2087 21:21:59","path_hash":"1394kdbg.sys|2912931c5988cc06","program_id":"00a68cd0bda5b35cd2f03e8556cad622f00000904","size":"38352","publisher":"microsoft corporation","usn":"4010442296","sha1":"","reg_path":"{11517B7C-E79D-4e20-961B-75A811715ADD}\\Root\\InventoryApplicationFile\\1394kdbg.sys|2912931c5988cc06"}}
{"metadata":{"endpoint_id":"6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82","id":1,"artifact_name":"amcache","complete_time":1680467122,"start_time":1680467120,"hostname":"DESKTOP-UQQDFT8","os_version":"11 (22000)","platform":"Windows","kernel_version":"22000","load_performance":{"avg_one_min":0.0,"avg_five_min":0.0,"avg_fifteen_min":0.0},"uuid":"5afa02eb-1e11-48a0-993e-3bb852667db7"},"data":{"first_execution":1641252583,"path":"c:\\program files (x86)\\windows kits\\10\\debuggers\\x64\\1394\\1394kdbg.sys","name":"1394kdbg.sys","original_name":"1394dbg.sys","version":"10.0.19041.685 (winbuild.160101.0800)","binary_type":"pe64_amd64","product_version":"10.0.19041.685","product_name":"microsoft® windows® operating system","language":"","file_id":"","link_date":"11/30/2005 17:06:22","path_hash":"1394kdbg.sys|7e05880d5bf9d27b","program_id":"00a68cd0bda5b35cd2f03e8556cad622f00000904","size":"47568","publisher":"microsoft corporation","usn":"4010568800","sha1":"","reg_path":"{11517B7C-E79D-4e20-961B-75A811715ADD}\\Root\\InventoryApplicationFile\\1394kdbg.sys|7e05880d5bf9d27b"}}
{"metadata":{"endpoint_id":"6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82","id":1,"artifact_name":"amcache","complete_time":1680467122,"start_time":1680467120,"hostname":"DESKTOP-UQQDFT8","os_version":"11 (22000)","platform":"Windows","kernel_version":"22000","load_performance":{"avg_one_min":0.0,"avg_five_min":0.0,"avg_fifteen_min":0.0},"uuid":"bce5fccc-9f13-40cd-bebd-95a32ead119a"},"data":{"first_execution":1641252542,"path":"c:\\program files\\git\\mingw64\\bin\\ziptool.exe","name":"ziptool.exe","original_name":"","version":"","binary_type":"pe64_amd64","product_version":"","product_name":"","language":"","file_id":"","link_date":"01/01/1970 00:00:00","path_hash":"ziptool.exe|7269435f129e6e01","program_id":"01286cf3cc5f1d161abf355f10fee583c0000ffff","size":"162258","publisher":"","usn":"3869400664","sha1":"","reg_path":"{11517B7C-E79D-4e20-961B-75A811715ADD}\\Root\\InventoryApplicationFile\\ziptool.exe|7269435f129e6e01"}}
{"metadata":{"endpoint_id":"6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82","id":1,"artifact_name":"amcache","complete_time":1680467122,"start_time":1680467120,"hostname":"DESKTOP-UQQDFT8","os_version":"11 (22000)","platform":"Windows","kernel_version":"22000","load_performance":{"avg_one_min":0.0,"avg_five_min":0.0,"avg_fifteen_min":0.0},"uuid":"8437907f-53a4-43a2-8ff4-22acb3d06d72"},"data":{"first_execution":1641252542,"path":"c:\\program files\\git\\usr\\bin\\[.exe","name":"[.exe","original_name":"","version":"","binary_type":"pe64_amd64","product_version":"","product_name":"","language":"","file_id":"","link_date":"01/01/1970 00:00:00","path_hash":"[.exe|b6eac39997c90239","program_id":"01286cf3cc5f1d161abf355f10fee583c0000ffff","size":"68322","publisher":"","usn":"3870610520","sha1":"","reg_path":"{11517B7C-E79D-4e20-961B-75A811715ADD}\\Root\\InventoryApplicationFile\\[.exe|b6eac39997c90239"}}

The jsonl output is identical to json with the following differences:

  • The values in data are split into separate lines instead of an array
  • The uuid is unique for each json line

This data would be saved in a <uuid>.jsonl file

The <uuid>.log output from a collection contains any errors or warnings encountered during the collection.

The status.log output from a collection maps the <uuuid>.{json or jsonl} to an artifact name. A possible example from the macOS UnifiedLogs


As mentioned and seen above you can also check the actual <uuid>.{json or jsonl} files to find the artifact_name


If you choose to enable compression for the output artemis will compress each <uuid>.{json or jsonl} using gzip compression. The files will be saved as <uuid>.{json or jsonl}.gz. The log files are not compressed.

Once the collection is complete artemis will compress the whole output directory into a zip file and remove the output directory. Leaving only the zip file.

Since artemis is running using elevated privileges it uses a cautious approach to deleting its data:

  • It gets a list of files in its output directory and deletes files one at a time that end in: json, jsonl, gz, or log
  • Once all output files are deleted, it will delete the empty directory.

Remote Uploads

artemis has basic support for uploading collections to three (3) external cloud services:

  1. Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  2. Microsoft Azure
  3. Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Uploading collections to a remote serivce requires three (3) steps:

  1. Name of remote service. Valid options are: "gcp", "azure", "aws"
  2. URL to the remote service
  3. A base64 encoded API key formatted based on the remote service select in step 1.

An example TOML Collection is below:

system = "windows"

name = "shimcache_collection"
directory = "hostname"
format = "json"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "gcp"
url = "<INSERT BUCKET NAME>" # Make sure to include GCP Bucket name

artifact_name = "shimcache"


Currently artemis does not securely protect the remote API key. Make sure the account associated with the API has only permissions needed by artemis. The only permission(s) artemis requires is the ability create/write data to a bucket.
In addition, make sure the account only has access to a dedicated bucket for artemis.
For example:

  1. Create a bucket called artemis-uploads
  2. Create an an account called artemis-uploader and generate an API key
  3. Only allow the account artemis-uploader to upload data to artemis-uploads. It has no other access.

If you do not want to expose the remote API key, you can output the data to a local directory, network share, or external drive. Then upload the data using an alternative tool.


The GCP upload process is based on the upload process Velociraptor uses

High Level Steps:

  1. Create a bucket. Make sure the bucket is not public. This bucket will hold the data uploaded by artemis.
  2. Create a service account with no permissions.
  3. Create and download the service account key. This should be a JSON file.
  4. Assign the service account access to the newly created bucket. The service account should only need Storage Object Creator
  5. Base64 encode the service account JSON file
  6. Create TOML collection and use<BUCKETNAME> for your url. Use the base64 encoded string from step 5 as your api_key
  7. Execute artemis and provide TOML collection as either file or base64 encoded argument
  8. Delete the service account key once you are done collecting data using artemis

An example TOML Collection is below:

system = "windows"

name = "shimcache_collection"
directory = "dev-workstations"
format = "jsonl"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "gcp"
url = "" # Make sure to include GCP Bucket name

artifact_name = "shimcache"


The Azure upload process is based on the Azure Blob upload process Velociraptor uses

High level steps:

  1. Create a Storage Account
  2. Create a Container under the new Storage Account
  3. Add a Role Assignment to the Storage Account
  4. Generate a Shared Access Signature (SAS) Policy for the created Container in step 2. Make sure to only allow create and write access
  5. Copy the Blob SAS URL
  6. Create a TOML collection and use the Blob SAS URL for the url option
  7. Execute artemis and provide TOML collection as either file or base64 encoded argument

An example TOML Collection is below:

system = "windows"

name = "shimcache_collection"
directory = "dev-workstations"
format = "jsonl"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "gcp"
url = "" # Make sure to you copied the Blob SAS URL

artifact_name = "shimcache"


The AWS upload is based on the upload process Velociraptor uses

High level steps:

  1. Create a S3 bucket. Make sure the bucket is not public. This bucket will hold the data uploaded by artemis.
  2. Create a new user. This user does not need access to the AWS Console
  3. Create a new policy.
    • Only S3 PutObject permission is required
    • Limit the policy to only apply to the created bucket in step 1.
  4. Create a new User Group. Add user created in step 2. Apply policy created in Step 3.
  5. Create Access Keys for the user created in step 2. Create a JSON blob formatted like below:
  "bucket": "yourbucketname",
  "secret": "yoursecretfromyouraccount",
  "key": "yourkeyfromyouraccount",
  "region": "yourbucketregion"
  1. Create TOML collection and use for your url. Base64 encode the JSON blob from step 5 as your api_key
  2. Execute artemis and provide TOML collection as either file or base64 encoded argument
  3. Delete the API key once you are done collecting data using artemis

An example TOML Collection is below:

system = "windows"

name = "shimcache_collection"
directory = "dev-workstations"
format = "jsonl"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "aws"
url = ""

artifact_name = "shimcache"

Artifacts Overview

artemis supports over 20 different types of artifacts. All of these artifacts can be collected from a TOML collection or from a simple JavaScript script

A breakdown of artifacts by OS is below.

OSNumber of Artifacts


Currently artemis has been tested on Windows 8.1 and higher. artemis supports multiple complex binary artifacts on Windows such as:

  • NTFS - artemis can parse the raw NTFS disk using the ntfs crate
  • Registry - artemis can parse Registry files on disk
  • ESE - artemis can parse ESE database files on disk
  • Event Logs - artemis can parse Event Logs using the evtx crate

A main focus point of the library artemis-core is to make a best effort to not rely on the Windows APIs. Since artemis-core is a forensic focused library, we do not want to rely on APIs from a potentially compromised system.
However, artemis-core does use the Windows API for a handful of artifacts:

  • Processes - The sysinfo crate is used to pull a process listing using Windows APIs
  • Systeminfo - The sysinfo crate is also to get system information using Winodws APIs
  • The Windows API is also used to decompress proprietary Windows compression algorithms.
    • Both Prefetch and some NTFS files may be compressed, artemis-core will attempt to use Windows API to decompress these files


Windows Amcache stores metadata related to execution of Windows applications. Data is stored in the C:\Windows\appcompat\Programs\Amcache.hve Registry file. This Registry file also contains other metadata such as OS, hardware, and application info. However, artemis will only collect data related to the execution of Windows applications.
The Registry artifact may be used if you want to collect the full Registry data from Amcache.hve.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "amcache_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "amcache"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'D'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Amcache. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of Amcache entries

export interface Amcache {
  /**Timestamp when the application was first executed in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  first_execution: number;
  /**Path to application */
  path: string;
  /**Name of application */
  name: string;
  /**Original name of application from PE metadata */
  original_name: string;
  /**Version of application from PE metadata */
  version: string;
  /**Executable type and arch information */
  binary_type: string;
  /**Application product version from PE metadata */
  product_version: string;
  /**Application product name from PE metadata */
  product_name: string;
  /**Application language */
  language: string;
  /**Application file ID. This is also the SHA1 hash */
  file_id: string;
  /**Application linking timestamp as MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss*/
  link_date: string;
  /**Hash of application path */
  path_hash: string;
  /**Program ID associated with the application */
  program_id: string;
  /**Size of application */
  size: string;
  /**Application publisher from PE metadata */
  publisher: string;
  /**Application Update Seqeuence Number (USN) */
  usn: string;
  /**SHA1 hash of the first ~31MBs of the application */
  sha1: string;
  /**Path in the Amcache.hve file */
  reg_path: string;


Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is a service that allows applications and users to register jobs to upload/download file(s).
It is commonly used by applications to download updates. Starting on Windows 10 BITS data is stored in an ESE database. Pre-Windows 10 it is stored in a proprietary binary format
BITS data is stored at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr.db

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "bits_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "bits"
carve = true
# Optional
# alt_path = "D:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Network\\Downloader\\qmgr.db"

Collection Options

  • carve Boolean value to carve deleted BITS jobs and files from qmgr.db
  • alt_path Use an alternative path to the qmgr.db file. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use %systemdrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr.db

Output Structure

A Bits object that contains an array of jobs and carved jobs and files

export interface Bits {
  /**Array of data containing BITS info */
  bits: BitsInfo[];
  /**Array of carved jobs */
  carved_jobs: Jobs[];
  /**Array of carved files */
  carved_files: Files[];

 * Combination of parsed Jobs and File info from BITS
export interface BitsInfo {
  /**ID for the Job */
  job_id: string;
  /**ID for the File */
  file_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the Job */
  owner_sid: string;
  /**Timestamp when the Job was created in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Timestamp when the Job was modified in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  modified: number;
  /**Timestamp when the Job was completed in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  completed: number;
  /**Timestamp when the Job was expired in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  expiration: number;
  /**Files associated with the Job */
  files_total: number;
  /**Number of bytes downloaded */
  bytes_downloaded: number;
  /**Number of bytes transferred */
  bytes_transferred: number;
  /**Name associated with Job */
  job_name: string;
  /**Description associated with Job */
  job_description: string;
  /**Commands associated with Job */
  job_command: string;
  /**Arguments associated with Job */
  job_arguments: string;
  /**Error count with the Job */
  error_count: number;
  /**BITS Job type */
  job_type: string;
  /**BITS Job state */
  job_state: string;
  /**Job priority */
  priority: string;
  /**BITS Job flags */
  flags: string;
  /**HTTP Method associated with Job */
  http_method: string;
  /**Full file path associated with Job */
  full_path: string;
  /**Filename associated with Job */
  filename: string;
  /**Target file path associated with Job */
  target_path: string;
  /**TMP file path associated with the JOb */
  tmp_file: string;
  /**Volume path associated with the file */
  volume: string;
  /**URL associated with the Job */
  url: string;
  /**If the BITS info was carved */
  carved: boolean;
  /**Transient error count with Job */
  transient_error_count: number;
  /**Permissions associated with the Job */
  acls: AccessControl[];
  /**Job timeout in seconds */
  timeout: number;
  /**Job retry delay in seconds */
  retry_delay: number;
  /**Additional SIDs associated with Job */
  additional_sids: string[];

 * Jobs from BITS
export interface Jobs {
  /**ID for the Job */
  job_id: string;
  /**ID for the File */
  file_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the Job */
  owner_sid: string;
  /**Timestamp when the Job was created in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Timestamp when the Job was modified in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  modified: number;
  /**Timestamp when the Job was completed in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  completed: number;
  /**Timestamp when the Job was expired in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  expiration: number;
  /**Name associated with Job */
  job_name: string;
  /**Description associated with Job */
  job_description: string;
  /**Commands associated with Job */
  job_command: string;
  /**Arguments associated with Job */
  job_arguments: string;
  /**Error count with the Job */
  error_count: number;
  /**BITS Job type */
  job_type: string;
  /**BITS Job state */
  job_state: string;
  /**Job priority */
  priority: string;
  /**BITS Job flags */
  flags: string;
  /**HTTP Method associated with Job */
  http_method: string;
  /**Transient error count with Job */
  transient_error_count: number;
  /**Permissions associated with the Job */
  acls: AccessControl[];
  /**Job timeout in seconds */
  timeout: number;
  /**Job retry delay in seconds */
  retry_delay: number;

 * File(s) associated with Jobs
export interface Files {
  /**ID for the File */
  file_id: string;
  /**Files associated with the JOb */
  files_transferred: number;
  /**Number of bytes downloaded */
  download_bytes_size: number;
  /**Number of bytes transferred */
  trasfer_bytes_size: number;
  /**Fulll file path associated with Job */
  full_path: string;
  /**Filename associated with Job */
  filename: string;
  /**Target file path associated with Job */
  target_path: string;
  /**TMP file path associated with the JOb */
  tmp_file: string;
  /**Volume path associated with the file */
  volume: string;
  /**URL associated with the Job */
  url: string;

Event Logs

Windows Event Logs are the primary files associated with logging system activity. They are stored in a binary format, typically at C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "eventlog_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "eventlogs"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Event Logs. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of EventLogRecord entries

export interface EventLogRecord {
  /**Event record number */
  record_id: number;
  /**Timestamp of eventlog message in UNIXEPOCH nanoseconds */
  timestamp: number;
   * JSON object representation of the Eventlog message
   * Depending on the log the JSON object may have different types of keys
   * Example entry:
   * ```
   * "data": {
   *     "Event": {
   *         "#attributes": {
   *             "xmlns": ""
   *         },
   *         "System": {
   *            "Provider": {
   *               "#attributes": {
   *                   "Name": "Microsoft-Windows-Bits-Client",
   *                   "Guid": "EF1CC15B-46C1-414E-BB95-E76B077BD51E"
   *                 }
   *             },
   *             "EventID": 3,
   *             "Version": 3,
   *             "Level": 4,
   *             "Task": 0,
   *             "Opcode": 0,
   *             "Keywords": "0x4000000000000000",
   *             "TimeCreated": {
   *                 "#attributes": {
   *                   "SystemTime": "2022-10-31T04:24:19.946430Z"
   *                  }
   *              },
   *             "EventRecordID": 2,
   *             "Correlation": null,
   *             "Execution": {
   *                 "#attributes": {
   *                     "ProcessID": 1332,
   *                     "ThreadID": 780
   *                 }
   *             },
   *             "Channel": "Microsoft-Windows-Bits-Client/Operational",
   *             "Computer": "DESKTOP-EIS938N",
   *             "Security": {
   *                 "#attributes": {
   *                     "UserID": "S-1-5-18"
   *                 }
   *             }
   *         },
   *         "EventData": {
   *             "jobTitle": "Font Download",
   *             "jobId": "174718A5-F630-43D9-B378-728240ECE152",
   *             "jobOwner": "NT AUTHORITY\\LOCAL SERVICE",
   *             "processPath": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\svchost.exe",
   *             "processId": 1456,
   *             "ClientProcessStartKey": 844424930132016
   *         }
   *     }
   * }
   * ```
  data: Record<string, unknown>;


A regular Windows filelisting. artemis uses the walkdir crate to recursively walk the files and directories on the system. If hashing or PE parsing is enabled this will update the Last Accessed timestamps on files since the native OS APIs are used to access the files and it will fail on any locked files. Use RawFiles to bypass locked files.
The standard Rust API does not support getting Changed/Entry Modified timestamp on Windows. Use RawFiles to include the Changed/Entry Modified timestamp.
Since a filelisting can be extremely large every 100k entries artemis will output the data and then continue.

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that can recursively list files and directories


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "files_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "files" # Name of artifact
start_path = "C:\\Windows" # Where to start the listing
# Optional
depth = 1 # How many sub directories to descend
# Optional
metadata = true # Get PE metadata
# Optional
md5 = true # MD5 all files
# Optional
sha1 = false # SHA1 all files
# Optional
sha256 = false # SHA256 all files
# Optional
path_regex = "" # Regex for paths
# Optional
file_regex = "" # Regex for files

Collection Options

  • start_path Where to start the file listing. Must exist on the endpoint. To start at root use C:\\. This configuration is required
  • depth Specify how many directories to descend from the start_path. Default is one (1). Must be a postive number. Max value is 255. This configuration is optional
  • metadata Get PE data from PE files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • md5 Boolean value to enable MD5 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha1 Boolean value to enable SHA1 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha256 Boolean value to enable SHA256 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • path_regex Only descend into paths (directories) that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex
  • file_regex Only return entres that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex

Output Structure

An array of WindowsFileInfo entries

export interface WindowsFileInfo {
  /**Full path to file or directory */
  full_path: string;
  /**Directory path */
  directory: string;
  /**Filename */
  filename: string;
  /**Extension of file if any */
  extension: string;
  /**Created timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Modified timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  modified: number;
  /**Changed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  changed: number;
  /**Accessed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  accessed: number;
  /**Size of file in bytes */
  size: number;
  /**Inode associated with entry */
  inode: number;
  /**Mode of file entry */
  mode: number;
  /**User ID associated with file */
  uid: number;
  /**Group ID associated with file */
  gid: number;
  /**MD5 of file */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 of file */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 of file */
  sha256: string;
  /**Is the entry a file */
  is_file: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a directory */
  is_directory: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a symbolic links */
  is_symlink: boolean;
  /**Depth the file from provided start poin */
  depth: number;
  /**PE binary metadata */
  binary_info: PeInfo[];


Windows Jumplists files track opened files via applications in the Taskbar or Start Menu. Jumplists are actually a collection of embedded Shortcut files and therefore can show evidence of file interaction.

There are two (2) types of Jumplist files:

  • Custom - Files that are pinned to Taskbar applications
  • Automatic - Files that are not pinned to Taskbar applications

Other parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "jumplists_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "jumplists"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Jumplists. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of Jumplists entries

export interface Jumplists {
  /**Path to Jumplist file */
  path: string;
  /**Jupmlist type. Custom or Automatic */
  jumplist_type: string;
  /**Application ID for Jumplist file */
  app_id: string;
  /**Metadata associated with Jumplist entry */
  jumplist_metadata: DestEntries;
  /**Shortcut information for Jumplist entry */
  lnk_info: Shortcut;

 * Metadata associated with Jumplist entry
interface DestEntries {
   * Digital Record Object Identification (DROID) used to track lnk file
  droid_volume_id: string;
   * Digital Record Object Identification (DROID) used to track lnk file
  droid_file_id: string;
   * Digital Record Object Identification (DROID) used to track lnk file
  birth_droid_volume_id: string;
   * Digital Record Object Identification (DROID) used to track lnk file
  birth_droid_file_id: string;
  /**Hostname associated with Jumplist entry */
  hostname: string;
  /**Jumplist entry number */
  entry: number;
  /**Modified timestamp of Jumplist entry in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  modified: number;
  /**Status if Jumplist entry is pinned. `Pinned` or `NotPinned` */
  pin_status: string;
  /**Path associated with Jumplist entry */
  path: string;

Portable Executable

Windows Portable Executable (PE) is executable format for applications on Windows. artemis is able to parse basic metadata from PE files using the pelite crate.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

There is no way to collect just PE data with artemis instead it is an optional feature for the Windows filelisting, rawfilelisting, and processes artifacts.
However, it is possible to directly parse PE files by using JavaScript. See the scripts chapter for examples.

Collection Optaions


Output Structure

An object containing PE info

export interface PeInfo {
  /**Array of imported DLLs */
  imports: string[];
  /**Array of section names */
  sections: string[];
  /**Base64 encoded certificate information */
  cert: string;
  /**Path to PDB file */
  pdb: string;
  /**PE product version */
  product_version: string;
  /**PE file version */
  file_version: string;
  /**PE product name */
  product_name: string;
  /**PE company name */
  company_name: string;
  /**PE file description */
  file_description: string;
  /**PE internal name */
  internal_name: string;
  /**PE copyright */
  legal_copyright: string;
  /**PE original filename */
  original_filename: string;
  /**PE manifest info */
  manifest: string;
  /**Array of base64 icons */
  icons: string[];


Windows Prefetch data tracks execution of applications on Windows Workstations. Prefetch files are typically located at C:\Windows\Prefetch. On Windows servers Prefetch is disabled and may also be disabled on systems with SSDs. Starting on Windows 10, the Prefetch files are compressed using LZXPRESS Huffman. artemis uses the Windows API to decompress the data before parsing Prefetch fiels

Other Parsers:

References: Libyal

TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "prefetch_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "prefetch"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'D'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Prefetch. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of Prefetch entries

export interface Prefetch {
  /**Path to prefetch file */
  path: string;
  /**Name of executed file */
  filename: string;
  /**Prefetch hash */
  hash: string;
  /**Most recent execution timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_run_time: number;
  /**Array of up to eight (8) execution timestamps in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  all_run_times: number[];
  /**Number of executions */
  run_count: number;
  /**Size of executed file */
  size: number;
  /**Array of volume serial numbers associated with accessed files/directories */
  volume_serial: string[];
  /**Array of volume creation timestamps in UNIXEPOCH seconds associated with accessed files/directories */
  volume_creation: number[];
  /**Array of volumes associated accessed files/directories */
  volume_path: string[];
  /**Number of files accessed by executed file */
  accessed_file_count: number;
  /**Number of directories accessed by executed file */
  accessed_directories_count: number;
  /**Array of accessed files by executed file */
  accessed_files: string[];
  /**Array of accessed directories by executed file */
  accessed_directories: string[];


Gets a standard process listing using the Windows API

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that calls the Windows API or can parse the raw Windows memory


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "processes_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "processes"
metadata = true 
# MD5 hash process binary
md5 = true
# SHA1 hash process binary
sha1 = false
# SHA256 hash process binary
sha256 = false

Collection Options

  • metadata Get PE data from process binary.
  • md5 Boolean value to MD5 hash process binary
  • sha1 Boolean value to SHA1 hash process binary
  • sha256 Boolean value to SHA256 hash process binary

Output Structure

An array of WindowsProcessInfo entries

export interface WindowsProcessInfo {
  /**Full path to the process binary */
  full_path: string;
  /**Name of process */
  name: string;
  /**Path to process binary */
  path: string;
  /** Process ID */
  pid: number;
  /** Parent Process ID */
  ppid: number;
  /**Environment variables associated with process */
  environment: string;
  /**Status of the process */
  status: string;
  /**Process arguments */
  arguments: string;
  /**Process memory usage */
  memory_usage: number;
  /**Process virtual memory usage */
  virtual_memory_usage: number;
  /**Process start time in UNIXEPOCH seconds*/
  start_time: number;
  /** User ID associated with process */
  uid: string;
  /**Group ID associated with process */
  gid: string;
  /**MD5 hash of process binary */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 hash of process binary */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 hash of process binary */
  sha256: string;
  /**PE metadata asssociated with process binary */
  binary_info: PeInfo[];

Raw Files

A raw Windows filelisting by parsing the NTFS file system using the ntfs crate to recursively walk the files and directories on the system. If hashing or PE parsing is enabled this will also read the file contents. Raw Files also supports decompressing compressed files with the WofCompression alternative data stream (ADS) attribute.
Since a filelisting can be extremely large every 100k entries artemis will output the data and then continue.

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that parse the NTFS file system


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "ntfs_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "rawfiles"
drive_letter = 'C'
start_path = "C:\\"
depth = 20
recover_indx = false
# Optional
metadata = true # Get PE metadata
# Optional
md5 = false
# Optional
sha1 = false
# Optional
sha256 = false
# Optional
metadata = false
# Optional
path_regex = ""
# Optional
filename_regex = ""

Collection Options

  • drive_letter Drive letter to use to parse the NTFS file system. This configuration is required
  • start_path Directory to start walking the filesystem. This configuration is required
  • depth How many directories to descend from the start_path. Must be a postive number. Max value is 255. This configuration is required
  • recover_indx Boolean value to carve deleted entries from the $INDX attribute. Can show evidence of deleted files
  • metadata Get PE data from PE files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • md5 Boolean value to enable MD5 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha1 Boolean value to enable SHA1 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha256 Boolean value to enable SHA256 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • path_regex Only descend into paths (directories) that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex
  • file_regex Only return entres that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex

Output Structure

An array of WindowsRawFileInfo entries

export interface RawFileInfo {
  /**Full path to file or directory */
  full_path: string;
  /**Directory path */
  directory: string;
  /**Filename */
  filename: string;
  /**Extension of file if any */
  extension: string;
  /**Created timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Modified timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  modified: number;
  /**Changed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  changed: number;
  /**Accessed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  accessed: number;
  /**Filename created timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  filename_created: number;
  /**Filename modified timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  filename_modified: number;
  /**Filename accessed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  filename_accessed: number;
  /**Filename changed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  filename_changed: number;
  /**Size of file in bytes */
  size: number;
  /**Size of file if compressed */
  compressed_size: number;
  /**Compression type used on file */
  compression_type: string;
  /**Inode entry */
  inode: number;
  /**Sequence number for entry */
  sequence_number: number;
  /**Parent MFT reference for entry */
  parent_mft_references: number;
  /**Attributes associated with entry */
  attributess: string[];
  /**MD5 of file. Optional */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 of file. Optional */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 of file. Optional */
  sha256: string;
  /**Is the entry a file */
  is_file: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a directory */
  is_directory: boolean;
  /** Is the entry carved from $INDX */
  is_indx: boolean;
  /**USN entry */
  usn: number;
  /**SID number associated with entry */
  sid: number;
  /**SID  string associated with entry*/
  user_sid: string;
  /**Group SID associated with enry */
  group_sid: string;
  /**Drive letter */
  drive: string;
  /**ADS info associated with entry */
  ads_info: AdsInfo[];
  /**Depth the file from provided start point*/
  depth: number;
  /**PE binary metadata. Optional */
  binary_info: PeInfo[];

 * Alternative Data Streams (ADS) are a NTFS feature to embed data in another data stream
export interface AdsInfo {
  /**Name of the ADS entry */
  name: string;
  /**Size of the ADS entry */
  size: number;


Windows RecycleBin is a special folder on Windows that stores files deleted using the Explorer GUI. When a file is deleted (via Explorer) two types files are generated in the RecycleBin:

  • Files that begin with $I<number>.<original extension>. Contains metadata about deleted file
  • Files that begin with $R<number>.<original extension>. Contents of deleted file

Currently artemis supports parsing the $I based files using the standard Windows APIs to read the file for parsing. It does not try to recover files that have been deleted/emptied from the RecycleBin

Other parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "recyclebin_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "recyclebin"
# alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing RecycleBin. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of RecycleBin entries

export interface RecycleBin {
  /**Size of deleted file */
  size: number;
  /**Deleted timestamp of file in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  deleted: number;
  /**Name of deleted file */
  filename: string;
  /**Full path to the deleted file */
  full_path: string;
  /**Directory associated with deleted file */
  directory: string;
  /**SID associated with the deleted file */
  sid: string;
  /**Path to the file in the Recycle Bin */
  recycle_path: string;


Windows Registry is a collection of binary files that store Windows configuration settings and OS information. There are multiple Registry files on a system such as:

  • C:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM
  • C:\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE
  • C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM
  • C:\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY
  • C:\Users\%\NTUSER.DAT
  • C:\Users\%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat

Other Parser:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "registry_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "registry" # Parses the whole Registry file
user_hives = true # All NTUSER.DAT and UsrClass.dat
system_hives = true # SYSTEM, SOFTWARE, SAM, SECURITY
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'D'
# Optional
# path_regex = "" # Registry is converted to lowercase before all comparison operations. So any regex input will also be converted to lowercase

Collection Options

  • user_hives Parse all user Registry files NTUSER.DAT and UsrClass.dat. This configuration is required
  • system_hives Parse all system Registry files SYSTEM, SAM, SOFTWARE, SECURITY. This configuration is required
  • alt_drive Use an alternative driver. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)
  • path_regex Only return Registry keys that match provided path_regex. All comparisons are first converted to lowercase. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex

Output Structure

An array of RegistryData entries for each parsed Registry file

export interface RegistryData {
  /**Path to Registry file */
  registry_path: string;
  /**Registry file name */
  registry_file: string;
  /**Array of Registry entries */
  registry_entries: Registry[];

 * Inteface representing the parsed `Registry` structure
export interface Registry {
   * Full path to `Registry` key and name.
   * Ex: ` ROOT\...\CurrentVersion\Run`
  path: string;
   * Path to Key
   * Ex: ` ROOT\...\CurrentVersion`
  key: string;
   * Key name
   * Ex: `Run`
  name: string;
   * Values associated with key name
   * Ex: `Run => Vmware`. Where Run is the `key` name and `Vmware` is the value name
  values: Value[];
  /**Timestamp of when the path was last modified */
  last_modified: number;
  /**Depth of key name */
  depth: number;

 * The value data associated with Registry key
 * References:
export interface Value {
  /**Name of Value */
  value: string;
   * Data associated with value. All types are strings by default. The real type can be determined by `data_type`.
   * `REG_BINARY` is a base64 encoded string
  data: string;
   * Value type.
   * Full list of types at:
  data_type: string;

Scheduled Tasks

Windows Scheduled Tasks are a common form of persistence on Windows systems. There are two (2) types of Scheduled Task files:

  • XML based files
  • Job based files

artemis supports both formats. Starting on Windows Vista and higher XML files are used for Scheduled Tasks.

Other Parsers:

  • Any XML reader
  • Velociraptor (Only supports XML Scheduled Tasks)


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "tasks_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "tasks"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Scheduled Tasks. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

Collection of TaskData

export interface TaskData {
  /**Array of `TaskXml` parsed XML files */
  tasks: TaskXml[];
  /**Array of `TaskJob` parsed Job files */
  jobs: TaskJob[];

 * JSON representation of the Task XML schema.
 * Most of the schema is Optional. Only `Actions` is required
export interface TaskXml {
  /**Registration Info about the Task */
  registrationInfo?: RegistrationInfo;
  /**Triggers that start the Task */
  triggers?: Triggers;
  /**Settings for the Task */
  settings?: Settings;
  /**Base64 encoded raw binary data associated with the Task */
  data?: string;
  /**Principal user information related to the Task */
  principals?: Principals;
  /**Actions executed by the Task */
  actions: Actions;
  /**Path to the XML file */
  path: string;

 * Parsed information about the Job file
export interface TaskJob {
  /**ID associated with the Task */
  job_id: string;
  /**Error retry count for the Task */
  error_retry_count: number;
  /**Error retry interval for the Task */
  error_retry_interval: number;
  /**Idle deadlin for Task */
  idle_deadline: number;
  /**Idle wait for Task */
  idle_wait: number;
  /**Task Priority */
  priority: string;
  /**Max run time for Task */
  max_run_time: number;
  /**Task Exit code */
  exit_code: number;
  /**Task Status */
  status: string;
  /**Flags associated with Task */
  flags: string[];
  /**Last run time for Task in LOCALTIME */
  system_time: string;
  /**Running count for Task */
  running_instance_count: number;
  /**Application name associated with Task */
  application_name: string;
  /**Parameters for application */
  parameters: string;
  /**Working directory associated with Task */
  working_directory: string;
  /**Creator of Task */
  author: string;
  /**Comments associated with Task */
  comments: string;
  /**Base64 encoded User data associatd with Task */
  user_data: string;
  /**Start Error associated with Task */
  start_error: number;
  /**Triggers that start the Task */
  triggers: JobTriggers[];
  /**Path to Job file */
  path: string;

 * Triggers associated with Job file
interface JobTriggers {
  /**Task start date */
  start_date: string;
  /**Task end date */
  end_date: string;
  /**Task start time */
  start_time: string;
  /**Task duration */
  duration: number;
  /**Task interval */
  interval_mins: number;
  /**Array of trigger flags */
  flags: string[];
  /**Array of trigger types */
  types: string[];

 * Registration Info related to Task XML
interface RegistrationInfo {
  /**URI associated with  */
  uri?: string;
  /**SID associated with Task */
  sid?: string;
  /**Source of Task */
  source?: string;
  /**Creation OR Modification of Task */
  date?: string;
  /**Creator of Task */
  author?: string;
  /**Version level of Task */
  version?: string;
  /**User-friendly description of Task */
  description?: string;
  /**URI of external documentation for Task */
  documentation?: string;

 * Triggers that active the Task
interface Triggers {
  /**Boot triggers for Task */
  boot: BootTrigger[];
  /**Regirstration triggers for Task. Format is exactly same as BootTriger*/
  registration: BootTrigger[];
  /**Idle triggers for Task */
  idle: IdleTrigger[];
  /**Time triggers for Task */
  time: TimeTrigger[];
  /**Event triggers for Task */
  event: EventTrigger[];
  /**Logon triggers for Task */
  logon: LogonTrigger[];
  /**Session triggers for Task */
  session: SessionTrigger[];
  /**Calendar triggers for Task */
  calendar: CalendarTrigger[];
  /**Windows Notifications triggers for Trask */
  wnf: WnfTrigger[];

 * Most Triggers have a collection of common options
interface BaseTriggers {
  /**ID for trigger */
  id?: string;
  /**Start date for Task */
  start_boundary?: string;
  /**End date for Task */
  end_boundary?: string;
  /**Bool value to activate Trigger */
  enabled?: boolean;
  /**Time limit for Task */
  execution_time_limit?: string;
  /**Repetition for Task */
  repetition?: Repetition;

 * Repetition Options for Triggers
interface Repetition {
  /**Trigger restart intervals */
  interval: string;
  /**Repetition can stop after duration has elapsed */
  duration?: string;
  /**Task can stop at end of duration */
  stop_at_duration_end?: boolean;

 * Boot options to Trigger Task
interface BootTrigger {
  /**Base Triggers associated with Boot */
  common?: BaseTriggers;
  /**Task delayed after boot */
  delay?: string;

 * Idle options to Trigger Task
interface IdleTrigger {
  /**Base Triggers associated with Idle */
  common?: BaseTriggers;

 * Time options to Trigger Task
interface TimeTrigger {
  /**Base Triggers associated with Time */
  common?: BaseTriggers;
  /**Delay time for `start_boundary` */
  random_delay?: string;

 * Event options to Trigger Task
interface EventTrigger {
  /**Base Triggers associated with Event */
  common?: BaseTriggers;
  /**Array of subscriptions that can Trigger the Task */
  subscription: string[];
  /**Delay to Trigger the Task */
  delay?: string;
  /**Trigger can start Task after `number_of_occurrences` */
  number_of_occurrences?: number;
  /**Trigger can start Task after `period_of_occurrence` */
  period_of_occurrence?: string;
  /**Specifies XML field name */
  matching_element?: string;
  /**Specifies set of XML elements */
  value_queries?: string[];

 * Logon options to Trigger Task
interface LogonTrigger {
  /**Base Triggers associated with Logon */
  common?: BaseTriggers;
  /**Account name associated with Logon Trigger */
  user_id?: string;
  /**Delay Logon Task Trigger */
  delay?: string;

 * Session options to Trigger Task
interface SessionTrigger {
  /**Base Triggers associated with Session */
  common?: BaseTriggers;
  /**Account name associated with Session Trigger */
  user_id?: string;
  /**Delay Session Task Trigger */
  delay?: string;
  /**Session change that Triggers Task */
  state_change?: string;

 * Windows Notification options to Trigger Task
interface WnfTrigger {
  /**Base Triggers associated with Windows Notification */
  common?: BaseTriggers;
  /**Notification State name */
  state_name: string;
  /**Delay Notification Trigger Task */
  delay?: string;
  /**Data associated with Notification Trigger */
  data?: string;
  /**Offset associated with Notification Trigger */
  data_offset?: string;

 * Calendar Options to Trigger Task
interface CalendarTrigger {
  /**Base Triggers associated with Calendar */
  common?: BaseTriggers;
  /**Delay Calendar Trigger Task */
  random_delay?: string;
  /**Run Task on every X number of days */
  schedule_by_day?: ByDay;
  /**Run Task on every X number of weeks */
  schedule_by_week?: ByWeek;
  /**Run Task on specific days of month */
  schedule_by_month?: ByMonth;
  /**Run Task on specific weeks on specific days */
  schedule_by_month_day_of_week?: ByMonthDayWeek;

 * How often to run Task by days
interface ByDay {
  /**Run Task on X number of days. Ex: Two (2) means every other day */
  days_interval?: number;

 * How often to run Task by Weeks
interface ByWeek {
  /**Run Task on X number of weeks. Ex: Two (2) means every other week */
  weeks_interval?: number;
  /**Runs on specified days of the week. Ex: Monday, Tuesday */
  days_of_week?: string[];

 * How often to run Task by Months
interface ByMonth {
  /**Days of month to run Task */
  days_of_month?: string[];
  /**Months to run Task. Ex: July, August */
  months?: string[];

/**How often to run Tasks by Months and Weeks */
interface ByMonthDayWeek {
  /**Weeks of month to run Task */
  weeks?: string[];
  /**Days of month to run Task */
  days_of_week?: string[];
  /**Months to run Task */
  months?: string[];

 * Settings determine how to run Task Actions
interface Settings {
  /**Start Task on demans */
  allow_start_on_demand?: boolean;
  /**Restart if fails */
  restart_on_failure?: RestartType;
  /**Determines how Windows handles multiple Task executions */
  multiple_instances_policy?: string;
  /**Disable Task on battery power */
  disallow_start_if_on_batteries?: boolean;
  /**Stop Task if going on battery power */
  stop_if_going_on_batteries?: boolean;
  /**Task can be terminated if time limts exceeded */
  allow_hard_terminate?: boolean;
  /**If scheduled time is missed, Task may be started */
  start_when_available?: boolean;
  /**Run based on network profile name */
  newtork_profile_name?: string;
  /**Run only if network connection available */
  run_only_if_network_available?: boolean;
  /**Wake system from standby or hibernate to run */
  wake_to_run?: boolean;
  /**Task is enabled */
  enabled?: boolean;
  /**Task is hidden from console or GUI */
  hidden?: boolean;
  /**Delete Task after specified duration and no future run times */
  delete_expired_tasks_after?: string;
  /**Options to run when Idle */
  idle_settings?: IdleSettings;
  /**Network settings to run */
  network_settings?: NetworkSettings;
  /**Taks execution time limit */
  execution_time_limit?: string;
  /**Task Priority. Lowest is 1. Highest is 10 */
  priority?: number;
  /**Only run if system is Idle */
  run_only_if_idle?: boolean;
  /**Use unified scheduling engine to handle Task execution */
  use_unified_scheduling_engine?: boolean;
  /**Task is disabled on Remote App Sessions */
  disallow_start_on_remote_app_session?: boolean;
  /**Options to run Task during system maintence periods */
  maintence_settings?: MaintenceSettings;
  /**Task disabled on next OS startup */
  volatile?: boolean;

 * Restart on failure options
interface RestartType {
  /**Duration between restarts */
  interval: string;
  /**Number of restart attempts */
  count: number;

 * Idle options
interface IdleSettings {
  /**Task may be delayed up until specified duration */
  duration?: string;
  /**Task will wait for system to become idle */
  wait_timeout?: string;
  /**Task stops if system is no longer Idle */
  stop_on_idle_end?: boolean;
  /**Task restarts when system returns to Idle */
  restart_on_idle?: boolean;

 * Network options
interface NetworkSettings {
  /**Task runs only on specified network name */
  name?: string;
  /**GUID associated with `NetworkSettings` */
  id?: string;

 * Maintence options
interface MaintenceSettings {
  /**Duration of maintence */
  period: string;
  /**Deadline for Task to run */
  deadline?: string;
  /**Task can run idependently of other Tasks with `MaintenceSettings` */
  exclusive?: boolean;

 * SID data associated with Task
interface Principals {
  /**Principal name for running the Task */
  user_id?: string;
  /**Determines if Task run on logon */
  logon_type?: string;
  /**Group ID associated with Task. Task can be triggered by anyone in Group ID */
  group_id?: string;
  /**Friendly name of the principal */
  display_name?: string;
  /**Privilege level of Task */
  run_level?: string;
  /**Process Token SID associated with Task */
  process_token_sid_type?: string;
  /**Array of privlege value */
  required_privileges?: string[];
  /**Unique user selected ID */
  id_attribute?: string;

 * Actions run by the Task
interface Actions {
  /**Executes one or more commands */
  exec: ExecType[];
  /**COM handler to execute */
  com_handler: ComHandlerType[];
  /**Send an email */
  send_email: SendEmail[];
  /**Display a message */
  show_message: Message[];

 * Command options
interface ExecType {
  /**Command to execute */
  command: string;
  /**Arguements for command */
  arguments?: string;
  /**Path to a directory */
  working_directory?: string;

 * COM options
interface ComHandlerType {
  /**COM GUID */
  class_id: string;
  /**XML data for COM */
  data?: string;

 * SendEmail options
interface SendEmail {
  /**Email server domain */
  server?: string;
  /**Subject of email */
  subject?: string;
  /**Who should received email */
  to?: string;
  /**Who should be CC'd */
  cc?: string;
  /**Who should be BCC'd */
  bcc?: string;
  /**Reply to email address */
  reply_to?: string;
  /**The sender email address */
  from: string;
  /**Custom header fields to include in email */
  header_fields?: Record<string, string>;
  /**Email message body */
  body?: string;
  /**List of files to be attached */
  attachment?: string[];

 * Message options
interface Message {
  /**Title of message */
  title?: string;
  /**Message body */
  body: string;


Windows Search is an indexing service for tracking files and content on Windows.
Search can parse a large amount of metadata (properties) for each entry it indexes. It has almost 600 different types of properties it can parse. It can even index part of the contents of a file.

Search can index large parts of the file system, so parsing the Search database can provide a partial file listing of the system. Search is disabled on Windows Servers and starting on newer versions of Windows 11 it can be stored in three (3) SQLITE databases (previously was a single ESE database)
The Search database can get extremely large (4GB+ sizes have been seen). The larger the ESE database the more resources artemis needs to parse the data.
Similar to the filelisting artifact, every 100k entries artemis will output the data and then continue.

Other parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "search_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "search"
# Optional
# alt_path = "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb"

Collection Options

  • alt_path An alternative path to the Search ESE or SQLITE database. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use %systemdrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb

Output Structure

An array of SearchEntry entries

export interface SearchEntry {
  /**Index ID for row */
  document_id: number;
  /**Search entry name */
  entry: string;
  /**Search entry last modified in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_modified: number;
   * JSON object representing the properties associated with the entry
   * Example:
   * ```
   * "properties": {
            "3-System_ItemFolderNameDisplay": "Programs",
            "4429-System_IsAttachment": "0",
            "4624-System_Search_AccessCount": "0",
            "4702-System_VolumeId": "08542f90-0000-0000-0000-501f00000000",
            "17F-System_DateAccessed": "k8DVxD162QE=",
            "4392-System_FileExtension": ".lnk",
            "4631F-System_Search_GatherTime": "7B6taj962QE=",
            "5-System_ItemTypeText": "Shortcut",
            "4184-System_ComputerName": "DESKTOP-EIS938N",
            "15F-System_DateModified": "EVHzDyR22QE=",
            "4434-System_IsFolder": "0",
            "4365-System_DateImported": "ABKRqWyI1QE=",
            "4637-System_Search_Store": "file",
            "4373-System_Document_DateSaved": "EVHzDyR22QE=",
            "4448-System_ItemPathDisplayNarrow": "Firefox (C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs)",
            "4559-System_NotUserContent": "0",
            "33-System_ItemUrl": "file:C:/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Firefox.lnk",
            "4447-System_ItemPathDisplay": "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Firefox.lnk",
            "13F-System_Size": "7QMAAAAAAAA=",
            "4441-System_ItemFolderPathDisplayNarrow": "Programs (C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu)",
            "0-InvertedOnlyPids": "cBFzESgSZRI=",
            "4443-System_ItemNameDisplay": "Firefox.lnk",
            "4442-System_ItemName": "Firefox.lnk",
            "14F-System_FileAttributes": "32",
            "4403-System_FolderNameDisplay": "Cygwin",
            "4565-System_ParsingName": "Firefox.lnk",
            "4456-System_Kind": "bGluawBwcm9ncmFt",
            "27F-System_Search_Rank": "707406378",
            "16F-System_DateCreated": "UUZNqWyI1QE=",
            "4440-System_ItemFolderPathDisplay": "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs",
            "4397-System_FilePlaceholderStatus": "6",
            "4465-System_Link_TargetParsingPath": "C:\\Program Files\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe",
            "4431-System_IsEncrypted": "0",
            "4457-System_KindText": "Link; Program",
            "4444-System_ItemNameDisplayWithoutExtension": "Firefox",
            "11-System_FileName": "Firefox.lnk",
            "4623-System_SFGAOFlags": "1078002039",
            "0F-InvertedOnlyMD5": "z1gPcor92OaNVyAAzRdOsw==",
            "4371-System_Document_DateCreated": "ABKRqWyI1QE=",
            "4633-System_Search_LastIndexedTotalTime": "0.03125",
            "4396-System_FileOwner": "Administrators",
            "4438-System_ItemDate": "ABKRqWyI1QE=",
            "4466-System_Link_TargetSFGAOFlags": "1077936503",
            "4450-System_ItemType": ".lnk",
            "4678-System_ThumbnailCacheId": "DzpSS6gn5yg="
   * ```
  properties: Record<string, string>;


Windows Services are a common form of persistence and privilege escalation on Windows systems. Service data is stored in the SYSTEM Registry file.
Services run with SYSTEM level privileges.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "services_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "services"
alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Services. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of Services entries

export interface Services {
  /**Current State of the Service */
  state: string;
  /**Name of Service */
  name: string;
  /**Display name of Service */
  display_name: string;
  /**Service description */
  description: string;
  /**Start mode of Service */
  start_mode: string;
  /**Path to executable for Service */
  path: string;
  /**Service types. Ex: KernelDriver */
  service_type: string[];
  /**Account associated with Service */
  account: string;
  /**Registry modified timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds. May be used to determine when the Service was created */
  modified: number;
  /**DLL associated with Service */
  service_dll: string;
  /**Service command upon failure */
  failure_command: string;
  /**Reset period associated with Service */
  reset_period: number;
  /**Service actions upon failure */
  failure_actions: FailureActions[];
  /**Privileges associated with Service */
  required_privileges: string[];
  /**Error associated with Service */
  error_control: string;
  /**Registry path associated with Service */
  reg_path: string;

 * Failure actions executed when Service fails
interface FailureActions {
  /**Action executed upon failure */
  action: string;
  /**Delay in seconds on failure */
  delay: number;


Windows Shellbags are Registry entries that track what directories a user has browsed via Explorer GUI. These entries are stored in the undocumented ShellItem binary format.
artemis supports parsing the most common types of shellitems, but if you encounter a shellitem entry that is not supported please open an issue!

Other parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "shellbags_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "shellbags"
resolve_guids = true
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Shellbags. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)
  • resolve_guids Boolean value whether to try to resolve GUIDS found when parsing Shellbags.
    • If false: "resolve_path": "20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d\C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current",
    • If true: "resolve_path": "This PC\C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current",

Output Structure

An array of Shellbag entries

export interface Shellbags {
  /**Reconstructed directory path */
  path: string;
  /**FAT created timestamp. Only applicable for Directory `shell_type` */
  created: number;
  /**FAT modified timestamp. Only applicable for Directory `shell_type` */
  modified: number;
  /**FAT modified timestamp. Only applicable for Directory `shell_type` */
  accessed: number;
  /**Entry number in MFT. Only applicable for Directory `shell_type` */
  mft_entry: number;
  /**Sequence number in MFT. Only applicable for Directory `shell_type` */
  mft_sequence: number;
   * Type of shellitem
   * Can be:
   *   `Directory, URI, RootFolder, Network, Volume, ControlPanel, UserPropertyView, Delegate, Variable, MTP, Unknown, History`
   *  Most common is typically `Directory`
  shell_type: string;
   * Reconstructed directory with any GUIDs resolved
   * Ex: `20d04fe0-3aea-1069-a2d8-08002b30309d` to `This PC`
  resolve_path: string;
  /**User Registry file associated with `Shellbags` */
  reg_file: string;
  /**Registry key path to `Shellbags` data */
  reg_path: string;
  /**Full file path to the User Registry file */
  reg_file_path: string;


Windows Shimcache (also called: AppCompatCache, Application Compatability Cache, or AppCompat) are Registry entries that may* indicate application execution. These entries are only written when the system is shutdown or restarted.

* While an entry in Shimcache often implies the application was executed, Windows may pre-populate Shimcache with entries based on a user browsing to a directory that contains an application.

Other parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "shimcache_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "shimcache"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'D'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Shimcache. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of Shimcache entries

export interface Shimcache {
  /**Entry number for shimcache. Entry zero (0) is most recent execution */
  entry: number;
  /**Full path to application file */
  path: string;
  /**Standard Information Modified timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_modified: number;
  /**Full path to the Registry key */
  key_path: string;


Windows Shimdatabase (ShimDB) can be used by Windows applications to provided compatability between Windows versions.
It does this via shims that are inserted into the application that modifies function calls. Malicious custom shims can be created as a form of persistence.



TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "sdb_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "shimdb"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'D'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing ShimDB. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of ShimDB entries

export interface Shimdb {
  /**Array of `TAGS` associated with the index tag*/
  indexes: TagData[];
  /**Data associated with the Shimdb */
  db_data: DatabaseData;
  /**Path to parsed sdb file */
  sdb_path: string;

 * SDB files are composed of `TAGS`. There are multiple types of `TAGS`
 * `data` have `TAGS` that can be represented via a JSON object
 * `list_data` have `TAGS` that can be rerpesented as an array of JSON objects
 * Example:
 * ```
 * "data": {
 *    "TAG_FIX_ID": "4aeea7ee-44f1-4085-abc2-6070eb2b6618",
 *    "TAG_NAME": "256Color"
 * },
 * "list_data": [
 *   {
 *      "TAG_NAME": "Force8BitColor",
 *      "TAG_SHIM_TAGID": "169608"
 *    },
 *    {
 *      "TAG_SHIM_TAGID": "163700",
 *      "TAG_NAME": "DisableThemes"
 *    }
 * ]
 * ```
 * See for complete list of `TAGS`
export interface TagData {
  /**TAGs represented as a JSON object */
  data: Record<string, string>;
  /**Array of TAGS represented as a JSON objects */
  list_data: Record<string, string>[];

 * Metadata related to the SDB file
export interface DatabaseData {
  /**SDB version info */
  sdb_version: string;
  /**Compile timestamp of the SDB file in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  compile_time: number;
  /**Compiler version info */
  compiler_version: string;
  /**Name of SDB */
  name: string;
  /**Platform ID */
  platform: number;
  /**ID associated with SDB */
  database_id: string;
   * The SDB file may contain additional metadata information
   * May include additional `TAGS`
  additional_metdata: Record<string, string>;
  /**Array of `TAGS` associated with the SDB file */
  list_data: TagData[];


Windows Shotcut files (.lnk) are files that point to another file. They often contain a large amount of metadata related to the target file. Shortcut files can be used to distribute malware and can also provide evidence of file interaction. The directory at C:\Users\%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent contains multiple Shortcuts that point to files recently opened by the user.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "shortcuts_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"

Collection Options

  • path Target path where artemis should parse Shortcut files. This configuration is required

Output Structure

A Shortcut object structure

export interface Shortcut {
  /**Path to `shortcut (lnk)` file */
  source_path: string;
  /**Flags that specify what data structures are in the `lnk` file */
  data_flags: string[];
  /**File attributes of target file */
  attribute_flags: string[];
  /**Standard Information created timestamp of target file */
  created: number;
  /**Standard Information accessed timestamp of target file */
  accessed: number;
  /**Standard Information modified timestamp of target file */
  modified: number;
  /**Size in bytes of target file */
  file_size: number;
  /**Flag associated where target file is located. On volume or network share */
  location_flags: string;
  /**Path to target file */
  path: string;
  /**Serial associated with volume if target file is on drive */
  drive_serial: string;
  /**Drive type associated with volume if target file is on drive */
  drive_type: string;
  /**Name of volume if target file is on drive */
  volume_label: string;
  /**Network type if target file is on network share */
  network_provider: string;
  /**Network share name if target file is on network share */
  network_share_name: string;
  /**Network share device name if target file is on network share */
  network_device_name: string;
  /**Description of shortcut (lnk) file */
  description: string;
  /**Relative path to target file */
  relative_path: string;
  /**Directory of target file */
  working_directory: string;
  /**Command args associated with target file */
  command_line_args: string;
  /**Icon path associated with shortcut (lnk) file */
  icon_location: string;
  /**Hostname of target file */
  hostname: string;
   * Digital Record Object Identification (DROID) used to track lnk file
  droid_volume_id: string;
   * Digital Record Object Identification (DROID) used to track lnk file
  droid_file_id: string;
   * Digital Record Object Identification (DROID) used to track lnk file
  birth_droid_volume_id: string;
   * Digital Record Object Identification (DROID) used to track lnk file
  birth_droid_file_id: string;
  /**Shellitems associated with shortcut (lnk) file */
  shellitems: ShellItems[];
  /**Array of property stores */
  properties: Record<string, string | number | boolean | null>[];
  /**Environmental variable data in shortcut */
  environment_variable: string;
  /**Console metadata in shortcut */
  console: Console[];
  /**Windows Codepage in shortcut */
  codepage: number;
  /**Special folder ID in shortcut */
  special_folder_id: number;
  /**macOS Darwin ID in shortcut */
  darwin_id: string;
  /**Shim layer entry in shortcut */
  shim_layer: string;
  /**Known folder GUID in shortcut */
  known_folder: string;

 * Console metadata embeded in Shortcut file
interface Console {
  /**Colors for Console */
  color_flags: string[];
  /**Additional colors for Console */
  pop_fill_attributes: string[];
  /**Console width buffer size */
  screen_width_buffer_size: number;
  /**Console height buffer size */
  screen_height_buffer_size: number;
  /**Console window width */
  window_width: number;
  /**Console window height */
  window_height: number;
  /**Console X coordinate */
  window_x_coordinate: number;
  /**Console Y coordinate */
  window_y_coordinate: number;
  /**Console font size */
  font_size: number;
  /**Console font family */
  font_family: string;
  /**Conesole font weight */
  font_weight: string;
  /**Console font name */
  face_name: string;
  /**Console cursor size */
  cursor_size: string;
  /**Is full screen set (boolean) */
  full_screen: number;
  /**Insert mode */
  insert_mode: number;
  /**Automatic position set (boolean) */
  automatic_position: number;
  /**Console history buffer size */
  history_buffer_size: number;
  /**Console number of bufffers */
  number_history_buffers: number;
  /**Duplicates allowed in history */
  duplicates_allowed_history: number;
  /**Base64 encoded color table. */
  color_table: string;


Windows System Resource Utilization Monitor (SRUM) is a service that tracks application resource usage. The service tracks application data such as time running, bytes sent, bytes received, energy usage, and lots more.
This service was introduced in Windows 8 and is stored in an ESE database at C:\Windows\System32\sru\SRUDB.dat. On Windows 8 some of the data can be found in the Registry too (temporary storage before writing to SRUDB.dat), but in later versions of Windows the data is no longer in the Registry.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "srum_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "srum"
# Optional
# alt_path = "C:\Windows\System32\srum\SRUDB.dat"

Collection Options

  • alt_path An alternative path to the SRUM ESE database. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use %systemdrive%\Windows\System32\srum\SRUDB.dat

Output Structure

An array of entries based on each SRUM table

 * SRUM table associated with application executions `{D10CA2FE-6FCF-4F6D-848E-B2E99266FA89}`
export interface ApplicationInfo {
  /**ID in for row in the ESE table */
  auto_inc_id: number;
  /**Timestamp when ESE table was updated in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Application name */
  app_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the application process */
  user_id: string;
  /**Foreground Cycle time for application */
  foreground_cycle_time: number;
  /**Background Cycle time for application */
  background_cycle_time: number;
  /**Facetime for application */
  facetime: number;
  /**Count of foreground context switches */
  foreground_context_switches: number;
  /**Count of background context switches */
  background_context_switches: number;
  /**Count of foreground bytes read */
  foreground_bytes_read: number;
  /**Count of background bytes read */
  foreground_bytes_written: number;
  /**Count of foreground read operations */
  foreground_num_read_operations: number;
  /**Count of foreground write operations */
  foreground_num_write_options: number;
  /**Count of foreground flushes */
  foreground_number_of_flushes: number;
  /**Count of background bytes read */
  background_bytes_read: number;
  /**Count of background write operations */
  background_bytes_written: number;
  /**Count of background read operations */
  background_num_read_operations: number;
  /**Count of background write operations */
  background_num_write_operations: number;
  /**Count of background flushes */
  background_number_of_flushes: number;
 * SRUM table associated with the timeline of an application's execution `{D10CA2FE-6FCF-4F6D-848E-B2E99266FA86}`
export interface ApplicationTimeline {
  /**ID in for row in the ESE table */
  auto_inc_id: number;
  /**Timestamp when ESE table was updated in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Application name */
  app_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the application process */
  user_id: string;
  /**Flags associated with entry */
  flags: number;
  /**End time of entry */
  end_time: number;
  /**Duration of timeline in microseconds */
  duration_ms: number;
  /**Span of timeline in microseconds */
  span_ms: number;
  /**Timeline end for entry */
  timeline_end: number;
  /**In focus value for entry */
  in_focus_timeline: number;
  /**User input value for entry */
  user_input_timeline: number;
  /**Comp rendered value for entry */
  comp_rendered_timeline: number;
  /**Comp dirtied value for entry */
  comp_dirtied_timeline: number;
  /**Comp propaged value for entry */
  comp_propagated_timeline: number;
  /**Audio input value for entry */
  audio_in_timeline: number;
  /**Audio output value for entry */
  audio_out_timeline: number;
  /**CPU value for entry */
  cpu_timeline: number;
  /**Disk value for entry */
  disk_timeline: number;
  /**Network value for entry */
  network_timeline: number;
  /**MBB value for entry */
  mbb_timeline: number;
  /**In focus seconds count */
  in_focus_s: number;
  /**PSM foreground seconds count */
  psm_foreground_s: number;
  /**User input seconds count */
  user_input_s: number;
  /**Comp rendered seconds countr */
  comp_rendered_s: number;
  /**Comp dirtied seconds count */
  comp_dirtied_s: number;
  /**Comp propagated seconds count */
  comp_propagated_s: number;
  /**Audio input seconds count */
  audio_in_s: number;
  /**Audio output seconds count */
  audio_out_s: number;
  /**Cycles value for entry */
  cycles: number;
  /**Cycles breakdown value for entry */
  cycles_breakdown: number;
  /**Cycles attribute value for entry */
  cycles_attr: number;
  /**Cycles attribute breakdown for entry */
  cycles_attr_breakdown: number;
  /**Cycles WOB value for entry */
  cycles_wob: number;
  /**Cycles WOB breakdown value for entry */
  cycles_wob_breakdown: number;
  /**Disk raw value for entry */
  disk_raw: number;
  /**Network tail raw value for entry */
  network_tail_raw: number;
  /**Network bytes associated with entry*/
  network_bytes_raw: number;
  /**MBB tail raw value for entry */
  mbb_tail_raw: number;
  /**MBB bytes associated with entry */
  mbb_bytes_raw: number;
  /**Display required seconds count */
  display_required_s: number;
  /**Display required timeline value for entry */
  display_required_timeline: number;
  /**Keyboard input timeline value for entry */
  keyboard_input_timeline: number;
  /**Keybouard input seconds count */
  keyboard_input_s: number;
  /**Mouse input seconds count */
  mouse_input_s: number;
 * SRUM table associated with VFU `{7ACBBAA3-D029-4BE4-9A7A-0885927F1D8F}`. Unsure what this tracks.
export interface AppVfu {
  /**ID in for row in the ESE table */
  auto_inc_id: number;
  /**Timestamp when ESE table was updated in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Application name */
  app_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the application process */
  user_id: string;
  /**Flags associated with VFU entry */
  flags: number;
  /**Start time in UNIXEPOCH seconds associated with VFU entry */
  start_time: number;
  /**End time in UNIXEPOCH seconds associated with VFU entry */
  end_time: number;
  /**Base64 encoded usage data associated with VFU entry */
  usage: string;
 * SRUM table associated witn EnergyInfo `{DA73FB89-2BEA-4DDC-86B8-6E048C6DA477}`
export interface EnergyInfo {
  /**ID in for row in the ESE table */
  auto_inc_id: number;
  /**Timestamp when ESE table was updated in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Application name */
  app_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the application process */
  user_id: string;
  /**Base64 encoded binary data associated witn EnegyInfo entry */
  binary_data: string;
 * SRUM table associated with EnergyUsage `{FEE4E14F-02A9-4550-B5CE-5FA2DA202E37}` and `{FEE4E14F-02A9-4550-B5CE-5FA2DA202E37}LT`
export interface EnergyUsage {
  /**ID in for row in the ESE table */
  auto_inc_id: number;
  /**Timestamp when ESE table was updated in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Application name */
  app_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the application process */
  user_id: string;
  /**Event Timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  event_timestamp: number;
  /**State transition associated with entry */
  state_transition: number;
  /**Full charged capacity associated with entry */
  full_charged_capacity: number;
  /**Designed capacity associated with entry */
  designed_capacity: number;
  /** Charge level associated with entry */
  charge_level: number;
  /**Cycle count associated with entry */
  cycle_count: number;
  /**Configuration hash associated with entry */
  configuration_hash: number;
 * SRUM table associated with NetworkInfo `{973F5D5C-1D90-4944-BE8E-24B94231A174}`
export interface NetworkInfo {
  /**ID in for row in the ESE table */
  auto_inc_id: number;
  /**Timestamp when ESE table was updated in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Application name */
  app_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the application process */
  user_id: string;
  /**Interface luid associated with entry */
  interface_luid: number;
  /**L2 profile ID associated with entry */
  l2_profile_id: number;
  /**L2 profiel flags associated with entry */
  l2_profile_flags: number;
  /**Bytes sent associated with entry */
  bytes_sent: number;
  /**Bytes received associated with entry */
  bytes_recvd: number;
 * SRUM table associated with NetworkConnectivityInfo `{DD6636C4-8929-4683-974E-22C046A43763}`
export interface NetworkConnectivityInfo {
  /**ID in for row in the ESE table */
  auto_inc_id: number;
  /**Timestamp when ESE table was updated in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Application name */
  app_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the application process */
  user_id: string;
  /**Interface luid associated with entry */
  interface_luid: number;
  /**L2 profile ID associated with entry */
  l2_profile_id: number;
  /**Connected time associated with entry */
  connected_time: number;
  /*Connect start time associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH seconds*/
  connect_start_time: number;
  /**L2 profile flags associated with entry */
  l2_profile_flags: number;
 * SRUM table associated with NotificationInfo `{D10CA2FE-6FCF-4F6D-848E-B2E99266FA86}`
export interface NotificationInfo {
  /**ID in for row in the ESE table */
  auto_inc_id: number;
  /**Timestamp when ESE table was updated in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Application name */
  app_id: string;
  /**SID associated with the application process */
  user_id: string;
  /**Notification type associated with entry */
  notification_type: number;
  /**Size of payload associated with entry */
  payload_size: number;
  /**Network type associated with entry */
  network_type: number;


Gets system metadata associated with the endpoint

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that calls the Windows API or queries system information


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "systeminfo_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "systeminfo"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

A SystemInfo object structure

export interface SystemInfo {
  /**Boot time for endpoint */
  boot_time: number;
  /**Endpoint hostname */
  hostname: string;
  /**Endpoint OS version */
  os_version: string;
  /**Uptime of endpoint */
  uptime: number;
  /**Endpoint kernel version */
  kernel_version: string;
  /**Endpoint platform */
  platform: string;
  /**CPU information */
  cpu: Cpus[];
  /**Disks information */
  disks: Disks[];
  /**Memory information */
  memory: Memory;
  /**Performance information */
  performance: LoadPerformance;

 * CPU information on endpoint
export interface Cpus {
  /**CPU frequency */
  frequency: number;
  /**CPU usage on endpoint */
  cpu_usage: number;
  /**Name of CPU */
  name: string;
  /**Vendor ID for CPU */
  vendor_id: string;
  /**CPU brand */
  brand: string;
  /**Core Count */
  physical_core_count: number;

 * Disk information on endpoint
export interface Disks {
  /**Type of disk */
  disk_type: string;
  /**Filesystem for disk */
  file_system: string;
  /**Disk mount point */
  mount_point: string;
  /**Disk storage */
  total_space: number;
  /**Storage remaining */
  available_space: number;
  /**If disk is removable */
  removable: boolean;

 * Memory information on endpoint
export interface Memory {
  /**Available memory on endpoint */
  available_memory: number;
  /**Free memory on endpoint */
  free_memory: number;
  /**Free swap on endpoint */
  free_swap: number;
  /**Total memory on endpoint */
  total_memory: number;
  /**Total swap on endpoint */
  total_swap: number;
  /**Memory in use */
  used_memory: number;
  /**Swap in use */
  used_swap: number;

 * Average CPU load. These values are always zero (0) on Windows
export interface LoadPerformance {
  /**Average load for one (1) min */
  avg_one_min: number;
  /**Average load for five (5) min */
  avg_five_min: number;
  /**Average load for fifteen (15) min */
  avg_fifteen_min: number;


Windows UserAssist is a Registry artifact that records applications executed via Windows Explorer. These entries are typically ROT13 encoded (though this can be disabled).

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "userassist_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "userassist"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing UserAssist. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of UserAssist entries

export interface UserAssist {
  /**Path of executed application */
  path: string;
  /**Last execution time of application in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_execution: number;
  /**Number of times executed */
  count: number;
  /**Registry path to UserAssist entry */
  reg_path: string;
  /**ROT13 encoded path */
  rot_path: string;
  /**Path of executed application with folder description GUIDs resolved */
  folder_path: string;


Gets user info from SAM Registry file

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that queries user info


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "users_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "users"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing the SAM file. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of UserInfo entries

export interface UserInfo {
  /**Last logon for account */
  last_logon: number;
  /**Time when password last set in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  password_last_set: number;
  /**Last password failure in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_password_failure: number;
  /**Relative ID for account. Typically last number of SID */
  relative_id: number;
  /**Primary group ID for account */
  primary_group_id: number;
  /**UAC flags associated with account */
  user_account_control_flags: string[];
  /**Country code for account */
  country_code: number;
  /**Code page for account */
  code_page: number;
  /**Number of password failures associated with account */
  number_password_failures: number;
  /**Number of logons for account */
  number_logons: number;
  /**Username for account */
  username: string;
  /**SID for account */
  sid: string;


Windows UsnJrnl is a sparse binary file that tracks changes to files and directories. Located at the alternative data stream (ADS) C:\$Extend\$UsnJrnl:$J. Parsing this data can sometimes show files that have been deleted. However, depending on the file activity on the system entries in the UsnJrnl may get overwritten quickly.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "usnjrnl_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "usnjrnl"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'D'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing UsnJrnl. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of UsnJrnl entries

export interface UsnJrnl {
  /**Entry number in the MFT */
  mft_entry: number;
  /**Sequence number in the MFT */
  mft_sequence: number;
  /**Parent entry number in the MFT */
  parent_mft_entry: number;
  /**Parent sequence number in the MFT */
  parent_mft_sequence: number;
  /**ID number in the Update Sequence Number Journal (UsnJrnl) */
  update_sequence_number: number;
  /**Timestamp of of entry update in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  update_time: number;
  /**Reason for update action */
  update_reason: string;
  /**Source information of the update */
  update_source_flags: string;
  /**Security ID associated with entry */
  security_descriptor_id: number;
  /**Attributes associate with entry */
  file_attributes: string[];
  /**Name associated with entry. Can be file or directory */
  filename: string;
  /**Extension if available for filename */
  extension: string;
  /**Full path for the UsnJrnl entry. Obtained by parsing `$MFT` and referencing the `parent_mft_entry` */
  full_path: string;


Currently artemis has been tested on macOS Catalina and higher. Similar to the Windows version a main focus point of the library artemis-core is to make a best effort to not rely on the macOS APIs. Since artemis-core is a forensic focused library, we do not want to rely on APIs from a potentially compromised system.
However, artemis-core does use the macOS API for a handful of artifacts:

  • Processes - The sysinfo crate is used to pull a process listing using macOS APIs
  • Systeminfo - The sysinfo crate is also to get system information using macOS APIs


Cron is an application that lets users create jobs on an endpoint. It is common on Unix, Linux, and macOS systems. A Cron job can be configured to execute a command on at a specific time. It is a popular form of persistence on supported systems.

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a text file


TOML Collection

system = "macos" # or "linux"

name = "cron_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "cron"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Cron entries.

export interface Cron {
  /**What hour should cron job run. * means every hour */
  hour: string;
  /**What minute should cron job run. * means every minute  */
  min: string;
  /**What day should cron job run. * means every day */
  day: string;
  /**What month should cron job run. * means every month */
  month: string;
  /**What weekday should cron job run. * means every day */
  weekday: string;
  /**Command to execute when cron job is triggered */
  command: string;


macOS Event Monitor Daemon (Emond) is a srvices that allows users to register rules to perform actions when specific events are triggered, for example "system startup". Emond can be leveraged to acheive persistence on macOS. Starting on macOS Ventura (13) emond has been removed.

Other Parsers:

  • None


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "emond_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "emond"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Emond entries

export interface Emond {
  /**Name of `Emond` rule */
  name: string;
  /**Is rule enabled */
  enabled: boolean;
  /**Event types associated with the rule */
  event_types: string[];
  /**Start time of the rule */
  start_tiem: string;
  /**If partial criteria match should trigger the rule */
  allow_partial_criterion_match: boolean;
  /**Array of commad actions if rule is triggered */
  command_actions: Command[];
  /**Array of log actions if rule is triggered  */
  log_actions: Log[];
  /**Array of send email actions if rule is triggered */
  send_email_actions: SendEmailSms[];
  /**Array of send sms actions if rule is triggered. Has same structure as send email */
  send_sms_actions: SendEmailSms[];
  /**Criteria for the `Emond` rule */
  criterion: Record<string, unknown>[];
  /**Variables associated with the criterion  */
  variables: Record<string, unknown>[];
  /**If the emond client is enabled */
  emond_clients_enabled: boolean;

 * Commands to execute if rule is triggered
interface Command {
  /**Command name */
  command: string;
  /**User associated with command */
  user: string;
  /**Group associated with command */
  group: string;
  /**Arguments associated with command */
  arguments: string[];

 * Log settings if rule is triggered
interface Log {
  /**Log message content */
  message: string;
  /**Facility associated with log action */
  facility: string;
  /**Level of log */
  log_level: string;
  /**Log type */
  log_type: string;
  /**Parameters associated with log action */
  parameters: Record<string, unknown>;

 * Email or SMS to send if rule is triggered
interface SendEmailSms {
  /**Content of the email/sms */
  message: string;
  /**Subject of the email/sms */
  subject: string;
  /**Path to local binary */
  localization_bundle_path: string;
  /**Remote URL to send the message */
  relay_host: string;
  /**Email associated with email/sms action */
  admin_email: string;
  /**Targerts to receive email/sms */
  recipient_addresses: string[];


macOS Execution Policy (ExecPolicy) tracks application execution on a system. It only tracks execution of applications that tracked by GateKeeper

Other Parsers:

  • Any SQLITE viewer


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "execpolicy_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "execpolicy"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of ExecPolicy entries

export interface ExecPolicy {
  /**Is file signed */
  is_signed: number;
  /**File ID name */
  file_identifier: string;
  /**App bundle ID */
  bundle_identifier: string;
  /**Bundle version */
  bundle_version: string;
  /**Team ID */
  team_identifier: string;
  /**Signing ID */
  signing_identifier: string;
  /**Code Directory hash*/
  cdhash: string;
  /**SHA256 hash of application */
  main_executable_hash: string;
  /**Executable timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  executable_timestamp: number;
  /**Size of file */
  file_size: number;
  /**Is library */
  is_library: number;
  /**Is file used */
  is_used: number;
  /**File ID associated with entry */
  responsible_file_identifier: string;
  /**Is valid entry */
  is_valid: number;
  /**Is quarantined entry */
  is_quarantined: number;
  /**Timestamp for executable measurements in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  executable_measurements_v2_timestamp: number;
  /**Reported timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  reported_timstamp: number;
  /**Primary key */
  pk: number;
  /**Volume UUID for entry */
  volume_uuid: string;
  /**Object ID for entry */
  object_id: number;
  /**Filesystem type */
  fs_type_name: string;
  /**App Bundle ID */
  bundle_id: string;
  /**Policy match for entry */
  policy_match: number;
  /**Malware result for entry */
  malware_result: number;
  /**Flags for entry */
  flags: number;
  /**Modified time in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  mod_time: number;
  /**Policy scan cache timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  policy_scan_cache_timestamp: number;
  /**Revocation check timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  revocation_check_time: number;
  /**Scan version for entry */
  scan_version: number;
  /**Top policy match for entry */
  top_policy_match: number;


A regular macOS filelisting. artemis uses the walkdir crate to recursively walk the files and directories on the system. This artifact will fail on any System Integrity Protection (SIP) protected files. Since a filelisting can be extremely large every 100k entries artemis will output the data and then continue.

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that can recursively list files and directories


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "files_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "files" # Name of artifact
start_path = "/usr/bin" # Start of file listing
# Optional
depth = 5 # How many sub directories to descend
# Optional
metadata = true # Get executable metadata
# Optional
md5 = true # MD5 all files
# Optional
sha1 = false # SHA1 all files
# Optional
sha256 = false # SHA256 all files
# Optional
path_regex = "" # Regex for paths
# Optional
file_regex = "" # Regex for files

Collection Options

  • start_path Where to start the file listing. Must exist on the endpoint. To start at root use /. This configuration is required
  • depth Specify how many directories to descend from the start_path. Default is one (1). Must be a postive number. Max value is 255. This configuration is optional
  • metadata Get Macho data from Macho files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • md5 Boolean value to enable MD5 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha1 Boolean value to enable SHA1 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha256 Boolean value to enable SHA256 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • path_regex Only descend into paths (directories) that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex
  • file_regex Only return entres that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex

Output Structure

An array of MacosFileInfo entries

export interface MacosFileInfo {
  /**Full path to file or directory */
  full_path: string;
  /**Directory path */
  directory: string;
  /**Filename */
  filename: string;
  /**Extension of file if any */
  extension: string;
  /**Created timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Modified timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  modified: number;
  /**Changed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  changed: number;
  /**Accessed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  accessed: number;
  /**Size of file in bytes */
  size: number;
  /**Inode associated with entry */
  inode: number;
  /**Mode of file entry */
  mode: number;
  /**User ID associated with file */
  uid: number;
  /**Group ID associated with file */
  gid: number;
  /**MD5 of file */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 of file */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 of file */
  sha256: string;
  /**Is the entry a file */
  is_file: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a directory */
  is_directory: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a symbolic links */
  is_symlink: boolean;
  /**Depth the file from provided start point */
  depth: number;
  /**Macho binary metadata */
  binary_info: MachoInfo[];


macOS Filesystem Events (FsEvents) track changes to files on a macOS system (similar to UsnJrnl on Windows). Parsing this data can sometimes show files that have been deleted. Resides at /System/Volumes/Data/.fseventsd/ or /.fseventsd on older systems. artemis will try to parse both locations by default.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "fsevents_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "fseventsd"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Fsevents entries

export interface Fsevents {
  /**Flags associated with FsEvent record */
  flags: string[];
  /**Full path to file associated with FsEvent record */
  path: string;
  /**Node ID associated with FsEvent record */
  node: number;
  /**Event ID associated with FsEvent record */
  event_id: number;


Gets group info parsing the plist files at /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/groups.

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that can parse a plist file


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "groups_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "groups"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Groups entries

export interface Groups {
  /**GID for the group */
  gid: string[];
  /**Name of the group */
  name: string[];
  /**Real name associated with the group */
  real_name: string[];
  /**Users associated with group */
  users: string[];
  /**Group members in the group */
  groupmembers: string[];
  /**UUID associated with the group */
  uuid: string[];


macOS launch daemons (launchd) are the most common way to register applications for persistence on macOS. launchd can be registered for a singler user or system wide. artemis will try to parse all knownlaunchd locations by default.

  • /Users/%/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  • /Users/%/Library/LaunchAgents/
  • /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  • /Library/Apple/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
  • /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
  • /Library/Apple/System/Library/LaunchAgents/

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that can parse a plist file


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "launchd_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "launchd"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Launchd entries

export interface Launchd {
  /**JSON representation of launchd plist contents */
  launchd_data: Record<string, unknown>;
  /**Full path of the plist file */
  plist_path: string;


macOS LoginItems are a form of persistence on macOS systems. They are triggered when a user logs on to the system. They are located at:

  • /Users/%/Library/Application Support/ (pre-Ventura)
  • /var/db/ (Ventura+)
    Both are plist files, however the actual LoginItem data is in an additional binary format known as a Bookmark that needs to be parsed.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "loginitems_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "loginitems"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of LoginItem entries

export interface LoginItems {
  /**Path to file to run */
  path: string[];
  /**Path represented as Catalog Node ID */
  cnid_path: number[];
  /**Created timestamp of target file in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Path to the volume of target file */
  volume_path: string;
  /**Target file URL type */
  volume_url: string;
  /**Name of volume target file is on */
  volume_name: string;
  /**Volume UUID */
  volume_uuid: string;
  /**Size of target volume in bytes */
  volume_size: number;
  /**Created timestamp of volume in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  volume_created: number;
  /**Volume Property flags */
  volume_flag: number[];
  /**Flag if volume if the root filesystem */
  volume_root: boolean;
  /**Localized name of target file */
  localized_name: string;
  /**Read-Write security extension of target file */
  security_extension_rw: string;
  /**Read-Only security extension of target file */
  security_extension_ro: string;
  /**File property flags */
  target_flags: number[];
  /**Username associated with `Bookmark` */
  username: string;
  /**Folder index number associated with target file */
  folder_index: number;
  /**UID associated with `LoginItem` */
  uid: number;
  /**`LoginItem` creation flags */
  creation_options: number;
  /**Is `LoginItem` bundled in app */
  is_bundled: boolean;
  /**App ID associated with `LoginItem` */
  app_id: string;
  /**App binary name */
  app_binary: string;
  /**Is target file executable */
  is_executable: boolean;
  /**Does target file have file reference flag */
  file_ref_flag: boolean;
  /**Path to `LoginItem` source */
  source_path: string;


macOS Mach object (macho) is the executable format for applications on macOS. artemis is able to parse basic metadata from macho files.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

There is no way to collect just macho data with artemis instead it is an optional feature for the macOS filelisting and processes artifacts.
However, it is possible to directly parse macho files by using JavaScript. See the scripts chapter for examples.

Configuration Optaions


Output Structure

An array of macho entries

export interface MachoInfo {
  /**CPU arch */
  cpu_type: string;
  /**CPU model */
  cpu_subtype: string;
  /**File type, ex: executable, dylib, object, core, etc*/
  filetype: string;
  /**Segments of the macho binary */
  sgements: Segment64[];
  /**Dynamic libraries in the macho binary */
  dylib_commands: DylibCommand[];
  /**Macho binary id */
  id: string;
  /**Macho team id */
  team_id: string;
  /**Parsed out macho entitlements from plist */
  entitlements: Record<string, unknown>;
  /**Base64 encoded embedded certs within the binary */
  certs: string;
  /**Minium OS binary can run on */
  minos: string;
  /**SDK version macho was compiled for */
  sdk: string;

 * Metadata about macho Segments
export interface Segment64 {
  /**Name of segment */
  name: string;
  /**Virtual memory address */
  vmaddr: number;
  /**Virtual memory size */
  vmsize: number;
  /**Offset in the macho binary */
  file_offset: number;
  /**Size of segment */
  file_size: number;
  /**Maxmimum permitted memory protection */
  max_prot: number;
  /**Initial memory protection */
  init_prot: number;
  /**Number of sections in the semgent */
  nsects: number;
  /**Segment flags */
  flags: number;
  /**Array of section data */
  sections: Sections[];

 * Metadata about macho Sections
export interface Sections {
  /**Name of section */
  section_name: string;
  /**Name of segment the section belongs to */
  segment_name: string;
  /**Virtual memory address */
  addr: number;
  /**Size of section */
  size: number;
  /**Section offset in file */
  offset: number;
  /**Section byte alignment */
  align: number;
  /**File offset to relocation entries */
  relocation_offset: number;
  /**Number of relocation entries */
  number_relocation_entries: number;
  /**Flags related to the section */
  flags: number;
  /**Reserved */
  reserved: number;
  /**Reserved */
  reserved2: number;
  /**Reserved */
  reserved3: number;

 * Metadata about macho dylibcommand
export interface DylibCommand {
  /**Name of dynamic library */
  name: string;
  /**Timestamp when the library was build */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Version of dynamic library */
  current_version: number;
  /**Compatiblity version of dynamic library */
  compatibility_version: string;


macOS property lists (plist) are the primary format for application configurations. The contents of plists can be: xml, json, or binary. XML is most common.

TOML Collection

There is no way to collect plist data with artemis instead it is an feature for scripting. See the scripts chapter for examples.

Configuration Optaions


Output Structure

A JSON representation of the plist contents

Record<String, unknown>;


Gets a standard process listing using the macOS API

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that calls the macOS API


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "process_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "processes" # Name of artifact
# Get executable metadata
metadata = true 
# MD5 hash process binary
md5 = true 
 # SHA1 hash process binary
sha1 = false
# SHA256 hash process binary
sha256 = false

Collection Options

  • metadata Get Macho data from process binary.
  • md5 Boolean value to MD5 hash process binary
  • sha1 Boolean value to SHA1 hash process binary
  • sha256 Boolean value to SHA256 hash process binary

Output Structure

An array of MacosProcessInfo entries

export interface MacosProcessInfo {
  /**Full path to the process binary */
  full_path: string;
  /**Name of process */
  name: string;
  /**Path to process binary */
  path: string;
  /** Process ID */
  pid: number;
  /** Parent Process ID */
  ppid: number;
  /**Environment variables associated with process */
  environment: string;
  /**Status of the process */
  status: string;
  /**Process arguments */
  arguments: string;
  /**Process memory usage */
  memory_usage: number;
  /**Process virtual memory usage */
  virtual_memory_usage: number;
  /**Process start time in UNIXEPOCH seconds*/
  start_time: number;
  /** User ID associated with process */
  uid: string;
  /**Group ID associated with process */
  gid: string;
  /**MD5 hash of process binary */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 hash of process binary */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 hash of process binary */
  sha256: string;
  /**MACHO metadata asssociated with process binary */
  binary_info: MachoInfo[];

Shell History

Many Unix and Linux like systems provide a shell interface that allows a user to execute a command or application. Many of these shell interfaces keep a record of the command executed and depending on the configuration the timestamp when the command was executed. Popular shells include:

  • bash
  • zsh
  • fish
  • sh
  • PowerShell

Artemis supports parsing zsh and bash shell history. In addition, it supports parsing Python history (despite not being a shell).

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a text file


TOML Collection

system = "macos" # or "linux"

name = "shellhistory_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "shell_history"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of BashHistory for bash data, ZshHistory for zsh data, and PythonHistory for Python data per user.

export interface BashHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.bash_history` file */
  history: BashData[];
  /**Path to `.bash_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.bash_history`
export interface BashData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Timestamp associated with line entry in UNIXEPOCH. Timestamps are **optional** in `.bash_history`, zero (0) is returned for no timestamp */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;

export interface ZshHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.zs_history` file */
  history: ZshData[];
  /**Path to `.bash_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.zsh_history`
export interface ZshData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Timestamp associated with line entry in UNIXEPOCH. Timestamps are **optional** in `.zsh_history`, zero (0) is returned for no timestamp */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;
  /**Duration of command */
  duration: number;

export interface PythonHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.python_history` file */
  history: PythonData[];
  /**Path to `.python_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.python_history`
export interface PythonData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;

Sudo Logs

Unix SudoLogs are the log files associated with sudo execution. Sudo ("super user do" or "substitute user") is used to run programs with elevated privileges.
macOS SudoLogs are stored in the Unified Log files.
Linux SudoLogs are stored in the Systemd Journal files.
The log entries show evidence of commands executed with elevated privileges

Other Parsers:

  • None


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "maco" # or "linux"

name = "sudologs_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "sudologs"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

On a macOS system sudologs return an array of UnifiedLog entries

export interface UnifiedLog {
  /**Subsystem used by the log entry */
  subsystem: string;
  /**Library associated with the log entry */
  library: string;
  /**Log entry category */
  category: string;
  /**Process ID associated with log entry */
  pid: number;
  /**Effective user ID associated with log entry */
  euid: number;
  /**Thread ID associated with log entry */
  thread_id: number;
  /**Activity ID associated with log entry */
  activity_id: number;
  /**UUID of library associated with the log entry */
  library_uuid: string;
  /**UNIXEPOCH timestamp of log entry in nanoseconds */
  time: number;
  /**Log entry event type */
  event_type: string;
  /**Log entry log type */
  log_type: string;
  /**Process associated with log entry */
  process: string;
  /**UUID of process associated with log entry */
  process_uuid: string;
  /**Raw string message  associated with log entry*/
  raw_message: string;
  /**Boot UUID associated with log entry */
  boot_uuid: string;
  /**Timezone associated with log entry */
  timezone_name: string;
  /**Strings associated with the log entry */
  mesage_entries: Record<string, string | number>;
   * Resolved message entry associated log entry.
   * Merge of `raw_message` and `message_entries`
  message: string;


Gets system metadata associated with the endpoint

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that calls the macOS API or queries system information


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "systeminfo_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "systeminfo"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

A SystemInfo object structure

export interface SystemInfo {
  /**Boot time for endpoint */
  boot_time: number;
  /**Endpoint hostname */
  hostname: string;
  /**Endpoint OS version */
  os_version: string;
  /**Uptime of endpoint */
  uptime: number;
  /**Endpoint kernel version */
  kernel_version: string;
  /**Endpoint platform */
  platform: string;
  /**CPU information */
  cpu: Cpus[];
  /**Disks information */
  disks: Disks[];
  /**Memory information */
  memory: Memory;
  /**Performance information */
  performance: LoadPerformance;

 * CPU information on endpoint
export interface Cpus {
  /**CPU frequency */
  frequency: number;
  /**CPU usage on endpoint */
  cpu_usage: number;
  /**Name of CPU */
  name: string;
  /**Vendor ID for CPU */
  vendor_id: string;
  /**CPU brand */
  brand: string;
  /**Core Count */
  physical_core_count: number;

 * Disk information on endpoint
export interface Disks {
  /**Type of disk */
  disk_type: string;
  /**Filesystem for disk */
  file_system: string;
  /**Disk mount point */
  mount_point: string;
  /**Disk storage */
  total_space: number;
  /**Storage remaining */
  available_space: number;
  /**If disk is removable */
  removable: boolean;

 * Memory information on endpoint
export interface Memory {
  /**Available memory on endpoint */
  available_memory: number;
  /**Free memory on endpoint */
  free_memory: number;
  /**Free swap on endpoint */
  free_swap: number;
  /**Total memory on endpoint */
  total_memory: number;
  /**Total swap on endpoint */
  total_swap: number;
  /**Memory in use */
  used_memory: number;
  /**Swap in use */
  used_swap: number;

 * Average CPU load
export interface LoadPerformance {
  /**Average load for one (1) min */
  avg_one_min: number;
  /**Average load for five (5) min */
  avg_five_min: number;
  /**Average load for fifteen (15) min */
  avg_fifteen_min: number;


macOS unifiedlogs are the primary files associated with logging system activity. They are stored in a binary format at /var/db/diagnostics/.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "unifiedlogs_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "unifiedlogs"
sources = ["Special"]

Collection Options

  • sources List of directories that should be included when parsing the unifiedlogs. These directories are found at /var/db/diagnostics/. Only the following directories contain logs:
    • Persist
    • Special
    • Signpost
    • HighVolume

To parse all logs you would use sources = ["Special", "Persist", "Signpost", "HighVolume"]

Output Structure

An array of UnifiedLog entries

export interface UnifiedLog {
  /**Subsystem used by the log entry */
  subsystem: string;
  /**Library associated with the log entry */
  library: string;
  /**Log entry category */
  category: string;
  /**Process ID associated with log entry */
  pid: number;
  /**Effective user ID associated with log entry */
  euid: number;
  /**Thread ID associated with log entry */
  thread_id: number;
  /**Activity ID associated with log entry */
  activity_id: number;
  /**UUID of library associated with the log entry */
  library_uuid: string;
  /**UNIXEPOCH timestamp of log entry in nanoseconds */
  time: number;
  /**Log entry event type */
  event_type: string;
  /**Log entry log type */
  log_type: string;
  /**Process associated with log entry */
  process: string;
  /**UUID of process associated with log entry */
  process_uuid: string;
  /**Raw string message  associated with log entry*/
  raw_message: string;
  /**Boot UUID associated with log entry */
  boot_uuid: string;
  /**Timezone associated with log entry */
  timezone_name: string;
  /**Strings associated with the log entry */
  mesage_entries: Record<string, string | number>;
   * Resolved message entry associated log entry.
   * Merge of `raw_message` and `message_entries`
  message: string;


Gets user info parsing the plist files at /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users.

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that can parse a plist file


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "users_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "users"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Users entries

export interface Users {
  /**UID for the user */
  uid: string[];
  /**GID associated with the user */
  gid: string[];
  /**User name */
  name: string[];
  /**Real name associated with user */
  real_name: string[];
  /**Base64 encoded photo associated with user */
  account_photo: string[];
  /**Timestamp the user was created in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  account_created: number;
  /**Password last changed for the user in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  password_last_set: number;
  /**Shell associated with the user */
  shell: string[];
  /**Unlock associated with the user */
  unlock_options: string[];
  /**Home path associated with user */
  home_path: string[];
  /**UUID associated with user */
  uuid: string[];


Currently artemis has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and higher, Fedora, and Arch Linux. Similar to the Windows and macOS versions a main focus point of the library artemis-core is to make a best effort to not rely on the macOS APIs. Since artemis-core is a forensic focused library, we do not want to rely on APIs from a potentially compromised system.
However, artemis-core does use the Linux API for a handful of artifacts:

  • Processes - The sysinfo crate is used to pull a process listing using Linux APIs
  • Systeminfo - The sysinfo crate is also to get system information using Linux APIs


Cron is an application that lets users create jobs on an endpoint. It is common on Unix, Linux, and macOS systems. A Cron job can be configured to execute a command on at a specific time. It is a popular form of persistence on supported systems.

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a text file


TOML Collection

system = "linux" # or "macos"

name = "cron_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "cron"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Cron entries.

export interface Cron {
  /**What hour should cron job run. * means every hour */
  hour: string;
  /**What minute should cron job run. * means every minute  */
  min: string;
  /**What day should cron job run. * means every day */
  day: string;
  /**What month should cron job run. * means every month */
  month: string;
  /**What weekday should cron job run. * means every day */
  weekday: string;
  /**Command to execute when cron job is triggered */
  command: string;


Linux Executable Linkable Format (ELF) is the executable format for applications on Linux systems.
artemis is able to parse basic metadata from ELF files.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

There is no way to collect just ELF data with artemis instead it is an optional feature for the Linux filelisting and processes artifacts.
However, it is possible to directly parse ELF files by using JavaScript. See the scripts chapter for examples.

Configuration Optaions


Output Structure

An array of ElfInfo entries

export interface ElfInfo {
  /**Array of symbols in ELF binary */
  symbols: string[];
  /**Array of sections in ELF binary */
  sections: string[];
  /**Machine type information in ELF binary */
  machine_type: string;


A regular Linux filelisting. artemis uses the walkdir crate to recursively walk the files and directories on the system. Since a filelisting can be extremely large every 100k entries artemis will output the data and then continue.

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that can recursively list files and directories


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "linux"

name = "files_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "files" # Name of artifact
start_path = "/usr/bin" # Start of file listing
# Optional
depth = 5 # How many sub directories to descend
# Optional
metadata = true # Get executable metadata
# Optional
md5 = true # MD5 all files
# Optional
sha1 = false # SHA1 all files
# Optional
sha256 = false # SHA256 all files
# Optional
path_regex = "" # Regex for paths
# Optional
file_regex = "" # Regex for files

Collection Options

  • start_path Where to start the file listing. Must exist on the endpoint. To start at root use /. This configuration is required
  • depth Specify how many directories to descend from the start_path. Default is one (1). Must be a postive number. Max value is 255. This configuration is optional
  • metadata Get ELF data from ELF files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • md5 Boolean value to enable MD5 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha1 Boolean value to enable SHA1 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha256 Boolean value to enable SHA256 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • path_regex Only descend into paths (directories) that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex
  • file_regex Only return entres that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex

Output Structure

An array of LinuxFileInfo entries

export interface LinuxFileInfo {
  /**Full path to file or directory */
  full_path: string;
  /**Directory path */
  directory: string;
  /**Filename */
  filename: string;
  /**Extension of file if any */
  extension: string;
  /**Created timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Modified timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  modified: number;
  /**Changed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  changed: number;
  /**Accessed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  accessed: number;
  /**Size of file in bytes */
  size: number;
  /**Inode associated with entry */
  inode: number;
  /**Mode of file entry */
  mode: number;
  /**User ID associated with file */
  uid: number;
  /**Group ID associated with file */
  gid: number;
  /**MD5 of file */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 of file */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 of file */
  sha256: string;
  /**Is the entry a file */
  is_file: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a directory */
  is_directory: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a symbolic links */
  is_symlink: boolean;
  /**Depth the file from provided start point */
  depth: number;
  /**ELF binary metadata */
  binary_info: ElfInfo[];


Linux Journals are the log files associated with the systemd service. Systemd is a popular system service that is common on most Linux distros. The logs can contain data related to application activity, sudo commands, and much more.

Other Parsers:

  • None


TOML Collection

system = "linux"

name = "journals_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "journals"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Journal entries

export interface Journal {
  /**User ID associated with entry */
  uid: number;
  /**Group ID associated with entry */
  gid: number;
  /**Process ID associated with entry */
  pid: number;
  /**Thread ID associated with entry */
  thread_id: number;
  /**Command associated with entry */
  comm: string;
  /**Priority associated with entry */
  priority: string;
  /**Syslog facility associated with entry */
  syslog_facility: string;
  /**Executable file associated with entry */
  executable: string;
  /**Cmdline args associated with entry */
  cmdline: string;
  /**Effective capabilities of process associated with entry */
  cap_effective: string;
  /**Session of the process associated with entry */
  audit_session: number;
  /**Login UID of the process associated with entry */
  audit_loginuid: number;
  /**Systemd Countrol Group associated with entry */
  systemd_cgroup: string;
  /**Systemd owner UID associated with entry */
  systemd_owner_uid: number;
  /**Systemd unit associated with entry */
  systemd_unit: string;
  /**Systemd user unit associated with entry */
  systemd_user_unit: string;
  /**Systemd slice associated with entry */
  systemd_slice: string;
  /**Sysemd user slice associated with entry */
  systemd_user_slice: string;
  /**Systemd invocation ID associated with entry */
  systemd_invocation_id: string;
  /**Kernel Boot ID associated with entry */
  boot_id: string;
  /**Machine ID of host associated with entry */
  machine_id: string;
  /**Hostname associated with entry */
  hostname: string;
  /**Runtime scope associated with entry */
  runtime_scope: string;
  /**Trused Timestamp associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH microseconds */
  source_realtime: number;
  /**Timestamp associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH microseconds */
  realtime: number;
  /**How entry was received by the Journal service */
  transport: string;
  /**Journal message entry */
  message: string;
  /**Message ID associated with Journal Catalog */
  message_id: string;
  /**Unit result associated with entry */
  unit_result: string;
  /**Code line for file associated with entry */
  code_line: number;
  /**Code function for file associated with entry */
  code_function: string;
  /**Code file associated with entry */
  code_file: string;
  /**User invocation ID associated with entry */
  user_invocation_id: string;
  /**User unit associated with entry */
  user_unit: string;
   * Custom fields associated with entry.
   * Example:
   * ```
   * "custom": {
   *            "_SOURCE_MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP": "536995",
   *            "_UDEV_SYSNAME": "0000:00:1c.3",
   *            "_KERNEL_DEVICE": "+pci:0000:00:1c.3",
   *            "_KERNEL_SUBSYSTEM": "pci"
   *        }
   * ```
  custom: Record<string, string>;
  /**Sequence Number associated with entry */
  seqnum: number;


Linux stores Logon information in several different files depending on the distro and software installed. Typically the following files contain logon information on Linux:

  • wtmp - Historical logons
  • btmp - Failed logons
  • utmp - Users currently logged on

In addition, Journal files may also contain logon information Currently artemis supports all three (3) files above when obtaining Logon information. When collecting Logon information artemis will only parse: wtmp, utmp, and btmp files.

If you want to check for logons in Journal files, you can try to apply a filter to the Journal artifact

Other Parsers:

  • N/A


TOML Collection

system = "linux"

name = "logon_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "logon"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Logon entries

export interface Logon {
  /**Logon type for logon entry */
  logon_type: string;
  /**Process ID */
  pid: number;
  /** Terminal info */
  terminal: string;
  /**Terminal ID for logon entry */
  terminal_id: number;
  /**Username for logon */
  username: string;
  /**Hostname for logon source */
  hostname: string;
  /**Termination status for logon entry */
  termination_status: number;
  /**Exit status logon entry */
  exit_status: number;
  /**Session for logon entry */
  session: number;
  /**Timestamp for logon in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Source IP for logon entry */
  ip: string;
  /**Status of logon entry: `Success` or `Failed` */
  status: string;


Gets a standard process listing using the Linux API

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that calls the Linux API


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "Linux"

name = "process_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "processes" # Name of artifact
# Get executable metadata
metadata = true 
# MD5 hash process binary
md5 = true 
 # SHA1 hash process binary
sha1 = false
# SHA256 hash process binary
sha256 = false

Collection Options

  • metadata Get ELF data from process binary.
  • md5 Boolean value to MD5 hash process binary
  • sha1 Boolean value to SHA1 hash process binary
  • sha256 Boolean value to SHA256 hash process binary

Output Structure

An array of LinuxProcessInfo entries

export interface LinuxProcessInfo {
  /**Full path to the process binary */
  full_path: string;
  /**Name of process */
  name: string;
  /**Path to process binary */
  path: string;
  /** Process ID */
  pid: number;
  /** Parent Process ID */
  ppid: number;
  /**Environment variables associated with process */
  environment: string;
  /**Status of the process */
  status: string;
  /**Process arguments */
  arguments: string;
  /**Process memory usage */
  memory_usage: number;
  /**Process virtual memory usage */
  virtual_memory_usage: number;
  /**Process start time in UNIXEPOCH seconds*/
  start_time: number;
  /** User ID associated with process */
  uid: string;
  /**Group ID associated with process */
  gid: string;
  /**MD5 hash of process binary */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 hash of process binary */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 hash of process binary */
  sha256: string;
  /**ELF metadata asssociated with process binary */
  binary_info: ElfInfo[];

Shell History

Many Unix and Linux like systems provide a shell interface that allows a user to execute a command or application. Many of these shell interfaces keep a record of the command executed and depending on the configuration the timestamp when the command was executed. Popular shells include:

  • bash
  • zsh
  • fish
  • sh
  • PowerShell

Artemis supports parsing zsh and bash shell history. In addition, it supports parsing Python history (despite not being a shell).

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a text file


TOML Collection

system = "macos" # or "linux"

name = "shellhistory_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "shell_history"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of BashHistory for bash data, ZshHistory for zsh data, and PythonHistory for Python data per user.

export interface BashHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.bash_history` file */
  history: BashData[];
  /**Path to `.bash_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.bash_history`
export interface BashData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Timestamp associated with line entry in UNIXEPOCH. Timestamps are **optional** in `.bash_history`, zero (0) is returned for no timestamp */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;

export interface ZshHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.zs_history` file */
  history: ZshData[];
  /**Path to `.bash_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.zsh_history`
export interface ZshData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Timestamp associated with line entry in UNIXEPOCH. Timestamps are **optional** in `.zsh_history`, zero (0) is returned for no timestamp */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;
  /**Duration of command */
  duration: number;

export interface PythonHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.python_history` file */
  history: PythonData[];
  /**Path to `.python_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.python_history`
export interface PythonData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;

Sudo Logs

Unix SudoLogs are the log files associated with sudo execution. Sudo ("super user do" or "substitute user") is used to run programs with elevated privileges.
macOS SudoLogs are stored in the Unified Log files.
Linux SudoLogs are stored in the Systemd Journal files.
The log entries show evidence of commands executed with elevated privileges

Other Parsers:

  • None


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "linux" # or "macos"

name = "sudologs_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "sudologs"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

On a Linux system SudoLogs return an array of Journal entries

export interface Journal {
  /**User ID associated with entry */
  uid: number;
  /**Group ID associated with entry */
  gid: number;
  /**Process ID associated with entry */
  pid: number;
  /**Thread ID associated with entry */
  thread_id: number;
  /**Command associated with entry */
  comm: string;
  /**Priority associated with entry */
  priority: string;
  /**Syslog facility associated with entry */
  syslog_facility: string;
  /**Executable file associated with entry */
  executable: string;
  /**Cmdline args associated with entry */
  cmdline: string;
  /**Effective capabilities of process associated with entry */
  cap_effective: string;
  /**Session of the process associated with entry */
  audit_session: number;
  /**Login UID of the process associated with entry */
  audit_loginuid: number;
  /**Systemd Countrol Group associated with entry */
  systemd_cgroup: string;
  /**Systemd owner UID associated with entry */
  systemd_owner_uid: number;
  /**Systemd unit associated with entry */
  systemd_unit: string;
  /**Systemd user unit associated with entry */
  systemd_user_unit: string;
  /**Systemd slice associated with entry */
  systemd_slice: string;
  /**Sysemd user slice associated with entry */
  systemd_user_slice: string;
  /**Systemd invocation ID associated with entry */
  systemd_invocation_id: string;
  /**Kernel Boot ID associated with entry */
  boot_id: string;
  /**Machine ID of host associated with entry */
  machine_id: string;
  /**Hostname associated with entry */
  hostname: string;
  /**Runtime scope associated with entry */
  runtime_scope: string;
  /**Trused Timestamp associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH microseconds */
  source_realtime: number;
  /**Timestamp associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH microseconds */
  realtime: number;
  /**How entry was received by the Journal service */
  transport: string;
  /**Journal message entry */
  message: string;
  /**Message ID associated with Journal Catalog */
  message_id: string;
  /**Unit result associated with entry */
  unit_result: string;
  /**Code line for file associated with entry */
  code_line: number;
  /**Code function for file associated with entry */
  code_function: string;
  /**Code file associated with entry */
  code_file: string;
  /**User invocation ID associated with entry */
  user_invocation_id: string;
  /**User unit associated with entry */
  user_unit: string;
   * Custom fields associated with entry.
   * Example:
   * ```
   * "custom": {
   *            "_SOURCE_MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP": "536995",
   *            "_UDEV_SYSNAME": "0000:00:1c.3",
   *            "_KERNEL_DEVICE": "+pci:0000:00:1c.3",
   *            "_KERNEL_SUBSYSTEM": "pci"
   *        }
   * ```
  custom: Record<string, string>;
  /**Sequence Number associated with entry */
  seqnum: number;


Gets system metadata associated with the endpoint

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that calls the Linux API or queries system information


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "Linux"

name = "systeminfo_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "systeminfo"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

A SystemInfo object structure

export interface SystemInfo {
  /**Boot time for endpoint */
  boot_time: number;
  /**Endpoint hostname */
  hostname: string;
  /**Endpoint OS version */
  os_version: string;
  /**Uptime of endpoint */
  uptime: number;
  /**Endpoint kernel version */
  kernel_version: string;
  /**Endpoint platform */
  platform: string;
  /**CPU information */
  cpu: Cpus[];
  /**Disks information */
  disks: Disks[];
  /**Memory information */
  memory: Memory;
  /**Performance information */
  performance: LoadPerformance;

 * CPU information on endpoint
export interface Cpus {
  /**CPU frequency */
  frequency: number;
  /**CPU usage on endpoint */
  cpu_usage: number;
  /**Name of CPU */
  name: string;
  /**Vendor ID for CPU */
  vendor_id: string;
  /**CPU brand */
  brand: string;
  /**Core Count */
  physical_core_count: number;

 * Disk information on endpoint
export interface Disks {
  /**Type of disk */
  disk_type: string;
  /**Filesystem for disk */
  file_system: string;
  /**Disk mount point */
  mount_point: string;
  /**Disk storage */
  total_space: number;
  /**Storage remaining */
  available_space: number;
  /**If disk is removable */
  removable: boolean;

 * Memory information on endpoint
export interface Memory {
  /**Available memory on endpoint */
  available_memory: number;
  /**Free memory on endpoint */
  free_memory: number;
  /**Free swap on endpoint */
  free_swap: number;
  /**Total memory on endpoint */
  total_memory: number;
  /**Total swap on endpoint */
  total_swap: number;
  /**Memory in use */
  used_memory: number;
  /**Swap in use */
  used_swap: number;

 * Average CPU load
export interface LoadPerformance {
  /**Average load for one (1) min */
  avg_one_min: number;
  /**Average load for five (5) min */
  avg_five_min: number;
  /**Average load for fifteen (15) min */
  avg_fifteen_min: number;


In addition to supporting OS specific artifacts, artemis can parse data associated with several applications.


Chromium is a popular open source web browser created and maintained by Google. The Chromium codebase also used for multiple other browsers such as:

  • Chrome
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Opera
  • Brave

Artemis supports parsing browsing history and downloads from Chromium. History and downloads data are stored in a SQLITE file.

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a SQLITE database


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "chromium_macos"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "chromium-history"

artifact_name = "chromium-downloads"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of ChromiumHistory for history data and ChromiumDownloads for downloads data per user.

export interface ChromiumHistory {
  /**Array of history entries */
  history: RawChromiumHistory[];
  /**Path associated with the history file */
  path: string;
  /**User associated with the history file */
  user: string;

 * An interface representing the Chromium SQLITE tables: `urls` and `visits`
export interface RawChromiumHistory {
  /**Row ID value */
  id: number;
  /**Page URL */
  url: string;
  /**Page title */
  title: string;
  /**Page visit count */
  visit_count: number;
  /**Typed count value */
  typed_count: number;
  /**Last visit time in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_visit_time: number;
  /**Hiden value */
  hidden: number;
  /**Visits ID value */
  visits_id: number;
  /**From visit value */
  from_visit: number;
  /**Transition value */
  transition: number;
  /**Segment ID value */
  segment_id: number;
  /**Visit duration value */
  visit_duration: number;
  /**Opener visit value */
  opener_visit: number;

export interface ChromiumDownloads {
  /**Array of downloads entries */
  downloads: RawChromiumDownloads[];
  /**Path associated with the downloads file */
  path: string;
  /**User associated with the downloads file */
  user: string;

 * An interface representing the Chromium SQLITE tables: `downloads` and  `downloads_url_chains`
export interface RawChromiumDownloads {
  /**Row ID */
  id: number;
  /**GUID for download */
  guid: string;
  /**Path to download */
  current_path: string;
  /**Target path to download */
  target_path: string;
  /**Download start time in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  start_time: number;
  /**Bytes downloaded */
  received_bytes: number;
  /**Total bytes downloaded */
  total_bytes: number;
  /**State value */
  state: number;
  /**Danger type value */
  danger_type: number;
  /**Interrupt reaason value */
  interrupt_reason: number;
  /**Raw byte hash value */
  hash: number[];
  /**Download end time in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  end_time: number;
  /**Opened value */
  opened: number;
  /**Last access time in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_access_time: number;
  /**Transient value */
  transient: number;
  /**Referer URL */
  referrer: string;
  /**Download source URL */
  site_url: string;
  /**Tabl URL */
  tab_url: string;
  /**Tab referrer URL */
  tab_referrer_url: string;
  /**HTTP method used */
  http_method: string;
  /**By ext ID value */
  by_ext_id: string;
  /**By ext name value */
  by_ext_name: string;
  /**Etag value */
  etag: string;
  /**Last modified time as STRING */
  last_modified: string;
  /**MIME type value */
  mime_type: string;
  /**Original mime type value */
  original_mime_type: string;
  /**Downloads URL chain ID value */
  downloads_url_chain_id: number;
  /**Chain index value */
  chain_index: number;
  /**URL for download */
  url: string;


Firefox is a popular open source web browser created and maintained by Mozilla. artemis supports parsing browsing history and downloads from Firefox. History and downloads data are stored in a SQLITE file.

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a SQLITE database


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "firefox_tester"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "firefox-history"

artifact_name = "firefox-downloads"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of FirefoxHistory for history data and FirefoxDownloads for downloads data per user.

export interface FirefoxHistory {
  /**Array of history entries */
  history: RawFirefoxHistory[];
  /**Path associated with the history file */
  path: string;
  /**User associated with the history file */
  user: string;

 * An interface representing the Firefox SQLITE tables: `moz_places` and `moz_origins`
export interface RawFirefoxHistory {
  /**SQLITE row id */
  moz_places_id: number;
  /**Page URL */
  url: string;
  /**Page title */
  title: string;
  /**URL in reverse */
  rev_host: string;
  /**Page visit count */
  visit_count: number;
  /**Hidden value */
  hidden: number;
  /**Typed value */
  typed: number;
  /**Frequency value */
  frequency: number;
  /**Last visit time in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_visit_date: number;
  /**GUID for entry */
  guid: string;
  /**Foreign count value */
  foreign_count: number;
  /**Hash of URL */
  url_hash: number;
  /**Page description */
  description: string;
  /**Preview image URL value */
  preview_image_url: string;
  /**Prefix value (ex: https://) */
  prefix: string;
  /** Host value */
  host: string;

export interface FirefoxDownloads {
  /**Array of downloads entries */
  downloads: RawFirefoxDownloads[];
  /**Path associated with the downloads file */
  path: string;
  /**User associated with the downloads file */
  user: string;

 * An interface representing the Firefox SQLITE tables: `moz_places`, `moz_origins`, `moz_annos`, `moz_anno_attributes`
export interface RawFirefoxDownloads {
  /**ID for SQLITE row */
  id: number;
  /**ID to history entry */
  place_id: number;
  /**ID to anno_attribute entry */
  anno_attribute_id: number;
  /**Content value */
  content: string;
  /**Flags value */
  flags: number;
  /**Expiration value */
  expiration: number;
  /**Download type value */
  download_type: number;
  /**Date added in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  date_added: number;
  /**Last modified in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_modified: number;
  /**Downloaded file name */
  name: string;
  /**History data associated with downloaded file */
  history: RawFirefoxHistory;


Safari is the builtin web browser an Apple devices. artemis supports parsing browsing history and downloads from Safari. History data is stored in a SQLITE file while downloads data is stored PLIST file and then stored in Bookmark format

Other Parsers:

  • Any program that read a SQLITE database for History data


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "safari_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "safari-history"

artifact_name = "safari-downloads"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of SafariHistory for history data and SafariDownloads for downloads data per user.

export interface SafariHistory {
  /**Array of history entries */
  history: RawSafariHistory[];
  /**Path associated with the history file */
  path: string;
  /**User associated with the history file */
  user: string;

 * An interface representing the Safari SQLITE tables: `history_items` and `history_visits`
export interface RawSafariHistory {
  /**Row ID value */
  id: number;
  /**Page URL */
  url: string;
  /**Expansion for domain */
  domain_expansion: string;
  /**Page visit count */
  visit_count: number;
  /**Daily visist in raw bytes */
  daily_visit_counts: number[];
  /**Weekly visist in raw bytes */
  weekly_visit_counts: number[];
  /**Autocomplete triggers for page */
  autocomplete_triggers: number[];
  /**Recompute visits count */
  should_recompute_derived_visit_counts: number;
  /**Visit score value */
  visit_count_score: number;
  /**Status code value */
  status_code: number;
  /**Visit time in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  visit_time: number;
  /**Load successful value */
  load_successful: boolean;
  /**Page title */
  title: string;
  /**Attributes value */
  attributes: number;
  /**Score value */
  score: number;

export interface SafariDownloads {
  /**Array of downloads entries */
  downloads: RawSafariDownloads[];
  /**Path associated with the downloads file */
  path: string;
  /**User associated with the downloads file */
  user: string;

 * An interface representing Safari downloads data
export interface RawSafariDownloads {
  /**Source URL for download */
  source_url: string;
  /**File download path */
  download_path: string;
  /**Sandbox ID value */
  sandbox_id: string;
  /**Downloaded bytes */
  download_bytes: number;
  /**Download ID value */
  download_id: string;
  /**Download start date in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  download_entry_date: number;
  /**Download finish date in UNIXEPOCH seoconds */
  download_entry_finish: number;
  /**Path to file to run */
  path: string[];
  /**Path represented as Catalog Node ID */
  cnid_path: number[];
  /**Created timestamp of target file in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Path to the volume of target file */
  volume_path: string;
  /**Target file URL type */
  volume_url: string;
  /**Name of volume target file is on */
  volume_name: string;
  /**Volume UUID */
  volume_uuid: string;
  /**Size of target volume in bytes */
  volume_size: number;
  /**Created timestamp of volume in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  volume_created: number;
  /**Volume Property flags */
  volume_flag: number[];
  /**Flag if volume if the root filesystem */
  volume_root: boolean;
  /**Localized name of target file */
  localized_name: string;
  /**Read-Write security extension of target file */
  security_extension_rw: string;
  /**Read-Only security extension of target file */
  security_extension_ro: string;
  /**File property flags */
  target_flags: number[];
  /**Username associated with `Bookmark` */
  username: string;
  /**Folder index number associated with target file */
  folder_index: number;
  /**UID associated with `LoginItem` */
  uid: number;
  /**`LoginItem` creation flags */
  creation_options: number;
  /**Is target file executable */
  is_executable: boolean;
  /**Does target file have file reference flag */
  file_ref_flag: boolean;

Scripting with Deno

a small velociraptor joke

A really cool capability of artemis is it contains an embedded JavaScript runtime via Deno. Deno is V8 based JavaScript runtime written in Rust. By importing the deno_core crate this allows us to create our own JavaScript runtime geared specifically for forensics and IR!

For example, the Rust artemis function get_registry(registry_file_path) can be used to parse a provided Registry file on disk. By registering this function with the Deno runtime we can call this function directly from JavaScript! In addition to JavaScript, TypeScript is also supported by Deno!
To summarize:

  1. We can create a script using TypeScript and Deno
  2. Compile TypeScript to JavaScript
  3. Execute JavaScript using artemis

Deno image from The image is MIT licensed. Checkout other artwork by the author at

Prequisites for Scripting.

  1. Deno
  2. A text-editor or IDE that supports Deno. VSCodium and VSCode have been tested
  3. Deno language server extension. The extension in the VSCodium and VSCode marketplaces has been tested.
  4. A TypeScript to JavaScript bundler. There are multiple options:
    • Deno includes a builtin bundler however it is schedule for depreciation. (But it still works)
    • esbuild Deno loader. Will require a simple build script in order to bundle our artemis script

Why TypeScript?

A TypeScript library is provided instead of JavaScript due to the enhanced features and ease of use TypeScript provides over plain JavaScript.

Continuing from get_registry(registry_file_path) example:

export interface Registry {
   * Full path to `Registry` key and name.
   * Ex: ` ROOT\...\CurrentVersion\Run`
  path: string;
   * Path to Key
   * Ex: ` ROOT\...\CurrentVersion`
  key: string;
   * Key name
   * Ex: `Run`
  name: string;
   * Values associated with key name
   * Ex: `Run => Vmware`. Where Run is the `key` name and `Vmware` is the value name
  values: Value[];
  /**Timestamp of when the path was last modified */
  last_modified: number;
  /**Depth of key name */
  depth: number;

 * The value data associated with Registry key
 * References:
export interface Value {
  /**Name of Value */
  value: string;
   * Data associated with value.  Type can be determiend by `data_type`.
   * `REG_BINARY` is base64 encoded string
  data: string;
  /**Value type */
  data_type: string;

 * Function to parse a `Registry` file
 * @param path Full path to a `Registry` file
 * @returns Array of `Registry` entries
export function get_registry(path: string): Registry[] {
  // Array of JSON objects
  const data = Deno.core.ops.get_registry(path);
  const reg_array: Registry[] = JSON.parse(data);

  return reg_array;

The above TypeScript code shows that we can access our registered get_registry function by calling it via Deno.core.ops.get_registry(path);
To make scripting even easier a simple artemis-api library is available to import into Deno scripts. This allows users to create scripts without needing to know what functions are registered.

The example script below shows TypeScript code that imports the artemis-api library to parse the SOFTWARE Registry file to get a list of installed programs

import { getRegistry } from "";
import { Registry } from "";

interface InstalledPrograms {
  name: string;
  version: string;
  install_location: string;
  install_source: string;
  language: string;
  publisher: string;
  install_string: string;
  install_date: string;
  uninstall_string: string;
  url_info: string;
  reg_path: string;

function grab_info(reg: Registry[]): InstalledPrograms[] {
  const programs: InstalledPrograms[] = [];
  const min_size = 3;
  for (const entries of reg) {
    if (entries.values.length < min_size) {
    const program: InstalledPrograms = {
      name: "",
      version: "",
      install_location: "",
      install_source: "",
      language: "",
      publisher: "",
      install_string: "",
      install_date: "",
      uninstall_string: "",
      url_info: "",
      reg_path: entries.path,

    for (const value of entries.values) {
      switch (value.value) {
        case "DisplayName":
        case "DisplayVersion":
          program.version =;
        case "InstallDate":
          program.install_date =;
        case "InstallLocation":
          program.install_location =;
        case "InstallSource":
          program.install_source =;
        case "Language":
          program.language =;
        case "Publisher":
          program.publisher =;
        case "UninstallString":
          program.uninstall_string =;
        case "URLInfoAbout":
          program.url_info =;
  return programs;

function main() {
  const path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\config\\SOFTWARE";

  const reg = getRegistry(path);
  const programs: Registry[] = [];
  for (const entries of reg) {
    if (
    ) {
  return grab_info(programs);


We can then compile and bundle this TypeScript code to JavaScript and execute using artemis!


Currently artemis requires that we have all of our JavaScript code in one (1) .js file. However, while very simple scripts may only be one (1) file, if we decide to import an artemis function, or split our code into multiple files we now have multiple files that need to be combine into one (1) .js file.

A Bundler can help us perform this task.

The TypeScript code below imports a function and the Registry interface from artemis.

import { getRegistry } from "";
import { Registry } from "";

interface InstalledPrograms {
  name: string;
  version: string;
  install_location: string;
  install_source: string;
  language: string;
  publisher: string;
  install_string: string;
  install_date: string;
  uninstall_string: string;
  url_info: string;
  reg_path: string;

function grab_info(reg: Registry[]): InstalledPrograms[] {
  const programs: InstalledPrograms[] = [];
  const min_size = 3;
  for (const entries of reg) {
    if (entries.values.length < min_size) {
    const program: InstalledPrograms = {
      name: "",
      version: "",
      install_location: "",
      install_source: "",
      language: "",
      publisher: "",
      install_string: "",
      install_date: "",
      uninstall_string: "",
      url_info: "",
      reg_path: entries.path,

    for (const value of entries.values) {
      switch (value.value) {
        case "DisplayName":
        case "DisplayVersion":
          program.version =;
        case "InstallDate":
          program.install_date =;
        case "InstallLocation":
          program.install_location =;
        case "InstallSource":
          program.install_source =;
        case "Language":
          program.language =;
        case "Publisher":
          program.publisher =;
        case "UninstallString":
          program.uninstall_string =;
        case "URLInfoAbout":
          program.url_info =;
  return programs;

function main() {
  const path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\config\\SOFTWARE";

  const reg = getRegistry(path);
  const programs: Registry[] = [];
  for (const entries of reg) {
    if (
    ) {
  return grab_info(programs);


Lets save this code to the file main.ts. Before we can compile the code to JavaScript we have to include (bundle) mod.ts and registry.ts.
There are multiple types of bundler applications that can help us with this task. Two (2) this book will focus on are:

Deno Builtin Bundler

To bundle our main.ts and compile to a .js file. We just need to run: deno bundle --no-check main.ts > main.js. By default Deno wil output to the console when bundling.

--no-check Flag

This flag tells Deno not to type check values. This flag is required due to: Deno.core.ops.get_registry(path)
The Deno binary is designed to support code written for the Deno platform. However, we are using a custom Deno runtime.
The Deno binary has no idea what get_registry is because it is a custom function we have registered in our own runtime.


// deno-fmt-ignore-file
// deno-lint-ignore-file
// This code was bundled using `deno bundle` and it's not recommended to edit it manually

function get_registry(path) {
    const data = Deno.core.ops.get_registry(path);
    const reg_array = JSON.parse(data);
    return reg_array;
function getRegistry(path) {
    return get_registry(path);
function grab_info(reg) {
    const programs = [];
    for (const entries of reg){
        if (entries.values.length < 3) {
        const program = {
            name: "",
            version: "",
            install_location: "",
            install_source: "",
            language: "",
            publisher: "",
            install_string: "",
            install_date: "",
            uninstall_string: "",
            url_info: "",
            reg_path: entries.path
        for (const value of entries.values){
                case "DisplayName":
                case "DisplayVersion":
                    program.version =;
                case "InstallDate":
                    program.install_date =;
                case "InstallLocation":
                    program.install_location =;
                case "InstallSource":
                    program.install_source =;
                case "Language":
                    program.language =;
                case "Publisher":
                    program.publisher =;
                case "UninstallString":
                    program.uninstall_string =;
                case "URLInfoAbout":
                    program.url_info =;
    return programs;
function main() {
    const path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\config\\SOFTWARE";
    const reg = getRegistry(path);
    const programs = [];
    for (const entries of reg){
        if (!entries.path.includes("Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall")) {
    return grab_info(programs);

The JavaScript code above was generated with the deno bundle command and is now ready to be executed by artemis!


esbuild is a popular Bundler for JavaScript. It is normally run as a standalone binary, however we can import a module that lets us dynamically execute esbuild using Deno. In order to do this we need a build script. Using the same main.ts file above, create a build.ts file in the same directory. Add the following code to build.ts:

import * as esbuild from "";
import { denoPlugin } from "";

async function main() {
  const _result = await{
    plugins: [denoPlugin()],
    entryPoints: ["./main.ts"],
    outfile: "main.js",
    bundle: true,
    format: "cjs",



The above script will use the main.ts file and bundle all of its pre-requisite files into one .js file using esbuild. We then execute this code using deno run build.ts


function get_registry(path) {
  const data = Deno.core.ops.get_registry(path);
  const reg_array = JSON.parse(data);
  return reg_array;

function getRegistry(path) {
  return get_registry(path);

// main.ts
function grab_info(reg) {
  const programs = [];
  const min_size = 3;
  for (const entries of reg) {
    if (entries.values.length < min_size) {
    const program = {
      name: "",
      version: "",
      install_location: "",
      install_source: "",
      language: "",
      publisher: "",
      install_string: "",
      install_date: "",
      uninstall_string: "",
      url_info: "",
      reg_path: entries.path,
    for (const value of entries.values) {
      switch (value.value) {
        case "DisplayName":
        case "DisplayVersion":
          program.version =;
        case "InstallDate":
          program.install_date =;
        case "InstallLocation":
          program.install_location =;
        case "InstallSource":
          program.install_source =;
        case "Language":
          program.language =;
        case "Publisher":
          program.publisher =;
        case "UninstallString":
          program.uninstall_string =;
        case "URLInfoAbout":
          program.url_info =;
  return programs;
function main() {
  const path = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\config\\SOFTWARE";
  const reg = getRegistry(path);
  const programs = [];
  for (const entries of reg) {
    if (
    ) {
  return grab_info(programs);

The JavaScript code above was generated by esbuild via Deno and is now ready to be executed by artemis!


The easiest way to start scripting is to create a Deno project.

  • deno init <project name> will create a project in the current directory

The deno website contains the full documentation on a Deno project layout. By default the following files are created for a new project:

  • deno.jsonc
  • main.ts
  • main_bench.ts
  • main_test.ts

Since we are using a runtime built specifically for forensics and IR none of the builtin Deno functions are available. All scripts must import the artemis-api modules in order to effectively create scripts. In addition, to artemis-api only the vanilla JavaScript API is available for scripting

To import artemis functions into your script, open main.ts and import the function associated with the artifact you want to parse. For example, to parse the Windows Registry you would import:

import { getRegistry } from "";

If you wanted to parse the Windows Registry and manipulate the parsed data you would import:

import { getRegistry } from "";
import { Registry } from "";

A list of all exported artemis functions can be found at All artifacts supported by artemis are callable from TypeScript. The structured output produced by each artifact is listed in the respective artifact chapter. For example, the structured Registry data format return getRegistry is found in the Registry chapter

Once we have created and bundled our script. We just need to base64 encode before providing it to artemis.

TOML Collection

An example TOML collection would like this

system = "macos"

name = "plist_data"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "all_users_plist_files"
# Parses all plist files in /Users/%
script = "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"

Collection Options

  • name Name for script
  • script Base64 encoded bundled script (JavaScript)

Filter Scripts

In addition to creating scripts that call artemis functions. artemis has the ability to pass the artifact data as an argument to a script! For most scenarios calling the artemis function is the recommended practice for scripting. However, the sole execption is the filelisting and rawfilelisting artifacts.

When pulling a filelisting artemis will recursively walk the filesystem, but in order to keep memory usage low, every 100,000 files artemis will output the results. While this will keep memory usage low, it makes it difficult to use via scripting. If we return 100,000 entries to our script, we cannot continue our recursive filelisting because we have lost track where we are in the filesystem.

This where filter scripts can help.

Instead of calling an artemis function like getRegistry we instead tell artemis to pass the artifact data as an argument to our script. So, instead of returning 100,000 files, we pass that data as an argument to our script before outputting the results.

A normal artemis script would look like something below:

system = "macos"

name = "plist_data"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "all_users_plist_files"
# Parses all plist files in /Users/%
script = "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"

High level overview of what happens:
TOML file -> decode script -> artemis executes script -> output data

A filter script would look like something below:

system = "macos"

name = "info_plist_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"
filter_name = "apps_info_plists"
# This script will take the files artifact below and filter it to only return Info.plist files
# We could expand this even further by then using the plist parser on the Info.plist path and include that parsed data too
filter_script = "Ly8gbWFpbi50cwpmdW5jdGlvbiBtYWluKCkgewogIGNvbnN0IGFyZ3MgPSBTVEFUSUNfQVJHUzsKICBpZiAoYXJncy5sZW5ndGggPT09IDApIHsKICAgIHJldHVybiBbXTsKICB9CiAgY29uc3QgZGF0YSA9IEpTT04ucGFyc2UoYXJnc1swXSk7CiAgY29uc3QgZmlsdGVyX2ZpbGVzID0gW107CiAgZm9yIChjb25zdCBlbnRyeSBvZiBkYXRhKSB7CiAgICBpZiAoZW50cnkuZmlsZW5hbWUgPT0gIkluZm8ucGxpc3QiKSB7CiAgICAgIGZpbHRlcl9maWxlcy5wdXNoKGVudHJ5KTsKICAgIH0KICB9CiAgcmV0dXJuIGZpbHRlcl9maWxlczsKfQptYWluKCk7Cg=="

artifact_name = "files" # Name of artifact
filter = true
start_path = "/System/Volumes/Data/Applications" # Start of file listing
depth = 100 # How many sub directories to descend
metadata = false # Get executable metadata
md5 = false # MD5 all files
sha1 = false # SHA1 all files
sha256 = false # SHA256 all files
path_regex = "" # Regex for paths
file_regex = "" # Regex for files

The biggest differences are:

  • We use a [[artifacts]] list to parse our data
  • We base64 encode our script and assign to filter_script to tell artemis: take the results of the [[artifacts]] list and filter them before outputting the data
  • We then set the filter value to true

High level overview of what happens:
TOML file -> walkthrough artifacts list -> artemis collects data -> pass data to filter script -> output data
All entries in a [[artifacts]] list can be sent through a filter script with the exception of regular artemis scripts. The output of these scripts do not go through filter_script.

The TypeScript code for a filter script would be something like below:

import { MacosFileInfo } from "";

 * Filters a provided file listing argument to only return Info.plist files from /Applications
 * Two arguments are always provided:
 *   - First is the parsed data serialized into JSON string
 *   - Second is the artifact name (ex: "amcache")
 * @returns Array of files only containing Info.plist
function main() {
  // Since this is a filter script our data will be passed as a Serde Value that is a string
  const args = Deno.args;
  if (args.length === 0) {
    return [];

  // Parse the provide Serde Value (JSON string) as a MacosFileInfo[]
  const data: MacosFileInfo[] = JSON.parse(args[0]);
  const filter_files: MacosFileInfo[] = [];

  for (const entry of data) {
    if (entry.filename == "Info.plist") {
  return filter_files;


The key difference between a regular artemis script and a filter script is:

const args = Deno.args;
if (args.length === 0) {
  return [];

// Parse the provide Serde Value (JSON string) as a MacosFileInfo[]
const data: MacosFileInfo[] = JSON.parse(args[0]);

Here we are taking the first argument provided to our script and parsing it as a JSON MacosFileInfo object array. As stated above, artemis will pass the results of each [[artifacts]] entry to our script using serde to serialize the data as a JSON formattted string.

We then parse and filter the data based on our script

// Parse the provide Serde Value (JSON string) as a MacosFileInfo[]
const data: MacosFileInfo[] = JSON.parse(args[0]);
const filter_files: MacosFileInfo[] = [];

for (const entry of data) {
  if (entry.filename == "Info.plist") {

Finally, we take our filtered output and return it back to artemis

return filter_files;

So our initial data provided to our filter script gets filtered and returned. In this example, our 100,000 file listing entry gets filtered to only return entries with the filename Info.plist.


It is important to understand the JavaScript runtime for artemis is not like normal JavaScript runtimes like nodejs, deno, bun, etc. These runtimes are primarily designed to create web apps.

Therefore tutorials or example scripts created for other runtimes will likely not work with artemis. For example, the JavaScript function console.table() does not exist in artemis. However, the functions console.log() and console.error() do exist in artemis.

There JavaScript runtime for artemis is designed specifically to assist with scripting for IR and forensic investigations.

There are currently some additional limitations to scripting with artemis.

  1. All scripts executed through artemis must be in JavaScript. You cannot execute TypeScript scripts directly. You must compile and bundle them into one (1) JavaScript file.
  2. The JavaScript must be in common JS format (cjs). EMCAScript (ES) module scripts are not supported. The example code below uses esbuild to bundle the main.ts file to JavaScript using CJS format via deno run build.ts:
import * as esbuild from "";
import { denoPlugin } from "";

async function main() {
  const _result = await{
    plugins: [denoPlugin()],
    entryPoints: ["./main.ts"],
    outfile: "main.js",
    bundle: true,
    format: "cjs",



Library Usage

artemis-core is a very simple Rust library. It currently only exposes two (2) functions:

  • parse_toml_file(path: &str) - Parse a TOML collection file at provided path
  • parse_toml_data(data: &[u8]) - Parse bytes associated with a TOML collection

Both functions will return nothing on success (artemis-core handles data output) or an error.


artemis-core includes a logging feature that tracks internal issues it may encounter when executing. If you import artemis-core into your own project you may register you own logger, however that will then disable the builtin logger in artemis-core.


Windows TOML collection to parse artifacts commonly associated with execution

system = "windows"

name = "execution_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "prefetch"

artifact_name = "amcache"

artifact_name = "shimcache"

artifact_name = "userassist"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "muicache"
script = "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"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "eventlogs_4688"
script = "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"


Windows TOML collection focusing on quickly collecting data related to a Windows alert.

system = "windows"

name = "triage_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "processes"
md5 = true
sha1 = false
sha256 = false
metadata = true

artifact_name = "prefetch"

artifact_name = "userassist"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "office_mru"
# Pulls back recently opened Office documents for all users from NTUSER.DAT files
script = "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"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "recent_files"
# Parses all recent accessed files (shortcuts/lnk files) for all users
script = "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"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "logons_7_days"
# Pulls back all logons within the past seven (7) days (logoffs are not included)
script = "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"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "powershell"
# Parses PowerShell logs looking for EIDs 400,4104,4103, and 800
script = "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"

macOS TOML collection focusing on quickly collecting data related to a macOS alert.

system = "macos"

name = "triage_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"
filter_name = "unifiedlogs_fsevents_filter"
# Filter for all logs and FsEvents that contain ".dmg" or "Downloads

artifact_name = "processes"
md5 = true
sha1 = false
sha256 = false
metadata = true

artifact_name = "unifiedlogs"
filter = true
sources = ["Persist"]

artifact_name = "fseventsd"
filter = true

artifact_name = "chromium-history"

artifact_name = "chromium-downloads"

artifact_name = "firefox-history"

artifact_name = "firefox-downloads"

artifact_name = "safari-history"

artifact_name = "safari-downloads"

Live Response

Windows TOML collection focusing on collecting data to help investigate a Windows incident.

system = "windows"

name = "windows_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "prefetch"

artifact_name = "processes"
md5 = true
sha1 = false
sha256 = false
metadata = true

artifact_name = "systeminfo"

artifact_name = "chromium-history"

artifact_name = "chromium-downloads"

artifact_name = "firefox-history"

artifact_name = "firefox-downloads"

artifact_name = "amcache"

artifact_name = "bits"
carve = true

artifact_name = "eventlogs"

artifact_name = "rawfiles"
drive_letter = 'C'
start_path = "C:\\"
depth = 40
recover_indx = true
md5 = true
sha1 = false
sha256 = false
metadata = true

artifact_name = "registry" # Parses the whole Registry file
user_hives = true # All NTUSER.DAT and UsrClass.dat
system_hives = true # SYSTEM, SOFTWARE, SAM, SECURITY

artifact_name = "shellbags"
resolve_guids = true

artifact_name = "shimcache"

artifact_name = "srum"

artifact_name = "userassist"

artifact_name = "users"

artifact_name = "usnjrnl"

artifact_name = "script"
name = "recent_files"
# Parses all recent accessed files (shortcuts/lnk files) for all users
script = "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"

macOS colleciton focusing on collecting data to help investigate a macOS incident.

system = "macos"

name = "macos_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = true
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "processes"
md5 = true
sha1 = false
sha256 = false
metadata = true

artifact_name = "loginitems"

artifact_name = "emond"

artifact_name = "fseventsd"

artifact_name = "launchd"

artifact_name = "files"
start_path = "/"
depth = 90
metadata = true
md5 = true
sha1 = false
sha256 = false
regex_filter = ""

artifact_name = "users"

artifact_name = "groups"

artifact_name = "systeminfo"

artifact_name = "shell_history"

artifact_name = "chromium-history"

artifact_name = "chromium-downloads"

artifact_name = "firefox-history"

artifact_name = "firefox-downloads"

artifact_name = "safari-history"

artifact_name = "safari-downloads"

artifact_name = "cron"

artifact_name = "unifiedlogs"
sources = ["Persist", "Special", "Signpost", "HighVolume"] # Option to specify the log directories (sources)

File Listings

Windows TOML collection looking for all files created in the last 14 days

system = "windows"

name = "recent_files"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"
filter_name = "recently_created_files"
# This script will take the search artifact below and filter it to only return files that were created in the past 14 days
filter_script = "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"

artifact_name = "files" # Name of artifact
filter = true
start_path = "C:\\" # Start of file listing
depth = 100 # How many sub directories to descend

macOS TOML collection looking for all files created in the last 14 days

system = "macos"

name = "recent_files"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"
filter_name = "recently_created_files"
# This script will take the search artifact below and filter it to only return files that were created in the past 14 days
filter_script = "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"

artifact_name = "files" # Name of artifact
filter = true
start_path = "/" # Start of file listing
depth = 100 # How many sub directories to descend


A Windows collection script that does tha following:

  • Parses and filters user Registry Run\RunOnce keys that contain the values: ["cmd.exe", "powershell", "temp", "appdata", "script"]
  • Parses and filters the System Event Log for service installs that contain the values: [".bat", "powershell", "cmd.exe", "COMSPEC"]
  • Parses and filters BITS jobs looking for uncommon BITS jobs
system = "windows"

name = "win_filter"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"
filter_name = "regs_bits"
# This script will filter for sus Run\RunOnce Reg keys and non-builtin BITS jobs
filter_script = "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"

artifact_name = "bits"
filter = true
carve = true

artifact_name = "registry"
filter = true
user_hives = true
system_hives = false

artifact_name = "script"
name = "sus_7045_eids"
# The script below is the same as the filter script. Its coded in a manner that will work as a filter and normal script
script = "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"

A macOS collection script that does the following:

  • Parses and filters the Persist UnifiedLog files for log messags that contain sudo or osascript
  • Parses and filters Fseventsd entries for evidence of .dmg files or files in /tmp
  • Parses and filters an App filelisting to list Applications and their associated Info.plist content
  • Parses LoginItems and try to parse the associated persistence binary (if it exists and is a macho executable)

The script is coded in a manner so that it can run as a filter or a normal script.

system = "macos"

name = "mac_filter"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"
filter_name = "unifiedlogs_fsevents_filter"
# This script will filter for unifiedlogs, fseventsd, and files
filter_script = "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"

artifact_name = "unifiedlogs"
filter = true
sources = ["Persist"]

artifact_name = "fseventsd"
filter = true

artifact_name = "files"
filter = true
start_path = "/System/Volumes/Data/Applications"
depth = 15

artifact_name = "script"
name = "loginitems_macho" # No filtering applied
# The script below is the same as the filter script. Its coded in a manner that will work as a filter and normal script
script = "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"

Development Overview

The artemis source code is about ~66k lines of Rust code across ~540 files as of September 2023 (this includes tests), however its organized in a pretty simple manner.

From the root of the artemis repo:

  • /artemis-core workspace containsthe library component of artemis. The bulk of the code is located here
  • /cli workspace contains the executable component artemis. This is very small.
  • /server workspace contains the experimental server component of artemis. Its currently very bare bones

From /artemis-core directory:

  • /src contains the source code of artemis-core.
  • /tests contains test data and integration tests
  • /tmp output directory for all tests (if you choose to run them)

From the artemis-core/src/ directory

  • /artifacts contains the code related to parsing forensic artifacts. It is broken down by OS and application artifacts
  • /filesystem contains code to help interact with the filesystem. It contains helper functions that can be used when adding new artifacts/features. Ex: reading/hashing files, getting file timestamps, listing files, etc
  • /output contains code related to outputing parsed data
  • /runtime contains code related to the embedded Deno runtime
  • /structs contains code related to how TOML collection files are parsed. It tells artemis how to interpret TOML collections.
  • /utils contains code related to help parse artifacts and provide other features to artemis. Ex: Decompress/compress data, get environment variables, create a Regex expression, extract strings, convert timestamps, etc
  • contains the entry point to the artemis_core library.

Adding New Artifacts

To keep the codebase organized the follow should be followed when adding a new artifact.

  • Artifacts have their own subfolder. Ex: src/artifacts/os/windows/prefetch
  • The subfolder should have the following files at least:
    • - Contains the pub(crate) accessible functions for the artifact
    • - Artifact specific errors


All timestamps artemis outputs are in UNIXEPOCH seconds. The only exceptions are:

  • UnifiedLogs and EventLogs use UNIXEPOCH nanoseconds.
  • Journals use UNIXEPOCH microseconds.

If your new artifact has a timestamp, you will need to make sure the timestamp is in UNIXEPOCH seconds. Though exceptions may be allowed if needed, these exceptions will only be for the duration (ex: seconds vs nanoseconds).
No other time formats such as Windows FILETIME, FATTIME, Chromium time, etc are allowed.

Artifact Scope

Currently all artifacts that artemis parses are statically coded in the binary (they are written in Rust). While this ok, it prevents us from dyanamically upating the parser if the artifact format changes (ex: new Windows release).

Currently the JS runtime has minimal support for creating parsers. If you are interested in adding a small parser to artemis, it could be worth first trying to code it using the JS runtime.
An example JS runtime parser can be found in the artemis API repo.

However, if you want to implement a new parser for parsing common Windows artifacts such as Jumplists then that is definitely something that could be worth including as a static parser.

When in doubt or unsure open an issue!


If you want add a new artifact but want to see how other artifacts are implemented, some suggested ones to review are:

  • UserAssist: If you want to add a new Registry artifact. The UserAssist artifact is less than 300 lines (not counting tests). And includes:
    • Parsing binary data
    • Converting timestamps
    • Collecting user Registy data
  • FsEvents: If you want to to parse a binary file. The FsEvents is less than 300 lines (not counting tests). And includes:
    • Parsing binary data
    • Decompressing data
    • Getting data flags
      Fun fact: FsEvents was the first artifact created for artemis. Its the oldest code in the project!

Suggested Helper Functions

The artemis codebase contains a handful of artifacts (ex: Registry) that expose helper functions that allow other artifacts to reuse parts of that artifact to help get artifact specific data.

For example the Windows Registry artifact exposes a helper function that other Registry based artifacts can leverage to help parse the Registry:

  • pub(crate) fn get_registry_keys(start_path: &str, regex: &Regex, file_path: &str) will read a Registry at provide file_path and filter to based on start_path and regex. If start_path and regex are empty a full Registry listing is returned. All Regex comparisons are done in lowercase.

Some other examples listed below:

  • /filesytem contains code to help interact with the filesystem.

    • pub(crate) fn list_files(path: &str) returns list of files
    • pub(crate) fn read_file(path: &str) reads a file
    • pub(crate) fn hash_file(hashes: &Hashes, path: &str) hashes a file based on select hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256)
  • /filesystem/ntfs contains code to help iteract with the raw NTFS filesystem. It lets us bypass locked files. This is only available on Windows

    • pub(crate) fn raw_read_file(path: &str) reads a file. Will bypass file locks
    • pub(crate) fn read_attribute(path: &str, attribute: &str) can read an Alternative Data Stream (ADS)
    • pub(crate) fn get_user_registry_files(drive: &char) returns a Vector that contains references to all user Registry files (NTUSER.DAT and UsrClass.dat). It does not read the files, it just provides all the data needed to start reading them.
  • /src/artifacts/os/macos/plist/ contains code help parse plist files.

    • pub(crate) fn parse_plist_file(path: &str) will parse a plist file and return it as a Serde Value
    • pub(crate) fn parse_plist_file_dict(path: &str) will parse a plist file and return as Dictionary for further parsing by the caller


There a few required applications you will need in order to build and develop artemis.

  1. artemis is written in Rust. So you will need to download and install the Rust programming language
  2. Git
  3. Rust analzyer
  4. An IDE or text editor. VSCode or VSCodium are great choices. IntelliJ with the Rust plugin also works.

artemis has been developed on:

  • macOS 12 (Monterey) and higher
  • Windows 10 and higher


Once you have Rust and Git installed you can build artemis.

  1. Clone artemis repo at
  2. Navigate to the source code
  3. Run cargo build. By default cargo builds a debug version of the binary. If you want to build the release version of the binary run cargo build --release
# Download artemis source code
git clone
cd artemis

# Build debug version
cargo build
# Build release version
cargo build --release

Adding Features

Before working on a new feature for artemis please make sure you have read the Contributing doucment. Most important thing is to first create an issue! Highlevel overview of adding a new feature:

  1. Create an issue. If you want to work on it, make sure to explictly volunteer!
  2. Create a branch on your clone artemis repo
  3. Work on said feature
  4. Ensure tests are made for all functions
  5. If you are adding a new artifact, add an integration test
  6. Run cargo clippy.
  7. Run cargo fmt
  8. Open a pull request!

Other Useful Development Tools

List of useful tools that may aid in development.


artemis has a single basic guideline for testing:

  • All functions should ideally have a test

For example, if you open a pull request to add a new feature and create three (3) new functions. Your must have a test for each new function (three tests total). Even if your functions are coded like: functionA calls functionB which then call functionC. You must have tests for each function and not just functionA.

To run tests

# Its recommended to run in release mode for tests. This will speed up the tests
cargo test --release

If you are unfamilar with creating Rust tests. The Rust book and Rust by example have great learning resources.

Integration Tests

If you are adding a new forensic aritfact to artemis, including an integration test for the artifact can also be very useful. Writing an integration is a two (2) step process:

  1. Create a TOML collection file. This should be TOML collection file that anyone could download and run themselves
  2. Create a file

An example prefetch integration test:

  1. TOML file created at <path to repo>/artemis-core/tests/test_data/windows/prefetch.toml
system = "windows"

name = "prefetch_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "prefetch"
alt_drive = 'C'
  1. created at <path to repo>/artemis-core/tests/
fn main() {
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn test_prefetch_parser() {
    use std::path::PathBuf;

    use artemis_core::core::parse_toml_file;
    let mut test_location = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));

    let results = parse_toml_file(&test_location.display().to_string()).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(results, ())

Our file runs the prefetch.toml file through the whole artemis program.

Test Data

If you are adding a new forensic artifact to artemis, if you can include a sample of the artifact that can be used for tests that would be very helpful. Some things to keep in mind though:

  • Size. If the artifact is large (10-20MB) then including the sample in the artemis repo is unecessary.
  • Licensing. If you can provide the artifact from your own system that is ideal. However, if you find the sample aritfact in another GitHub repo make sure that repo's LICENSE is compatible with artemis.

Hypothetical Scenario

Lets say in a future version of Windows (ex: Windws 14) Microsoft decides to update the prefech file format. You want to add support for this updated format in artemis. The process would be something like:

  1. Create an issue describing what you want to do. Ex: Issue: Add support for Windows 14 Prefetch file
  2. Clone the artemis source code
  3. Create a new branch
  4. Code and add the feature. Since this is related to Windows prefetch you would probably be working in:
    artemis-core/src/artifacts/os/windows/prefetch/versions/<prefetch version>.rs
  5. Add tests for any new functions you add
  6. Add one (1) or more Windows 14 sample prefetch files to:
  7. Run tests and verify results
  8. Open pull request


Some materials that may help you become a bit more familar with the artemis code and logic.

  • Nom
  • Artifact format documentation from the libyal project
  • Deno. See runtime and core for examples on embedding Deno
  • See the Deno API for examples and tutorials on learning Deno

Resources for learning Rust:


Nom is a very popular binary parsing library. artemis makes extensive use of nom for parsing all different kinds of binary files. If nom did not exist artemis would not exist. If you familarize yourself with nom and how it works then the artemis code should be much easier to understand.