
macOS Execution Policy (ExecPolicy) tracks application execution on a system. It only tracks execution of applications that tracked by GateKeeper

Other Parsers:

  • Any SQLITE viewer


TOML Collection

system = "macos"

name = "execpolicy_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "execpolicy"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of ExecPolicy entries

export interface ExecPolicy {
  /**Is file signed */
  is_signed: number;
  /**File ID name */
  file_identifier: string;
  /**App bundle ID */
  bundle_identifier: string;
  /**Bundle version */
  bundle_version: string;
  /**Team ID */
  team_identifier: string;
  /**Signing ID */
  signing_identifier: string;
  /**Code Directory hash*/
  cdhash: string;
  /**SHA256 hash of application */
  main_executable_hash: string;
  /**Executable timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  executable_timestamp: number;
  /**Size of file */
  file_size: number;
  /**Is library */
  is_library: number;
  /**Is file used */
  is_used: number;
  /**File ID associated with entry */
  responsible_file_identifier: string;
  /**Is valid entry */
  is_valid: number;
  /**Is quarantined entry */
  is_quarantined: number;
  /**Timestamp for executable measurements in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  executable_measurements_v2_timestamp: number;
  /**Reported timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  reported_timstamp: number;
  /**Primary key */
  pk: number;
  /**Volume UUID for entry */
  volume_uuid: string;
  /**Object ID for entry */
  object_id: number;
  /**Filesystem type */
  fs_type_name: string;
  /**App Bundle ID */
  bundle_id: string;
  /**Policy match for entry */
  policy_match: number;
  /**Malware result for entry */
  malware_result: number;
  /**Flags for entry */
  flags: number;
  /**Modified time in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  mod_time: number;
  /**Policy scan cache timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  policy_scan_cache_timestamp: number;
  /**Revocation check timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  revocation_check_time: number;
  /**Scan version for entry */
  scan_version: number;
  /**Top policy match for entry */
  top_policy_match: number;