Shell History

Many Unix and Linux like systems provide a shell interface that allows a user to execute a command or application. Many of these shell interfaces keep a record of the command executed and depending on the configuration the timestamp when the command was executed. Popular shells include:

  • bash
  • zsh
  • fish
  • sh
  • PowerShell

Artemis supports parsing zsh and bash shell history. In addition, it supports parsing Python history (despite not being a shell).

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a text file


TOML Collection

system = "macos" # or "linux"

name = "shellhistory_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "shell_history"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of BashHistory for bash data, ZshHistory for zsh data, and PythonHistory for Python data per user.

export interface BashHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.bash_history` file */
  history: BashData[];
  /**Path to `.bash_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.bash_history`
export interface BashData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Timestamp associated with line entry in UNIXEPOCH. Timestamps are **optional** in `.bash_history`, zero (0) is returned for no timestamp */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;

export interface ZshHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.zs_history` file */
  history: ZshData[];
  /**Path to `.bash_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.zsh_history`
export interface ZshData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Timestamp associated with line entry in UNIXEPOCH. Timestamps are **optional** in `.zsh_history`, zero (0) is returned for no timestamp */
  timestamp: number;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;
  /**Duration of command */
  duration: number;

export interface PythonHistory {
  /**Array of lines associated with `.python_history` file */
  history: PythonData[];
  /**Path to `.python_history` file */
  path: string;
  /**User directory name */
  user: string;

 * History data associated with `.python_history`
export interface PythonData {
  /**Line entry */
  history: string;
  /**Line number */
  line: number;