
Windows RecycleBin is a special folder on Windows that stores files deleted using the Explorer GUI. When a file is deleted (via Explorer) two types files are generated in the RecycleBin:

  • Files that begin with $I<number>.<original extension>. Contains metadata about deleted file
  • Files that begin with $R<number>.<original extension>. Contents of deleted file

Currently artemis supports parsing the $I based files using the standard Windows APIs to read the file for parsing. It does not try to recover files that have been deleted/emptied from the RecycleBin

Other parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "recyclebin_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "recyclebin"
# alt_drive = 'C'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing RecycleBin. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of RecycleBin entries

export interface RecycleBin {
  /**Size of deleted file */
  size: number;
  /**Deleted timestamp of file in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  deleted: number;
  /**Name of deleted file */
  filename: string;
  /**Full path to the deleted file */
  full_path: string;
  /**Directory associated with deleted file */
  directory: string;
  /**SID associated with the deleted file */
  sid: string;
  /**Path to the file in the Recycle Bin */
  recycle_path: string;