
Windows Prefetch data tracks execution of applications on Windows Workstations. Prefetch files are typically located at C:\Windows\Prefetch. On Windows servers Prefetch is disabled and may also be disabled on systems with SSDs. Starting on Windows 10, the Prefetch files are compressed using LZXPRESS Huffman. artemis uses the Windows API to decompress the data before parsing Prefetch fiels

Other Parsers:

References: Libyal

TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "prefetch_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "prefetch"
# Optional
# alt_drive = 'D'

Collection Options

  • alt_drive Expects a single character value. Will use an alternative drive letter when parsing Prefetch. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will use the %systemdrive% value (typically C)

Output Structure

An array of Prefetch entries

export interface Prefetch {
  /**Path to prefetch file */
  path: string;
  /**Name of executed file */
  filename: string;
  /**Prefetch hash */
  hash: string;
  /**Most recent execution timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  last_run_time: number;
  /**Array of up to eight (8) execution timestamps in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  all_run_times: number[];
  /**Number of executions */
  run_count: number;
  /**Size of executed file */
  size: number;
  /**Array of volume serial numbers associated with accessed files/directories */
  volume_serial: string[];
  /**Array of volume creation timestamps in UNIXEPOCH seconds associated with accessed files/directories */
  volume_creation: number[];
  /**Array of volumes associated accessed files/directories */
  volume_path: string[];
  /**Number of files accessed by executed file */
  accessed_file_count: number;
  /**Number of directories accessed by executed file */
  accessed_directories_count: number;
  /**Array of accessed files by executed file */
  accessed_files: string[];
  /**Array of accessed directories by executed file */
  accessed_directories: string[];