
Gets a standard process listing using the Linux API

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that calls the Linux API


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "Linux"

name = "process_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "processes" # Name of artifact
# Get executable metadata
metadata = true 
# MD5 hash process binary
md5 = true 
 # SHA1 hash process binary
sha1 = false
# SHA256 hash process binary
sha256 = false

Collection Options

  • metadata Get ELF data from process binary.
  • md5 Boolean value to MD5 hash process binary
  • sha1 Boolean value to SHA1 hash process binary
  • sha256 Boolean value to SHA256 hash process binary

Output Structure

An array of LinuxProcessInfo entries

export interface LinuxProcessInfo {
  /**Full path to the process binary */
  full_path: string;
  /**Name of process */
  name: string;
  /**Path to process binary */
  path: string;
  /** Process ID */
  pid: number;
  /** Parent Process ID */
  ppid: number;
  /**Environment variables associated with process */
  environment: string;
  /**Status of the process */
  status: string;
  /**Process arguments */
  arguments: string;
  /**Process memory usage */
  memory_usage: number;
  /**Process virtual memory usage */
  virtual_memory_usage: number;
  /**Process start time in UNIXEPOCH seconds*/
  start_time: number;
  /** User ID associated with process */
  uid: string;
  /**Group ID associated with process */
  gid: string;
  /**MD5 hash of process binary */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 hash of process binary */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 hash of process binary */
  sha256: string;
  /**ELF metadata asssociated with process binary */
  binary_info: ElfInfo[];