Sudo Logs

Unix SudoLogs are the log files associated with sudo execution. Sudo ("super user do" or "substitute user") is used to run programs with elevated privileges.
macOS SudoLogs are stored in the Unified Log files.
Linux SudoLogs are stored in the Systemd Journal files.
The log entries show evidence of commands executed with elevated privileges

Other Parsers:

  • None


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "linux" # or "macos"

name = "sudologs_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "sudologs"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

On a Linux system SudoLogs return an array of Journal entries

export interface Journal {
  /**User ID associated with entry */
  uid: number;
  /**Group ID associated with entry */
  gid: number;
  /**Process ID associated with entry */
  pid: number;
  /**Thread ID associated with entry */
  thread_id: number;
  /**Command associated with entry */
  comm: string;
  /**Priority associated with entry */
  priority: string;
  /**Syslog facility associated with entry */
  syslog_facility: string;
  /**Executable file associated with entry */
  executable: string;
  /**Cmdline args associated with entry */
  cmdline: string;
  /**Effective capabilities of process associated with entry */
  cap_effective: string;
  /**Session of the process associated with entry */
  audit_session: number;
  /**Login UID of the process associated with entry */
  audit_loginuid: number;
  /**Systemd Countrol Group associated with entry */
  systemd_cgroup: string;
  /**Systemd owner UID associated with entry */
  systemd_owner_uid: number;
  /**Systemd unit associated with entry */
  systemd_unit: string;
  /**Systemd user unit associated with entry */
  systemd_user_unit: string;
  /**Systemd slice associated with entry */
  systemd_slice: string;
  /**Sysemd user slice associated with entry */
  systemd_user_slice: string;
  /**Systemd invocation ID associated with entry */
  systemd_invocation_id: string;
  /**Kernel Boot ID associated with entry */
  boot_id: string;
  /**Machine ID of host associated with entry */
  machine_id: string;
  /**Hostname associated with entry */
  hostname: string;
  /**Runtime scope associated with entry */
  runtime_scope: string;
  /**Trused Timestamp associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH microseconds */
  source_realtime: number;
  /**Timestamp associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH microseconds */
  realtime: number;
  /**How entry was received by the Journal service */
  transport: string;
  /**Journal message entry */
  message: string;
  /**Message ID associated with Journal Catalog */
  message_id: string;
  /**Unit result associated with entry */
  unit_result: string;
  /**Code line for file associated with entry */
  code_line: number;
  /**Code function for file associated with entry */
  code_function: string;
  /**Code file associated with entry */
  code_file: string;
  /**User invocation ID associated with entry */
  user_invocation_id: string;
  /**User unit associated with entry */
  user_unit: string;
   * Custom fields associated with entry.
   * Example:
   * ```
   * "custom": {
   *            "_SOURCE_MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP": "536995",
   *            "_UDEV_SYSNAME": "0000:00:1c.3",
   *            "_KERNEL_DEVICE": "+pci:0000:00:1c.3",
   *            "_KERNEL_SUBSYSTEM": "pci"
   *        }
   * ```
  custom: Record<string, string>;
  /**Sequence Number associated with entry */
  seqnum: number;