
A regular Linux filelisting. artemis uses the walkdir crate to recursively walk the files and directories on the system. Since a filelisting can be extremely large every 100k entries artemis will output the data and then continue.

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that can recursively list files and directories


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "linux"

name = "files_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "files" # Name of artifact
start_path = "/usr/bin" # Start of file listing
# Optional
depth = 5 # How many sub directories to descend
# Optional
metadata = true # Get executable metadata
# Optional
md5 = true # MD5 all files
# Optional
sha1 = false # SHA1 all files
# Optional
sha256 = false # SHA256 all files
# Optional
path_regex = "" # Regex for paths
# Optional
file_regex = "" # Regex for files

Collection Options

  • start_path Where to start the file listing. Must exist on the endpoint. To start at root use /. This configuration is required
  • depth Specify how many directories to descend from the start_path. Default is one (1). Must be a postive number. Max value is 255. This configuration is optional
  • metadata Get ELF data from ELF files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • md5 Boolean value to enable MD5 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha1 Boolean value to enable SHA1 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • sha256 Boolean value to enable SHA256 hashing on all files. This configuration is optional. Default is false
  • path_regex Only descend into paths (directories) that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex
  • file_regex Only return entres that match the provided regex. This configuration is optional. Default is no Regex

Output Structure

An array of LinuxFileInfo entries

export interface LinuxFileInfo {
  /**Full path to file or directory */
  full_path: string;
  /**Directory path */
  directory: string;
  /**Filename */
  filename: string;
  /**Extension of file if any */
  extension: string;
  /**Created timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  created: number;
  /**Modified timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  modified: number;
  /**Changed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  changed: number;
  /**Accessed timestamp in UNIXEPOCH seconds */
  accessed: number;
  /**Size of file in bytes */
  size: number;
  /**Inode associated with entry */
  inode: number;
  /**Mode of file entry */
  mode: number;
  /**User ID associated with file */
  uid: number;
  /**Group ID associated with file */
  gid: number;
  /**MD5 of file */
  md5: string;
  /**SHA1 of file */
  sha1: string;
  /**SHA256 of file */
  sha256: string;
  /**Is the entry a file */
  is_file: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a directory */
  is_directory: boolean;
  /**Is the entry a symbolic links */
  is_symlink: boolean;
  /**Depth the file from provided start point */
  depth: number;
  /**ELF binary metadata */
  binary_info: ElfInfo[];