
Linux Journals are the log files associated with the systemd service. Systemd is a popular system service that is common on most Linux distros. The logs can contain data related to application activity, sudo commands, and much more.

Other Parsers:

  • None


TOML Collection

system = "linux"

name = "journals_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "journals"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Journal entries

export interface Journal {
  /**User ID associated with entry */
  uid: number;
  /**Group ID associated with entry */
  gid: number;
  /**Process ID associated with entry */
  pid: number;
  /**Thread ID associated with entry */
  thread_id: number;
  /**Command associated with entry */
  comm: string;
  /**Priority associated with entry */
  priority: string;
  /**Syslog facility associated with entry */
  syslog_facility: string;
  /**Executable file associated with entry */
  executable: string;
  /**Cmdline args associated with entry */
  cmdline: string;
  /**Effective capabilities of process associated with entry */
  cap_effective: string;
  /**Session of the process associated with entry */
  audit_session: number;
  /**Login UID of the process associated with entry */
  audit_loginuid: number;
  /**Systemd Countrol Group associated with entry */
  systemd_cgroup: string;
  /**Systemd owner UID associated with entry */
  systemd_owner_uid: number;
  /**Systemd unit associated with entry */
  systemd_unit: string;
  /**Systemd user unit associated with entry */
  systemd_user_unit: string;
  /**Systemd slice associated with entry */
  systemd_slice: string;
  /**Sysemd user slice associated with entry */
  systemd_user_slice: string;
  /**Systemd invocation ID associated with entry */
  systemd_invocation_id: string;
  /**Kernel Boot ID associated with entry */
  boot_id: string;
  /**Machine ID of host associated with entry */
  machine_id: string;
  /**Hostname associated with entry */
  hostname: string;
  /**Runtime scope associated with entry */
  runtime_scope: string;
  /**Trused Timestamp associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH microseconds */
  source_realtime: number;
  /**Timestamp associated with entry in UNIXEPOCH microseconds */
  realtime: number;
  /**How entry was received by the Journal service */
  transport: string;
  /**Journal message entry */
  message: string;
  /**Message ID associated with Journal Catalog */
  message_id: string;
  /**Unit result associated with entry */
  unit_result: string;
  /**Code line for file associated with entry */
  code_line: number;
  /**Code function for file associated with entry */
  code_function: string;
  /**Code file associated with entry */
  code_file: string;
  /**User invocation ID associated with entry */
  user_invocation_id: string;
  /**User unit associated with entry */
  user_unit: string;
   * Custom fields associated with entry.
   * Example:
   * ```
   * "custom": {
   *            "_SOURCE_MONOTONIC_TIMESTAMP": "536995",
   *            "_UDEV_SYSNAME": "0000:00:1c.3",
   *            "_KERNEL_DEVICE": "+pci:0000:00:1c.3",
   *            "_KERNEL_SUBSYSTEM": "pci"
   *        }
   * ```
  custom: Record<string, string>;
  /**Sequence Number associated with entry */
  seqnum: number;