
There a few required applications you will need in order to build and develop artemis.

  1. artemis is written in Rust. So you will need to download and install the Rust programming language
  2. Git
  3. Rust analzyer
  4. An IDE or text editor. VSCode or VSCodium are great choices. IntelliJ with the Rust plugin also works.

artemis has been developed on:

  • macOS 12 (Monterey) and higher
  • Windows 10 and higher


Once you have Rust and Git installed you can build artemis.

  1. Clone artemis repo at
  2. Navigate to the source code
  3. Run cargo build. By default cargo builds a debug version of the binary. If you want to build the release version of the binary run cargo build --release
# Download artemis source code
git clone
cd artemis

# Build debug version
cargo build
# Build release version
cargo build --release