CLI Options

artemis is designed to have a very simple CLI menu. Almost all of the code is in the artemis-core library. In fact the only things the artemis binary does is:

  • Provide the TOML collection file/data to the artemis-core library.
  • Provide CLI args

Running Artemis

Once you have installed artemis you can access its help menu with the command below:

artemis -h
Usage: artemis [OPTIONS]

  -t, --toml <TOML>              Full path to TOML collector
  -d, --decode <DECODE>          Base64 encoded TOML file
  -j, --javascript <JAVASCRIPT>  Full path to JavaScript file
  -h, --help                     Print help
  -V, --version                  Print version

As mentioned, the artemis binary is really just a small wrapper that provides a TOML collection definition to artemis-core. There are two (2) ways to provided TOML collections:

  • Provide the full path the TOML file on disk
  • base64 encode a TOML file and provide that as an argument

The artemis source code provides several pre-made TOML collection files that can used as examples.

For example on macOS we downloaded the processes.toml file from the artemis repo to the same directory as the macOS artemis binary and ran using sudo

sudo ./artemis -t processes.toml
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!

On Windows we downloaded the processes.toml file from the artemis repo to the same directory as the Windows artemis binary and ran using Administrator privileges

artemis.exe -t processes.toml
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!

Both processes.toml files tell artemis to output the results to a directory called tmp/process_collection in the current directory and output using jsonl format

└── process_collection
    └── d7f89e7b-fcd8-42e8-8769-6fe7eaf58bee.jsonl

To run the same collection except as a base64 encoded string on macOS we can do the following:

sudo ./artemis -d 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
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!

On Windows it would be (using Administrator privileges again):

artemis.exe -d 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
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!


You can also execute JavaScript code using artemis.

function getWinProcesses(md5, sha1, sha256, pe_info) {
  const hashes = {
  const data = Deno.core.ops.get_processes(
  const results = JSON.parse(data);
  return results;

// main.ts
function main() {
  const md5 = false;
  const sha1 = false;
  const sha256 = false;
  const pe_info = false;
  const proc_list = getWinProcesses(md5, sha1, sha256, pe_info);
  return proc_list;

Executing the above code

sudo ./artemis -j ../../artemis-core/tests/test_data/deno_scripts/vanilla.js
[artemis] Starting artemis collection!
[runtime]: "/usr/libexec/nesessionmanager"
[artemis] Finished artemis collection!

See section on Scripting to learn more!