
Cron is an application that lets users create jobs on an endpoint. It is common on Unix, Linux, and macOS systems. A Cron job can be configured to execute a command on at a specific time. It is a popular form of persistence on supported systems.

Other parsers:

  • Any program that read a text file


TOML Collection

system = "linux" # or "macos"

name = "cron_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "cron"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

An array of Cron entries.

export interface Cron {
  /**What hour should cron job run. * means every hour */
  hour: string;
  /**What minute should cron job run. * means every minute  */
  min: string;
  /**What day should cron job run. * means every day */
  day: string;
  /**What month should cron job run. * means every month */
  month: string;
  /**What weekday should cron job run. * means every day */
  weekday: string;
  /**Command to execute when cron job is triggered */
  command: string;