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These functions can be used to pull data related to macOS artifacts

getUsers(path) -> Users[] | MacosError

Return all local users on macOS sysem. Can provide an optional alternative path to directory containing users. Otherwise will use default path on system /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users

pathstringOptional alternative path to users directory

getGroup(path) -> Groups[] | MacosError

Return all local groups on macOS sysem. Can provide an optional alternative path to directory containing groups. Otherwise will use default path on system /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/groups

pathstringOptional alternative path to groups directory

parseAlias(data) -> Alias | MacosError

Parse macOS alias data. Alias files are a legacy shortcut format. May be encountered in plist files such as the firewall plist file.

dataUint8ArrayRaw alias bytes

getEmond(path) -> Emond[] | MacosError

Get all Emond rules on macOS. FYI Emond was removed on Ventura. Can provide an optional alternative path to directory containing emond rules. Otherwise will parse emond config on system to try to find rules

pathStringOptional alternative path to emond rules

getExecpolicy(path) -> ExecPolicy[] | MacosError

Parse the ExecPolicy sqlite database on macOS. Can provide an optional alternative path to ExecPolicy database. Otherwise will parse default database on system at /var/db/SystemPolicyConfiguration/ExecPolicy

pathStringOptional alternative path to ExecPolicy database

firewallStatus(alt_path) -> Firewall | MacosError

Return firewall information and status on macOS. Can provide an optional path to, otherwise will use /Library/Preferences/

alt_pathStringAlternative full path to the file

getFsevents(path) -> Fsevents[] | MacosError

Parse macOS FsEvents from provided file.

pathStringFull path to the FsEvents file

getLaunchdDaemons() -> Launchd[] | MacosError

Return all Launch daemons on macOS

getLaunchdAgents() -> Launchd[] | MacosError

Return all Launch agents on macOS

getLoginitems(path) -> LoginItems[] | MacosError

Return all LoginItems on macOS. Can provide an optional alternative path to a LoginItem file (.btm). Otherwise will parse default default locations for LoginItems

pathStringOptional alternative path to LoginItem file

getMacho(path) -> MachoInfo[] | MacosError

Parse a macho file and return metadata about the binary.

pathstringPath to macho binary

getPlist(path or Uint8Array) -> Record<string, unknown> | Uint8Array | Record<string, unknown>[] | MacosError

Parse a plist file. Supports parsing a provide plist file path or the raw bytes of plist data. Sometimes a plist file may contain another base64 encoded plist. This function can parse the raw plist bytes.

path or Uint8Arraystring or Uint8ArrayPath to plist file or raw plist bytes

passwordPolicy(alt_path) -> PasswordPolicy[] | MacosError

Get password policies on macOS. Will parse plist file at /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/config/shadowhash.plist. You may also provide an optional alternative path to the shadowhash.plist file.

alt_pathStringOptional alternative path to shadowhash.plist file

getSafariUsersHistory() -> SafariHistory[] | MacosError

Return Safari history for all users

getSafariHistory(path) -> RawSafariHistory[] | MacosError

Parse Safari history from provided History.db sqlite file. Supports locked files.

pathstringPath to History.db file

getSafariUsersDownloads() -> SafariDownloads[] | MacosError

Return Safari downloads for all users

getSafariDownloads(path) -> RawSafariDownloads[] | MacosError

Parse Safari history from provided Downloads.plist file.

pathstringPath to Downloads.plist file

getUnifiedLog(path, archive_path) -> UnifiedLog[] | MacosError

Parse a single UnifiedLog file (.tracev3) on macOS. Typically found at:

  • /private/var/db/diagnostics/Persist
  • /private/var/db/diagnostics/Signpost
  • /private/var/db/diagnostics/HighVolume
  • /private/var/db/diagnostics/Special

You may also specify an optional logarchive style directory containing the Unified Log metadata (UUID directories, timesync, and dsc directory). Otherwise artemis will parse their default locations.

pathstringPath to .tracev3 file
archive_pathstringOptional path to a logarchive style directory containing Unified Log metadata

parseRequirementBlob(data) -> SingleRequirement | MacosError

Parse the Requirement Blob from raw codesigning bytes. This part of Apple's CodeSigning framework. This data can be found in macho binaries and also plist files.

dataUint8ArrayRaw bytes associated with requirement blob

listApps() -> Applications[] | MacosError

Return a simple Application listing. Searches user installed Apps, System Apps, default Homebrew paths:

  • /usr/local/Cellar
  • /opt/homebrew/Cellar

Use scanApps() if you want to scan the entire filesystem for Apps

scanApps() -> Applications[] | MacosError

Scans the entire filesystem under /System/ and tries to parse all Applications.

Includes embedded Apps, Frameworks, and any file that ends with %/Contents/Info.plist

Use listApps() if you a simpler Application listing

dockTiles() -> Applications[] | MacosError

Scans the entire filesystem under /System looking for Applications that use DockTile persistence. See for details on Dock Tile PlugIns

Includes embedded Apps, Frameworks, and any file that ends with %/Contents/Info.plist

getPackages(glob_path) -> HomebrewReceipt[]

Get Homebrew packages on the system. Does not include Casks.
Use getHomebrewInfo() to get all packages and Casks.

By default this function will search for all packages at:

  • /opt/homebrew/Cellar
  • /usr/local/Cellar
glob_pathstringOptional alternative glob path to use

getCasks(glob_path) -> HomebrewFormula[]

Get Homebrew Casks on the system. Does not include packages.
Use getHomebrewInfo() to get all packages and Casks.

By default this function will search for all packages at:

  • /opt/homebrew/Caskroom
  • /usr/local/Caskroom
glob_pathstringOptional alternative glob path to use

getHomebrewInfo() -> HomebrewData

Get Homebrew packages and Casks on the system. Searches for Homebrew data at:

  • /opt/homebrew
  • /usr/local

wifiNetworks() -> Wifi[]

Get list of joined Wifi networks on macOS. Requires root access.

By default it will try to parse WiFi networks at /Library/Preferences/

You may also provide an optional alnternative path to

alt_pathStringOptional alternative path to file

getSudoLogs() -> UnifiedLog[]

Parse the UnifiedLogs and extract entries related to sudo activity.

parseBom(path) -> Bom

Parse Bill of Materials (BOM) files. BOM files are created whenever the macOS Installer is used to install an application.
BOM files track what files were created by the Installer. It is commonly used to ensure files are removed when the application is uninstalled. This function will also try to parse the plist receipt associated with the BOM file (if found in same directory).

BOM files are located at /var/db/receipts/*.bom

pathstringPath to BOM file

systemExtensions(alt_path) -> SystemExtension[]

Get list of macOS System Extensions. By default artemis will try to extract installed extensions at /Library/SystemExtensions/db.plist.

However, you may also provide an optional alternative path to db.plist.

alt_pathStringOptional alternative path to db.plist file

queryTccDb(alt_db) -> TccValues[] | MacosError

Query all TCC.db files on the system. TCC.db contains granted permissions for applications.
An optional path to the TCC.db can be provided. Otherwise will parse all user and System TCC.db files.

alt_dbstringOptional path to TCC.db file

setupSpotlightParser(glob_path) -> StoreMeta | MacosError

Collect and setup the required data needed to parse the macOS Spotlight database.
This function must be called before a user can parse the Spotlight database using the JS API.

The glob_path should point to the directory containing the Spotlight database files.
The primary Spotlight database can be found at: /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V*/*/*
Would return something like: /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V3/123-445566-778-12384/*

glob_pathstringGlob path to a directory containing the Spotlight Database files

getSpotlight(meta, store_file, offset) -> StoreMeta | MacosError

Parse the macOS Spotlight database. The database can potentially return a large amount of data (5+GBs).
To prevent excessive memory usage, this function will parse the database in blocks (chunks).

It will parse 10 blocks at a time before returning the results. The StoreMeta value obtaind from setupSpotlightParser, contains the TOTAL amount of blocks in the Spotlight database! You must loop through the blocks and track what block offset the parser should start at!

If you want to the parser to start at the beginning of the Spotlight database, provide an offset of zero (0). Once the parser returns data, your next offset will now be ten (10) because it parsed 10 blocks starting at zero (0-9).

Finally, you must provide the full path to the Spotlight database file (store.db). This is typically found in in the directory provided to setupSpotlightParser
(ex: /System/Volumes/Data/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V3/123-445566-778-12384/store.db)

metaStoreMetaSpotlight metadata obtained from setupSpotlightParser
store_filestringFull path to the store.db file
offsetnumberOffset to start parsing the Spotlight database

getXprotectDefinitions(alt_path) -> XprotectEntries[] | MacosError

Grab Xprotect definitions on macOS. By default artemis will check for Xprotect.plist files at:

  • /Library/Apple/System/Library/CoreServices/XProtect.bundle/Contents/Resources/Xprotect.plist
  • /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/Xprotect.plist

You may also provide an optional alternative path to the Xprotect.plist file.

alt_pathstringOptional path to Xprotect.plist file

luluRules(alt_path) -> LuluRules | MacosError

Grab LuLu rules on macOS. By default artemis will check for rule.plist file at:

  • /Library/Objective-See/LuLu/rules.plist

You may also provide an optional alternative path to the rules.plist file.

alt_filestringOptional path to rules.plist file

munkiApplicationUsage(db) -> MunkiApplicationUsage[] | MacosError

Grab application usage tracked by Munki on macOS. By default artemis will check for application_usage.sqlite file at:

  • /Library/Managed Installs/application_usage.sqlite

You may also provide an optional alternative path to the application_usage.sqlite file.

dbstringOptional path to application_usage.sqlite file

quarantineEvents(alt_file) -> MacosQuarantine[] | MacosError

Grab quarantine events tracked by macOS. By default artemis will check for quarantine events for all users file at:

  • /Users/*/Library/Preferences/

You may also provide an optional alternative path to the file.

alt_filestringOptional path to file

parseBiome(app_focus_only, alt_file) -> Biome[]

Parse a Biome files and try to extract data. By default artemis will only parse App.InFocus files located at:

  • /Users/*/Library/Biome/streams/*/*/local/*
  • /Users/*/Library/Biome/streams/*/*/local/tombstone/*
  • /private/var/db/biome/streams/*/*/local/*
  • /private/var/db/biome/streams/*/*/local/tombstone/*
app_focus_onlybooleanOnly parse App.InFocus files. Default is true
alt_filestringOptional path to an alternative Biome file

gatekeeperEntries(db) -> GatekeeperEntries[] | MacosError

Grab Gatekeeper entries on macOS. By default artemis will parse the sqlite database at:

  • /var/db/SystemPolicy

You may also provide an optional alternative path to the SystemPolicy file.

dbstringOptional path to SystemPolicy file

logonsMacos(path, archive_path) -> LogonMacos[] | MacosError

Extract Logon entries from UnifiedLog files (.tracev3) on macOS. Typically found at:

  • /private/var/db/diagnostics/Special

You may also specify an optional logarchive style directory containing the Unified Log metadata (UUID directories, timesync, and dsc directory). Otherwise artemis will parse their default locations.

pathstringPath to .tracev3 file
archive_pathstringOptional path to a logarchive style directory containing Unified Log metadata