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These functions can be used to pull data related to Linux artifacts

getLogon(path) -> Logon[] | LinuxError

Parse a single logon related file. The path needs to end with one of the following:

  1. wtmp
  2. btmp
  3. utmp
pathstringPath to wtmp, utmp, or btmp file

getElf(path) -> ElfInfo | LinuxError

Parse an ELF executable file.

pathstringPath to ELF file

getJournal(path) -> Journal[] | LinuxError

Parse a systemd Journal file.


This function is for convenience. It will parse the entire Journal file before returning data. The larger the file the more memory artemis will require.

You may want to consider using a filter script if you are concerned about memory usage.

By default Journal file max size is 128 MB (compressed!). Once uncompressed you could see memory usage around ~2-4GBs

pathstringPath to Journal file

getDebInfo(alt_path) -> DebPackages[] | LinuxError

Get list of installed deb packages on the system. Can provide an alternative path to the dpkg status.

Uses /var/lib/dpkg/status by default

alt_pathstringAlt path to dpkg status file

getSudoLogs() -> Journal[]

Parse the Journal files and extract entries related to sudo activity.

getRpmInfo(path) -> RpmPackages[] | LinuxError

Get list of installed rpm packages on the system. May provide an alternative full path to the rpmdb.sqlite file.


This function only supports parsing the sqlite database for RPM packages.
Modern versions of RPM use sqlite to store package info. However, older versions used the Berkley database.

For example, Fedora 33 switched over to the sqlite format (released 2020-10-27)
Therefore versions older than Fedora 33 would not be supported by this function because they are still using the Berkley database!

On Fedora based distributions the sqlite file should be located at /var/lib/rpm/rpmdb.sqlite

alt_pathstringOptional path to the rpmdb.sqlite file