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These functions can be used to pull data related to common third-party software

getChromiumUsersHistory() -> ChromiumHistory[] | ApplicationError

Return Chromium history for all users

getChromiumHistory(path) -> RawChromiumHistory[] | ApplicationError

Parse the Chromium History sqlite file at provided path. Will parse locked sqlite files.

All Chromium derived browsers should be supported.

pathstringChromium History file

getChromiumUsersDownloads() -> ChromiumDownloads[] | ApplicationError

Return Chromium downloads for all users

getChromiumDownloads(path) -> RawChromiumDownloads[] | ApplicationError

Parse the Chromium History sqlite file at provided path for downloads. Will parse locked sqlite files.

All Chromium derived browsers should be supported.

pathstringChromium History file

chromiumExtensions(platform) -> Record<string, unknown>[] | ApplicationError

Parse all Chromium extensions (manifest.json files) for all users. Returns array JSON objects.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)

getFirefoxUsersHistory() -> FirefoxHistory[] | ApplicationError

Return Firefox history for all users

getFirefoxHistory(path) -> RawFirefoxHistory[] | ApplicationError

Get Firefox history from provided places.sqlite file. Will parse locked sqlite files.

pathstringChromium History file

getFirefoxUsersDownloads() -> FirefoxDownloads[] | ApplicationError

Return Firefox downloads for all users

getFirefoxDownloads(path) -> RawFirefoxDownloads[] | ApplicationError

Get Firefox downloads from provided places.sqlite file. Will parse locked sqlite files.

pathstringChromium History file

firefoxAddons(platform) -> Record<string, unknown>[] | ApplicationError

Parse all Firefox addons (addons.json files) for all users. Returns array JSON objects.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)

recentFiles(platform) -> History[] | ApplicationError

Return a list of files opened by LibreOffice for all users.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse

fileHistory(platform, alt_glob) -> FileHistory[] | ApplicationError

Parse the local file history for VSCode. Returns list of history entries. Also supports VSCodium.

You may also provide an optional alternative glob path to the entries.json file. By default artemis will parse the default locations for VSCode.

An altnerative glob will override the platform type.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse
alt_globstringoptional alternative glob path to entries.json

getExtensions(platform, path) -> Extensions[] | ApplicationError

Get installed VSCode or VSCodium extensions. Can also provide an optional alternative path to the extensions.json file. Otherwise will use default paths.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse)
pathstringOptional path to a extensions.json file

querySqlite(path, query) -> Record<string, unknown>[] | ApplicationError

Execute a SQLITe query against a provided database file. Databases are opened in read-only mode. In addition, this function will bypass locked SQLITE databases.

pathstringPath to the sqlite db
querystringQuery to execute against the sqlite db

getFirefoxCookies(platform, path) -> FirefoxCookies[] | ApplicationError

Get Firefox cookies for all users based on platform. Can also provide an optional alternative path to the Cookie sqlite database instead

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)
pathstringOptional path to a Firefox cookie database

getChromiumCookies(platform, path) -> ChromiumCookies[] | ApplicationError

Get Chromium cookies for all users based on platform. Can also provide an optional alternative path to the Cookie sqlite database. May fail if Chromium is running due to Chromium process locking the file.

All Chromium derived browsers should be supported.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)
pathstringOptional path to a Chromium cookie database

getChromiumAutofill(platform, path) -> ChromiumAutofill[] | ApplicationError

Get Chromium autofill info for all users based on platform. Can also provide an optional alternative path to the Web Data sqlite database.

All Chromium derived browsers should be supported.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)
pathstringOptional path to a Chromium Web Data database

getChromiumBookmarks(platform, path) -> ChromiumBookmarks[] | ApplicationError

Try to get Chromium bookmarks for all users based on platform. Can also provide an optional alternative path to the Cookie sqlite database.

All Chromium derived browsers should be supported.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)
pathstringOptional path to a Chromium bookmark file

getChromiumLogins(platform, path) -> ChromiumLogins[] | ApplicationError

Get saved Login information associated with Chromium browsers

All Chromium derived browsers should be supported.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)
pathstringOptional path to a Chromium Login Data database

chromiumPreferences(platform) -> Record<string, unknown>[] | ApplicationError

Get Chromium Preferences

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)

getChromiumDips(platform, path) -> Dips[] | ApplicationError

Get Detect Incidental Party State (DIPS) info. DIPS collects metrics related to websites

All Chromium derived browsers should be supported.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)
pathstringOptional path to a Chromium Login Data database

extractDefenderRules(platform, alt_file, limit) -> DefinitionRule[] | ApplicationError

An experimental function to attempt to extract Windows Defender Signatures. Defender can contain thousands/millions? of signatures so this function can potentially run for a long time.

By default it will only extract 30 signatures. You can extract all signatures by setting the limit to 0.

By default it will attempt to extract all Defender signatures at:

  • %SYSTEMDRIVE%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\{*\*.vdm
  • /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Defender/definitions.noindex/*/*.vdm

You may also provide an optional alternative path to the vmd file

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to extract rules from
alt_dirstringAlternative directory containing the UAL log databases
limitnumberNumber of rules to return. Default is 30

officeMruFiles(platform, alt_file) -> OfficeRecentFilesMacos[] | OfficeRecentFilesWindows[] | ApplicationError

Extract Microsoft Office MRU entries. Supports both macOS and Windows. By default will parse MRU entries for all users.
You may also provide an optional alternative path to the MRU plist or NTUSER.DAT file.

platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)
alt_filestringOptional path to a MRU plist or NTUSER.DAT

onedriveDetails(platform, alt_path, user) -> OneDriveDetails | ApplicationError

Extract Microsoft OneDrive artifacts. Supports both macOS and Windows. By default will parse OneDrive artifacts for all users. You may provide a single user as an optional arguement to only parse data for a specific user.

You may also provide an optional alternative path to a folder containing OneDrive artifacts. You must include the trailing slash. The folder should contain the following artifacts:

  • *odl* files
  • NTUSER.DAT file or *.OneDriveStandaloneSuite.plist
  • general.keystore
  • SyncEngineDatabase.db
platformPlatformTypeOS platform to parse. Supports Windows and macOS (Darwin)
alt_pathstringOptional path to a directory containing OneDrive artifacts
userstringOptional single user to parse instead of all users