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artemis has a single basic guideline for testing:

  • All functions should ideally have a test

For example, if you open a pull request to add a new feature and create three new functions. Your should have a test for each new function (three tests total).


Its recommended to run in release mode for tests. This will greatly speed up the tests. Tests should be run with root or Administrator privileges.

just test or just nextest


macOS and Linux users may need to increase the ulimit for open files. ulimit -n 1024

If you are unfamiliar with creating Rust tests. The Rust book and Rust by example have great learning resources.

Integration Tests

If you are adding a new forensic artifact to artemis, including an integration test for the artifact can also be very useful. Writing an integration is a two (2) step process:

  1. Create a TOML collection file. This should be TOML collection file that anyone could download and run themselves
  2. Create a file

An example prefetch integration test:

  1. TOML file created at <path to repo>/artemis-core/tests/test_data/windows/prefetch.toml
system = "windows"

name = "prefetch_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "prefetch"
alt_drive = 'C'
  1. created at <path to repo>/artemis-core/tests/
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
fn test_prefetch_parser() {
use std::path::PathBuf;

use artemis_core::core::parse_toml_file;
let mut test_location = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));

let results = parse_toml_file(&test_location.display().to_string()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(results, ())

Our file runs the prefetch.toml file through the whole artemis program.

Test Data

If you are adding a new forensic artifact to artemis, if you can include a sample of the artifact that can be used for tests that would be very helpful. Some things to keep in mind though:

  • Size. If the artifact is large (10-20MB) then including the sample in the artemis repo is unnecessary.
  • Licensing. If you can provide the artifact from your own system that is ideal. However, if you find the sample artifact in another GitHub repo make sure that repo's LICENSE is compatible with artemis.