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Getting Started

The artemis source code is about ~78k lines of Rust code across ~645 files as of March 2024 (this includes tests). However its organized in a pretty simple structure.


Use the just command just complex to measure lines of Rust and complexity!
(requires scc)

From the root of the artemis repo:

  • core/ workspace contains the library component of artemis. The bulk of the code is located here
  • cli/ workspace contains the executable component artemis.
  • server/ workspace contains the experimental server component of artemis. Its currently experimental

From the core/src/ directory

artifactsContains the code related to parsing forensic artifacts.
It is broken down by OS and application artifacts
filesystemContains code to help interact with the filesystem. It contains helper functions that can be used when adding new artifacts/features.
Ex: reading/hashing files, getting file timestamps, listing files, etc
outputContains code related to outputting parsed data
runtimeContains code related to the embedded Deno runtime
structsContains code related to how TOML collection files are parsed. It
tells artemis how to interpret TOML collections.
utilsContains code related to help parse artifacts and provide other features to artemis.
Ex: Decompress/compress data, get environment variables,create a Regex expression, extract strings, convert timestamps, etc
core.rsContains the entry point to the core library.

A basic graph of the code structure can be found here

Adding New Artifacts

To keep the codebase organized the follow should be followed when adding a new artifact.

  • Artifacts have their own subfolder. Ex: src/artifacts/os/windows/prefetch
  • The subfolder will probably have the following files at minimum:
    • - Contains pub(crate) accessible functions for the artifact
    • - Artifact specific errors


All timestamps artemis outputs are in ISO RFC 3339 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ). The timestamp from should be from UNIXEPOCH time.

If your new artifact has a timestamp, you will need to make sure the timestamp is in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ format. Though exceptions may be allowed if needed, these exceptions will only be for the duration (ex: seconds vs nanoseconds).

No other time formats such as Windows FILETIME, FATTIME, Chromium time, etc are allowed.


Use the time functions under utils to help with timestamp conversions!

Artifact Scope

Currently all artifacts that artemis parses are statically coded in the binary (they are written in Rust). While this ok, it prevents us from dynamically updating the parser if the artifact format changes (ex: new Windows release).

Currently the JS runtime has minimal support for creating parsers. If you are interested in adding a small parser to artemis, it could be worth first trying to code it using the JS runtime.

An simple JS parser can be found in the artemis API repo.

However, if you want to implement a new parser for parsing common Windows artifacts such as Jumplists then that is definitely something that could be worth including as a static parser.

When in doubt or unsure open an issue!


If you want add a new artifact but want to see how other artifacts are implemented, some suggested ones to review are:

  • UserAssist: If you want to add a new Registry artifact. The UserAssist artifact is less than 300 lines (not counting tests). And includes:

    • Parsing binary data
    • Converting timestamps
    • Collecting user Registry data
  • FsEvents: If you want to to parse a binary file. The FsEvents is less than 300 lines (not counting tests). And includes:

    • Parsing binary data

    • Decompressing data

    • Getting data flags

      Fun fact: FsEvents is the first artifact created for artemis. Its the oldest code in the project!

Useful Helper Functions

The artemis codebase contains a handful of artifacts (ex: Registry) that expose helper functions that allow other artifacts to reuse parts of that artifact to help get artifact specific data.

For example the Windows Registry artifact exposes a helper function that other Registry based artifacts can leverage to help parse the Registry:

  • pub(crate) fn get_registry_keys(start_path: &str, regex: &Regex, file_path: &str) will read a Registry file at provided file_path and filter to based on start_path and regex. If start_path and regex are empty a full Registry listing is returned. All Regex comparisons are done in lowercase.

Some other examples listed below:

  • /filesystem contains code to help interact with the filesystem.

    • pub(crate) fn list_files(path: &str) returns list of files
    • pub(crate) fn read_file(path: &str) reads a file
    • pub(crate) fn hash_file(hashes: &Hashes, path: &str) hashes a file based on selected hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256)
  • /filesystem/ntfs contains code to help interact with the raw NTFS filesystem. It lets us bypass locked files. This is only available on Windows

    • pub(crate) fn raw_read_file(path: &str) reads a file. Will bypass file locks
    • pub(crate) fn read_attribute(path: &str, attribute: &str) can read an Alternative Data Stream (ADS)
    • pub(crate) fn get_user_registry_files(drive: &char) returns a Vector that contains references to all user Registry files (NTUSER.DAT and UsrClass.dat). It does not read the files, it just provides all the data needed to start reading them.
  • /src/artifacts/os/macos/plist/ contains code help parse plist files.

    • pub(crate) fn parse_plist_file(path: &str) will parse a plist file and return it as a Serde Value