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Filesystem APIs

The artemis API contains several functions that can be used to interact with the filesystem.

stat(path) -> FileInfo | FileError

Return basic metadata about a file or directory

pathstringFile or directory to get metadata about

hash(path, md5, sha1, sha256) -> Hashes | FileError

Return hashes for a single file

pathstringFile to hash
md5booleanEnable MD5 hashing
sha1booleanEnable SHA1 hashing
sha256booleanEnable SHA256 hashing

readTextFile(path) -> string | FileError

Read a text file. Currently only files less than 2GB in size can be read

pathstringText file to read

readFile(path) -> Uint8Array | FileError

Read a file using regular OS APIs. Currently only files less than 2GB in size can be read

pathstringFile to read

glob(pattern) -> GlobInfo[] | FileError

Parse glob patterns based on Rust glob support

patternstringGlob pattern to parse. Ex: C:\* to get all files and directories at Windows C directory

readDir(path) -> Promise<FileInfo[]> | FileError

Read a provided directory and get list of files. This function is async!

pathstringDirectory to read

acquireFile(path, output) -> boolean | FileError

Acquire a local file using OS APIs. Supports copying the file to local location or uploading to cloud.

pathstringDirectory to read
outputOutputOutput object