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Encoding APIs

These functions are related to encoding data

encode(data) -> string

Base64 encode raw bytes. The encoding is not URL safe

dataUint8ArrayThe raw bytes to encode

decode(b64) -> Uint8Array | EncodingError

Decode a valid RFC4648 Base64 encoded string

b64stringA base64 encoded string

encodeBytes(data) -> Uint8Array

Convert provided string to raw bytes

datastringString to convert to bytes

extractUtf8String(data) -> string

Extract a UTF8 string from provided bytes

dataUint8ArrayRaw bytes to extract UTF8 string from

extractUtf16String(data) -> string

Extract a UTF16 string from provided bytes

dataUint8ArrayRaw bytes to extract UTF16 string from

bytesToHexString(data) -> string

Convert bytes to Hex string

dataUint8ArrayRaw bytes to convert to hex

readXml(path) -> Record<string, unknown> | EncodingError

Read a XML file into a JSON object. Supports either UTF8 or UTF16 encoded XML files

pathstringPath to XML file to read

generateUuid() -> string

Generates a UUID v4 hyphenated string

formatGuid(format, data) -> string

Format provided bytes into a GUID hyphenated string based on provided Endianess. Must provide exactly 16 bytes. Windows is commonly Little Endian. macOS is commonly Big Endian

formatEndianEndianess type LE or BE
dataUint8ArrayRaw bytes to format to GUID

parseProtobufBytes(raw_bytes) -> Record<string, unknown> | EncodingError

An experimental protobuf parser. Artemis will attempt to parse the provided protobuf bytes and return a JSON object. Binary protobuf data is a blackbox, it is typically not possible to perfectly parse protobuf data perfectly everytime.

Artemis will return a JSON object if it can parse the entire data


raw_bytesUint8ArrayRaw protobuf bytes