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a small velociraptor joke. Deno image from The image is MIT licensed.

A really cool capability of artemis is it contains an embedded JavaScript runtime via Deno. Deno is V8 based JavaScript runtime written in Rust. By importing Deno we can create our own JavaScript runtime geared specifically for forensics and IR!

For example, the artemis function get_registry() can be used to parse a provided Registry file on disk. By registering this function with the Deno runtime we can call this function directly from JavaScript! In addition to JavaScript, TypeScript is also supported!

To summarize:

  1. We can create a script using TypeScript and call Rust functions directly
  2. Compile TypeScript to JavaScript
  3. Execute JavaScript using artemis

The JS runtime in artemis is kind of like the VQL language for Velociraptor or the Dissect forensic framework

All three let you script forensic collections and parsing

Prequisites for Scripting.

  1. Deno
  2. A text-editor or IDE that supports Deno. VSCodium and VSCode have been tested
  3. Deno language server extension. The extension in the VSCodium and VSCode marketplaces has been tested.
  4. A TypeScript to JavaScript bundler. There are multiple options:
    • Deno includes a builtin bundler however it is schedule for depreciation.
    • esbuild Deno loader. Will require a simple build script in order to bundle our artemis script