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An example TOML collection is provided below:

system = "windows"

name = "amcache_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"
url = ""
api_key = ""
filter_name = ""
filter_script = ""
logging = "warn"

artifact_name = "amcache"
filter = true
# Optional
# alt_file = "C:\\Artifacts\\Amcache.hve"
  • system Defines what OS this collection targets. This example targets Windows systems. This collection will only run with the Windows version of artemis
  • [output] Defines the output configuration
    • name The output name. This can be any string value
    • directory The directory where the output should be written. This example outputs to a directory called tmp in the current working directory
    • format The output format can be either json or jsonl
    • compress Whether to compress the output with gzip compression. Once the collection is complete the output directory will be compressed with zip compression.
    • endpoint_id An ID assigned to the endpoint. This can be any string value
    • collection_id A number assigned to the collection. This can be any postive number
    • output The output type. Values can be: local, aws, gcp, or azure
    • url The URL associated with either aws, gcp, or azure. This is required only if using remote upload output
    • api_key The API key associated with either aws, gcp, or azure. This is required only if using remote upload output
    • filter_name The name of the provided filter_script. This is optional but if you are using a filter_script you should provide a name. Otherwise the default name UnknownFilterName is used
    • filter_script An advanced optional output option. Artemis will pass the results of each [[artifacts]] entry into a script. See scripting section for detailed overview of this option.
    • logging Set the logging level for artemis. This is optional by default artemis will log errors and warnings. Valid options are: warn, error, debug, or info
  • [[artifacts]] A list of artifacts to collect
    • artifact_name Name of aritfact
    • filter Whether to filter the artifact data through the filter_script. This is optional by default nothing is filtered
    • [aritfacts.amcache] Artifact configuration parameters
      • alt_file Use an alternative amcache file when collecting data. This configuration is optional

The example above collects one artifact (Amcache) on a Windows system and outputs the results the local system at the path ./tmp/amcache_collection

If we wanted to collect more than one artifact we could use a collection like the one below:

system = "windows"

name = "execution_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "jsonl"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "amcache"

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"

The TOML collection above collects both amcache and shortcuts data on a Windows system and outputs the results to the local system at the path ./tmp/execution_collection.

Notable changes:
name our collection is now named execution_collection

artifact_name = "amcache"

Since the alt_drive parameter is optional for amcache we do not need to specifiy it

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"
  • [[artifacts]] The second entry in our list of artifacts to collect
    • artifact_name Name of aritfact
    • [aritfacts.shortcuts] Artifact configuration parameters
      • path Use the provided path to collect shortcuts data. This parameter is required

Since [[artifacts]] is a list we can even provide the same artifact multiple times:

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "D:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup"

artifact_name = "shortcuts"
path = "E:\\Users\\rust\\Downloads"

However, providing the same artifact mutliple times can be repetitive. See the chapter on scripting to see how we can automate and enhance artifact collection using artemis and a tiny amount of JavaScript!

Finally you can review the full list of all supported artifacts and their configuration under the artifact chapter