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macOS Mach object (macho) is the executable format for applications on macOS. artemis is able to parse basic metadata from macho files.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

There is no way to collect just macho data with artemis instead it is an optional feature for the macOS filelisting and processes artifacts.

However, it is possible to directly parse macho files by using JavaScript. See the scripts chapter for examples.

Configuration Optaions


Output Structure

An array of macho entries

export interface MachoInfo {
/**CPU arch */
cpu_type: string;
/**CPU model */
cpu_subtype: string;
/**File type, ex: executable, dylib, object, core, etc*/
filetype: string;
/**Segments of the macho binary */
segments: Segment64[];
/**Dynamic libraries in the macho binary */
dylib_command: DylibCommand[];
/**Macho binary id */
id: string;
/**Macho team id */
team_id: string;
/**Parsed out macho entitlements from plist */
entitlements: Record<string, unknown>;
/**Base64 encoded embedded certs within the binary */
certs: string;
/**Minium OS binary can run on */
minos: string;
/**SDK version macho was compiled for */
sdk: string;

* Metadata about macho Segments
export interface Segment64 {
/**Name of segment */
name: string;
/**Virtual memory address */
vmaddr: number;
/**Virtual memory size */
vmsize: number;
/**Offset in the macho binary */
file_offset: number;
/**Size of segment */
file_size: number;
/**Maxmimum permitted memory protection */
max_prot: number;
/**Initial memory protection */
init_prot: number;
/**Number of sections in the semgent */
nsects: number;
/**Segment flags */
flags: number;
/**Array of section data */
sections: Sections[];

* Metadata about macho Sections
export interface Sections {
/**Name of section */
section_name: string;
/**Name of segment the section belongs to */
segment_name: string;
/**Virtual memory address */
addr: number;
/**Size of section */
size: number;
/**Section offset in file */
offset: number;
/**Section byte alignment */
align: number;
/**File offset to relocation entries */
relocation_offset: number;
/**Number of relocation entries */
number_relocation_entries: number;
/**Flags related to the section */
flags: number;
/**Reserved */
reserved: number;
/**Reserved */
reserved2: number;
/**Reserved */
reserved3: number;

* Metadata about macho dylibcommand
export interface DylibCommand {
/**Name of dynamic library */
name: string;
/**Timestamp when the library was build */
timestamp: number;
/**Version of dynamic library */
current_version: number;
/**Compatiblity version of dynamic library */
compatibility_version: string;