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Windows Shimdatabase (ShimDB) can be used by Windows applications to provided compatability between Windows versions.

It does this via shims that are inserted into the application that modifies function calls. Malicious custom shims can be created as a form of persistence.



TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "sdb_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "shimdb"
# Optional
# alt_file = "C:\\Artifacts\\bad.sdb"

Collection Options

  • alt_file Full path to alternative ShimDB file. This configuration is optional. By default artemis will ShimDB files at their default locations.

Output Structure

An array of ShimDB entries

export interface Shimdb {
/**Array of `TAGS` associated with the index tag*/
indexes: TagData[];
/**Data associated with the Shimdb */
db_data: DatabaseData;
/**Path to parsed sdb file */
sdb_path: string;

* SDB files are composed of `TAGS`. There are multiple types of `TAGS`
* `data` have `TAGS` that can be represented via a JSON object
* `list_data` have `TAGS` that can be represented as an array of JSON objects
* Example:
* ```
* "data": {
* "TAG_FIX_ID": "4aeea7ee-44f1-4085-abc2-6070eb2b6618",
* "TAG_NAME": "256Color"
* },
* "list_data": [
* {
* "TAG_NAME": "Force8BitColor",
* "TAG_SHIM_TAGID": "169608"
* },
* {
* "TAG_SHIM_TAGID": "163700",
* "TAG_NAME": "DisableThemes"
* }
* ]
* ```
* See for complete list of `TAGS`
export interface TagData {
/**TAGs represented as a JSON object */
data: Record<string, string>;
/**Array of TAGS represented as a JSON objects */
list_data: Record<string, string>[];

* Metadata related to the SDB file
export interface DatabaseData {
/**SDB version info */
sdb_version: string;
/**Compile timestamp of the SDB file */
compile_time: string;
/**Compiler version info */
compiler_version: string;
/**Name of SDB */
name: string;
/**Platform ID */
platform: number;
/**ID associated with SDB */
database_id: string;
* The SDB file may contain additional metadata information
* May include additional `TAGS`
additional_metadata: Record<string, string>;
/**Array of `TAGS` associated with the SDB file */
list_data: TagData[];