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Most Recently Used

Artemis support extracting Most Recently Used (MRU) entries from multiple Registry key paths in the NTUSER.DAT Registry file. MRU keys can provide evidence if a was accessed on a system. Artemis currently supports the following MRU keys:

  • Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\OpenSavePidlMRU
  • Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComDlg32\LastVisitedPidlMRU
  • Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RecentDocs


You have to use the artemis api in order to collect MRU keys.

Sample API Script

import {
} from "";

async function main() {
const path = "path to NTUSER.DAT";
const results = parseMru(path);


Output Structure

An array of Mru

export interface Mru {
ntuser_path: string;
kind: MruType;
mru: MruValues[];

export interface MruValues {
/**Filename of MRU entry*/
filename: string;
/**Path to MRU entry */
path: string;
/**Created time of MRU entry */
created: string;
/**Modified time of MRU entry */
modified: string;
/**Accessed time of MRU entry */
accessed: string;
/**All ShellItems that make up the MRU entry */
items: ShellItems[];

export enum MruType {
LASTVISITED = "LastVisisted",
OPENSAVE = "OpenSave",
RECENTDOCS = "RecentDocs",