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Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud storage service that is used to store files in the cloud. Artemis supports parsing several artifacts containing OneDrive metadata such as:

  • Basic support for OneDrive Logs (ODL files, version 3 only)
  • SQLITE files
  • Registry files (NTUSER.DAT)
  • PLIST files


Other Parsers:


You have to use the artemis api in order to collect Microsoft Office information.

import { PlatformType } from "./artemis-api/mod.ts";
import { onedriveDetails } from "./artemis-api/src/applications/onedrive/parser.ts";

function main() {
const values = onedriveDetails(PlatformType.Windows);


Output Structure

OneDriveDetails object containing artifacts associated with OneDrive

export interface OneDriveDetails {
logs: OneDriveLog[];
files: OneDriveSyncEngineRecord[];
accounts: OneDriveAccount[];
keys: KeyInfo[];

export interface OneDriveLog {
path: string;
filename: string;
created: string;
code_file: string;
function: string;
flags: number;
params: string;
version: string;
os_version: string;
description: string;

export interface OneDriveSyncEngine {
scopes: OneDriveSyncEngineScope[];
records: OneDriveSyncEngineRecord[];

export interface OneDriveSyncEngineScope {
scope_id: string;
site_id?: string;
web_id?: string;
list_id?: string;
tenant_id?: string;
url?: string;
remote_path?: string;
permissions?: number;
library_type?: number;

export interface OneDriveSyncEngineRecord {
parent_resource_id: string;
resource_id: string;
etag: string;
filename: string;
path: string;
directory: string;
file_status: number | null;
permissions: number | null;
volume_id: number | null;
item_index: number | null;
last_change: string;
size: number | null;
hash_digest: string;
shared_item: string | null;
media_date_taken: string | null;
media_width: number | null;
media_height: number | null;
media_duration: number | null;
/**JSON string */
graph_metadata: string;
created_by: string;
modified_by: string;
last_write_count: number;
db_path: string;

export interface OneDriveSyncEngineFolder {
parent_scope_id: string;
parent_resource_id: string;
resource_id: string;
etag: string;
folder: string;
folder_status: number | null;
permissions: number | null;
volume_id: number | null;
item_index: number | null;
parents: string[];

export interface OneDriveAccount {
email: string;
device_id: string;
account_id: string;
last_signin: string;
cid: string;

export interface KeyInfo {
path: string;
key: string;